Galaxy Quest

Galaxy Quest 1999


Il cast principale del telefilm fantascientifico anni Settanta/Ottanta "Galaxy Quest" non recita più, ormai, e continua a guadagnarsi da vivere partecipando ad inaugurazioni varie ed eventuali convention.Tutto cambia quando degli strambi alieni giungono sulla Terra e li rapiscono, convinti che siano effettivamente degli eroi spaziali in grado di salvarli in una guerra fra galassie che li sta decimando.


Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street

Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street 2019


Nel 1985 esce sugli schermi "Nightmare 2 -La rivincita", il primo sequel dell'esordio di Freddy Krueger sul grande schermo con "Nightmare - Dal profondo della notte". Il protagonista è il giovane di belle speranze Mark Patton. Il successo al botteghino è ottimo, ma i fan e i media percepiscono il forte omoerotismo strisciante. Per Patton è l'inizio di un calvario che l'ha portato all'esilio. Questo documentario, ricco esincero, è la sua storia.


Con Man

Con Man 2015


Con Man centers on the post-show life of Wray Nerely the co-star of “Spectrum,” a sci-fi series, which was canceled before its time and went on to become a cult classic beloved by fans. Wray’s good friend, Jack Moore starred as the series Captain and has gone on to become a major celebrity, while Wray hasn’t found his desired level of stardom. Wray is the begrudging guest of sci-fi conventions, comic book store appearances, and different pop culture events; however, everything is not as it seems from the outside. The series will explore these events and all the weird and crazy things that happen to them along the way.


Heroes of Cosplay

Heroes of Cosplay 2013


Heroes of Cosplay is a tantalizing docu-series that lifts the veil on the imaginative world of cosplay competition, because fans at the comic book conventions don’t merely dress up as their favorite character; they also compete to see who’s the best! The series follows cosplayers of all levels, from legend Yaya Han, to rising stars and newbies, as they make a splash at comic book conventions around the country. The series will dive deep into their lives, following their process as they create extravagant and visually arresting costumes each week. These nine constantly defy odds and race against the clock to transform themselves into amazing fictional characters that push the boundaries between fantasy and reality, all in hopes of impressing the convention judges to win a cash prizes and take their cosplay stardom to new heights.