Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim 2013


Legioni di mostruose creature, note come Kaiju, sono emerse dal mare danno il via una guerra che costa milioni di vite e consuma la risorse del pianeta a ritmi vertiginosi. Per combattere i giganteschi Kaiji, sono state ideate delle armi speciali: enormi robot chiamati Jaegers comandati mentalmente da due piloti attraverso delle reti neurali. Ma perfino i Jaegers sembrano impotenti contro i mostri venuti dalle profondità marine. Vicini alla sconfitta, agli abitanti della Terra non resta che affidarsi a due improbabili eroi: uno scapestrato ex pilota e un'inesperta allieva cui viene affidato un vecchio ma glorioso Jaeger. Saranno loro le ultime speranze del genere umano giunto ormai sull’orlo dell’Apolcalisse.



Battleship 2012


Gli scienziati americani individuano il pianeta "G", con caratteristiche simili alla Terra e potenziale presenza di vita al suo interno, e inviano un segnale di contatto da una postazione nelle Hawaii. Mentre la marina militare americana è in procinto di compiere un'esercitazione nel Pacifico, la risposta aliena arriva, pericolosissima, e dalle profondità siderali si tuffa in quelle oceaniche. Il marine Alex Hopper, fino a quel momento testardo e inconcludente, si ritrova a capitanare l'unica nave superstite nei dintorni e a dover prevenire ad ogni costo un'invasione globale della Terra.



Skyscraper 2018


Will Sawyer, veterano di guerra e agente dell'FBI, perde una gamba in un'operazione per liberare gli ostaggi. Dieci anni dopo ha una moglie e due figli che contano su di lui e vivono con lui ai piani alti di un grattacielo avveniristico costruito nel cielo di Hong Kong da un miliardario cinese megalomane. Nominato responsabile della sicurezza della struttura, il grattacielo più alto e più sicuro del mondo prende improvvisamente fuoco. Dell'incendio viene accusato a torto Will. Ma lui non ci sta. Considerato fuggitivo dalla polizia cinese, non gli resta che trovare i veri colpevoli, riabilitare la propria reputazione e salvare la sua famiglia intrappolata all'interno e al di sopra del livello del fuoco.


La morte può attendere

La morte può attendere 2002


Tempi duri per James Bond. Catapultato in Corea del Nord per stroncare un traffico di "conflict diamonds", viene catturato e appena liberato si vede ritirare la licenza in quanto sospettato di aver rivelato ai carcerieri i nomi dei componenti della propria rete spionistica. Fuggito dalla nave che doveva trasportarlo alle Falkland, l'agente si recherà dapprima a Cuba dove incontrerà l'affascinante statunitense Jinx, poi a Londra dove il misterioso miliardario Gustav Graves sembra tirare le fila del gioco. Di mezzo c'è un satellite capace di concentrare la luce solare, doppi e tripli giochi, un conflitto alle porte tra Corea del Nord e del Sud. Non è difficile immaginare chi l'avrà vinta.


Ip Man 3

Ip Man 3 2015


Quando una banda di brutali gangster al servizio di un bieco imprenditore mette in atto i propri violenti piani di conquista della città, il maestro Ip è costretto a prendere una posizione e a combattere in nome del bene collettivo.


Skiptrace - Missione Hong Kong

Skiptrace - Missione Hong Kong 2016


Uno degli ultimi buoni poliziotti in giro per Hong Kong, il detective Bennie Chan, è da oltre un decennio sulle tracce del pericoloso boss Victor Wong. Quando la figlia acquisita Samantha si mette nei guai con la gang di Wong, Bennie non può far altro che rivolgersi all'unica persona che può aiutarlo: il truffaldino americano Connor Wattss, a sua volta in fuga dalla banda e da uno spietato killer russo. L'improbabile coppia intraprenderà insieme un'esilarante ma pericolosa avventura che li porterà dalle dune del deserto del Gobi alle guglie rocciose dei monti Huangshan.


Ip Man 2

Ip Man 2 2010


Dopo essere sfuggito all'occupazione giapponese della sua città natale Foshan, Ip Man giunge con la famiglia a Hong Kong, governata dal pugno di ferro del governo coloniale inglese. Ip vuole aiutare la famiglia aprendo una scuola di arti marziali per insegnare il suo unico stile Wing Chun, ma un corrotto clan di maestri di arti marziali di Hong Kong, guidato da Hung Chun-nam, gli nega il permesso.


Ip Man - Il risveglio

Ip Man - Il risveglio 2021


Durante una visita a Hong Kong, il giovane Maestro Ip interrompe un tentativo di rapimento, innescando involontariamente una guerra per il territorio con una spietata banda di trafficanti di esseri umani.


Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?

Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne? 1977


Emanuelle, famosa fotoreporter di un periodico per soli uomini, smaschera un santone che dice di poter avere coiti infiniti. Naturalmente sperimenta di persona le sue doti. Quindi si reca in diverse città per smascherare l'organizzazione internazionale della tratta delle bianche. Sgominata la gang si trasferisce a New York, dove fa scoppiare uno scandalo che travolge importanti personaggi implicati in episodi di violenza carnale.


Project A - Operazione pirati

Project A - Operazione pirati 1983


Hong Kong, 1800. Mentre gli inglesi sono occupati a governare le terre, i pirati sono i padroni dei mari facendo razzie delle imbarcazioni che incontrano. Nonostante vari tentativi la Guardia Costiera non riesce a sconfiggerli. I pirati vantano infatti importanti conoscenze tra gli alti ufficiali inglesi grazie alle quali riesco a sventare i piani della guardia costiera. L'ufficiale Dragon Ma è però determinato a porre fine a questa storia sconfiggendo i pirati e il loro capo grazie all'aiuto dei suoi amici e colleghi.


L'amore è una cosa meravigliosa

L'amore è una cosa meravigliosa 1955


Han Suyen fa il medico in un ospedale di Hong Kong. Il marito, generale di Pechino, è stato fucilato dai comunisti. Non intende innamorarsi mai più, ma poi fa la conoscenza del giornalista Mark Elliott, americano e separato dalla moglie. Sarà proprio quest'ultima l'ostacolo insormontabile sulla strada del loro matrimonio. Infine, Mark verrà inviato in Corea, dove morirà nel corso di un attacco aereo.


The Thieves

The Thieves 2012


Cinque ladri stanno preparando il loro più grande colpo: Popie è la forza e il cervello, Pepsee l'esperto scassinatore, Yenicall si arrampica sui muri, Zampano è lo stratega e Chewingum il maestro del travestimento. Obiettivo: il Tear of The Sun, diamante di 318 carati dal valore di 20 milioni di dollari.


A Kindred Spirit

A Kindred Spirit 1995


A Kindred Spirit was a television drama series that was broadcast on TVB Jade in Hong Kong from 15 May 1995 to 13 November 1999. It is one of the longest running drama shows in Hong Kong television history. Its exceptional longevity still amazes people in a city where scripted TV drama programs typically only last around 20 episodes. The total number of episodes is 1,128. Each episode airs a few days in each week. The show centres on a family who operates a barbecue pork restaurant in Happy Valley, Hong Kong, and their life.


Brother's Keeper

Brother's Keeper 2013


A story about two brothers of the same mother but different fathers. "Sam" Kiu Tin-seng and Lo Wai-son separate after growing up together. Over the course of twenty years, with major historical events occurring in the background of their lives, the two brothers face different moral life struggles while living in Hong Kong and Macau.


HK2NY: Hong Kong to New York - Backpacking Documentary Series

HK2NY: Hong Kong to New York - Backpacking Documentary Series 2014


Ever wanted to quit your job and go travelling round the world? Well James and Karl did and filmed it all. The backpacking documentary follows James and Karl as they travel through 20 countries in 4 continents over 9 months, covering a distance of over 42,000 miles. ​



Scoop 2005


Scoop is a comprehensive information programme of Television Broadcasts Limited. The content of the program is mainly based on entertainment news and personal follow-up of the artists, and will also be interspersed with the latest trends of TVB dramas and artists. Some entertainment news content clips will be rebroadcast on the next day's "Entertainment Live". This program will be broadcast on Jade Channel from 19:30-20:00 (Hong Kong time) from June 6, 2005, and will be broadcast every day from March 3, 2019, and will be broadcast on myTV (later myTV SUPER) to provide "Program Review".


Ghetto Justice II

Ghetto Justice II 2012


After getting released from jail, Law Lik-ah wants to start anew, so he partners up with his comrade Kris Wong Sze-fu to fight against injustice. Lik-ah and Kris soon become the heroes of Sham Shui Po but their personalities conflict and they constantly disagree with each other. In the meantime, they have offended the wealthy property developer by handling a building collapse case and Lik-ah's life is in danger. Will they be able to find justice for the disadvantaged citizens in Sham Shui Po?


Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles

Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles 2012


The 1930s Hong Kong is the time of the East and West cultural shock. Women started fighting for their rights and status, changing the 'men superior to women' image. Famous barrister Sir Arthur Chung studied in England and lives a British lifestyle, but inside he's actually a traditional Chinese man. He married several wives to show off his power and upper-class status. First wife Koo Sam-lan was a rich girl; second wife is former Qing dynasty princess Aisin Gioro Yee-yin; third wife came from a family that owned banks Yvonne Yik; fourth wife is a famous Peking opera singer Hong Tsz-kwan; and the fifth wife Chui Dan-dan, a vanity admiring woman. Because Sir Arthur Chung is a strict and authoritarian father, his two sons Charles Chung and Jimmy Chung eventually start going against him. This wealthy and prominent family may seem warm on the surface, but in reality, they are scattered and disunited.


News Treasury

News Treasury 2020


"News Treasury" explores historical news events and rarely seen footage, allowing viewers to dig into the news archives. From Bruce Lee's funeral and the Baoshang Bank robbery to Queen Elizabeth II's visit to Hong Kong and the Sha Tin measles outbreak, viewers can relive important moments in history. The show offers a chance to revisit key events that shaped modern Hong Kong.


Old Time Buddy

Old Time Buddy 1997


A light comic memoir of the four hottest movies stars in the sixties through the nineties. Bosom friends Yuen and Ki try their luck in the show business together. But it turns out that only Yuen is destined to stardom. He is given the chance to often costar with the two hottest actresses, Fong and Chu. When Ki eventually becomes popular, the black and white movie industry starts to find its way downhill. Worse still, Ki is badly defamed when the secret of his father being a murderer is disclosed. He suspects Yuen to be behind this and they become enemies. Thirty years later, Yuen, Ki, Fong and Chu meet again. Will time help unravel their misunderstanding?


My Date with a Vampire

My Date with a Vampire 1998


My Date with a Vampire is a 1998 Hong Kong television series produced by ATV. The story is based on the future events of the plot of Vampire Expert, a similar two-season television drama aired on ATV in 1995 and 1996. It blends aspects of the jiangshi with those of western vampires, while injecting elements of Chinese mythology and modern horror legends. The series is a tribute to Lam Ching-ying, the lead actor of Vampire Expert and a prominent cast member in the Mr. Vampire franchise, who died of liver cancer in 1997. It was followed by My Date with a Vampire II and My Date with a Vampire III.


Men Don't Cry

Men Don't Cry 2007


Men Don't Cry is a TVB period comedy series broadcast in October 2007, to celebrate TVB's 40th Anniversary. The shown was rerun from Thursday, January 29, 2009 to February 26, 2009 from Monday to Friday at 12:05am on TVB Jade in Hong Kong. The Chinese title is a reference to Shi Jian, who had played as villains in many Wong Fei Hung movies featuring Kwan Tak Hing as Wong Fei Hung, and later in TVB's television series. Reversing the trends set by previous Wong Fei Hung stories, the title archvillain assumes the leading role of the series, with Wong Fei Hung as the supporting role.


The Last Breakthrough

The Last Breakthrough 2004


When his girlfriend dies, Dr. Albert Wong Fo Fun joins "Life Force", an international medical humanitarian organization, to carry out her unfulfilled wish of helping the less fortunate. He also sets up a medical centre in Hong Kong to help the poor. While working in Kenya and in Hong Kong, he meets a wealthy young doctor, an honest nurse, and a stubborn young volunteer. Together, they help each other redefine what it means to live a meaningful life.


Captain of Destiny

Captain of Destiny 2015


During a high-speed motorboat chase with a criminal, Cheung Chau police officer Wong Tai-mui gets herself trapped in a waterspout, accidentally opening a time portal. She travels back 200 years to 19th century Hong Kong, a time when the island was under Qing rule. Using her knowledge of the future, which she keeps in an e-book, she saves a family of pirates from a deadly naval battle against the Qing naval fleet led by Prince Man-ho, the eleventh son of the Jiaqing Emperor. Puzzled by her mysterious origins, the family remains wary of Tai-mui and is hesitant in trusting her. Meanwhile, at the royal court, Prince Man-ho becomes jaded from politics and family feud and decides to let go of his ambition for the crown.



Expats 2024


Set against the complex tapestry of Hong Kong residents, a multifaceted group of women sets off a chain of life-altering events that leaves everyone navigating the intricate balance between blame and accountability.


The Family Link

The Family Link 2007


Desperate Housewives Hong Kong style! Monica Mung Ka-Ka, Hilary Ting Mui-Heung and 'Fat' Cho Mei-Ngo are housewives in modern-day Hong Kong whose lives are turned upside down when they discover their husbands have hidden secrets. They become involved in a mysterious suicide and disappearance, while all the while competing to see who can become the head of the local PTA.


The Line Watchers

The Line Watchers 2021


This is a story about Hong Kong Customs. The trio comprising Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau Senior Superintendent Hoi Fung, Trade Controls Bureau Chief Trade Controls Officer Kwan Pui-yan and Customs Drug Investigation Bureau Superintendent Wan Tsz-ki lead a contingent of elite customs officers and fresh-faced rookies, including Probationary Inspector Chan Ka-hing, to carry out diverse operations involving eggs, nuclear bombs, baby formula, heroin and much more. They are always ready to go all out not only on the ground, but also in the sky and at sea, showcasing a reinvented and ingenious Customs and Excise Department. This group of individuals adhere to the motto “Serve the Community with Commitment and Excellence”. Although they have their own issues, they can still overcome hurdles. They contribute to social stability and prosperity in Hong Kong, and Hongkongers are proud of The Line Watchers.


Shenmue the Animation

Shenmue the Animation 2022


After he witnesses his father’s murder at the family dojo, Ryo Hazuki dedicates his life to finding the man responsible — a mission that takes him from the streets of Yokosuka, Japan to the sprawling metropolis of Hong Kong, and beyond. Soon he’ll learn that larger, mystical forces are at play as he trains to become the ultimate martial artist in his quest for revenge.


Hong Kong Love Stories

Hong Kong Love Stories 2020


Nice guy designer Chan Tsz-long and his idealist girlfriend Yau Hoi-kei are a typical Hong Kong couple reluctantly living an unsettled life due to land issues. Tsz-long’s two younger sisters Chan Tsz-yan and Chan Tsz-ting are polar opposites. Photographer Tsz-yan keeps indulging in artist Ki Ka-hei’s decadent paradise. Well-behaved and diligent college goddess Tsz-ting adopts a realistic approach when she finds her first love. Tsz-long and Hoi-kei never miss any job opportunity as they want to have their own love nest. The couple move into a 100-square-foot plus subdivided unit after getting married. They not only have to deal with daily inconveniences due to insufficient space but also need to handle emotional issues of their aging parents on both sides. The couple manage to overcome hurdles. But their property dream turns into a nightmare overnight. Ownership of an apartment has somehow caused them to forget how a loving couple should treat each other.