Thor: Love and Thunder

Thor: Love and Thunder 2022


Thor intraprende un viaggio come non ne ha mai fatti prima – la ricerca della pace interiore. Ma il suo pensionamento viene interrotto da un assassino galattico chiamato Gorr il Macellatore di Dei, che vuole portare le divinità all’estinzione. Per combattere questa minaccia, Thor chiede l’aiuto di Re Valkyrie, Korg e dell’ex fidanzata Jane Foster che – con grande sorpresa di Thor – inspiegabilmente è degna di brandire il suo martello magico, Mjolnir, come Potente Thor. Insieme, si imbarcano in una sconvolgente avventura cosmica per scoprire il mistero della vendetta del Macellatore di Dei e fermarlo prima che sia troppo tardi.



Kick-Ass 2010


Dave Lizewski è un ragazzo qualunque, studente di liceo e appassionato lettore di fumetti, Dave ha risultati modesti negli studì, ha pochi amici e vive solo con il padre. Sarà anche per questo che un giorno decide di rifarsi una vita: sarà un supereroe. E questo nonostante non abbia alcun tipo di superpotere o di allenamento: un compito decisamente difficile che Dave affronta però con grande energia. Dave, nerd che per stare con una ragazza fa credere di essere gay, si improvvisa supereroe finendo all’ospedale ma divenendo un fenomeno sui social network. Hit-Girl è invece una ragazzina di undici anni che combatte a fianco del padre Big Daddy contro il mafioso Frank D’Amico. Piccola e letale, entra in azione accompagnata dall’allegra canzone delle Banana Splits e dissemina la stanza di arti di criminali amputati a colpi di katana.


Spy Kids: Armageddon

Spy Kids: Armageddon 2023


Quando i figli dei più grandi agenti segreti al mondo aiutano a loro insaputa un potente sviluppatore di giochi a diffondere un virus informatico che gli consente di controllare ogni tipo di dispositivo, devono diventare spie loro stessi per salvare i genitori e il mondo intero.


Satria Heroes: Revenge of Darkness

Satria Heroes: Revenge of Darkness 2017


Un supereroe che sta ricostruendo la società in un universo parallelo deve tornare sulla Terra per aiutare un potente alleato a difendere il pianeta da malvagi nemici.


Big Tree City

Big Tree City 2022


A team of animal heroes with special skills and speedy vehicles work together to keep Big Tree City safe and solve the town's trickiest problems.


Heroes: Legend of Battle Disks

Heroes: Legend of Battle Disks 2015


The story is set in the galaxy located near the center of the universe. There are Planet Aernia (a planet for Heroes) and Planet Orbs (a planet for robots), governed by Orbiton, in this same galaxy. Various countries are present in Planet Aernia; they are, Volculm (volcanic country of fire), Zylan (oceanic country of water), Elvan (green-rich country of forest), and Aleum (celestial country of clouds). Antania, is a nucleus of all the present countries. It has an academy that fosters Heroes. Under the reign of the Governor General, Antania upholds a national policy to train Heroes to prevent Planet Aernia to be infringed by the Dark Desire. Heroes are not only the reliable source of battle who have special abilities to freely use the battle discs, but also a symbol of unfailing justice.


To be Hero X

To be Hero X 2025


This is a world where heroes are created by people's trust, and the hero who has received the most trust is known as - X. In this world, people's trust can be calculated by data, and these values will be reflected on everyone's wrist. As long as enough trust points are obtained, ordinary people can also have superpowers and become superheroes that save the world. However, the ever-changing trust value makes the hero's path full of unknowns...


Road Rovers

Road Rovers 1996


The Road Rovers are a team of five super-powered crime-fighting anthropomorphic dogs known as "cano-sapiens". Their leader is Hunter, a golden retriever mix from the United States. The Rovers' boss is a scientist known as The Master who oversees their operations and supplies them with equipment from their subterranean headquarters.


Dragon Quest: Legend of the Hero Abel

Dragon Quest: Legend of the Hero Abel 1989


In the Ariahan village, on her 15th birthday, Tiala receives a red jewel from the elder Yogi. The jewel is the key to awaken the Great Dragon, whose blood grants eternal life. Due to this, the demon Baramos kidnaps Tiala. His childhood friend, Abel tries unsuccessfully to save her. He is given a blue jewel, the counterpart of the jewel that Tiala received, that can seal the Great Dragon and embarks on a mission to rescue Tiala.


The Warrior from Qin

The Warrior from Qin 2020


cross thousands of years, a terracotta warrior comes back to life! With a girl who looks exactly like his sister-in-law, they fight cirmes and become heroes to bring back justice!


Zodiac Warriors

Zodiac Warriors 2016


All hell literally breaks loose on the day that Millennium Demon King gets "resurrected" accidentally by the God of Light. The unfortunate event leads to countless junior demons rising into the fairy world, threatening to destroy the beauty and wonders of many fantasies. In a desperate attempt to rescue the fairy world from the demonic influence and invasion, the Light of God seeks the help of the 12 Zodiac Warriors to protect and preserve its peace.