Parola chiave Imjin War
L'impero e la gloria - Roaring Currents 2014
1597, seconda guerra nippo-coreana. La flotta giapponese tenta un nuovo assalto per annientare ciò che resta delle navi da guerra coreane e poter così invadere il regno di Joseon. Ma l'ammiraglio Yi Sun-shi, dapprima imprigionato e torturato dagli uomini del re perché sospettato di tradimento, raduna le 12 navi rimaste e rifiuta la resa: ha in mente un piano temerario per affrontare le 300 e più imbarcazioni dell'esercito dell'invasore.
La battaglia di Hansan 2022
Nel 1592, l'ammiraglio Yi Sun-sin e la sua flotta affrontano la potenza della marina invasore giapponese e le sue formidabili navi da guerra. Mentre le forze coreane entrano in crisi, l'ammiraglio ricorre all'uso della sua arma segreta, le navi a testa di drago conosciute come geobukseon, per cambiare le sorti di questa epica battaglia in mare.
Warriors Of The Dawn 2017
난중일기 1978
The Jingbirok: A Memoir of Imjin War 2015
Jingbirok, the name of a book written by real-life Joseon historian and scholar Ryu Seong Ryong (Kim Sang Joong),detailing the Imjin War (1592-1598). The drama will be a telling of historical events with the scholar as the central character, in the samevein as “Jung Do Jun”(who influenced the founding of the Joseon dynasty). Ryu Seong Ryong was an official who served during King Seonjo’s reign in the late 16th century. He was a brilliant Confucian scholar who was put in charge of military operations during the Imjin War, and greatly influenced AdmiralLee Soon Shin.
Immortal Admiral Yi Sun-sin 2004
Admiral Yi Sun-shin, who led the Joseon Navy to a myth of invincibility during the Hideyoshi invasion, was a true soldier and leader who struggled to protect people. Drama Yi Sun-shin is not a biography of Admiral Yi Sun-shin, nor does it inetnd to reconstruct a part of the Joseon Dynasty that existed in the 16th century. This drama will merely look into many human beings, incliuding Yi Sun-shin, who underwent an extreme situation. It is not just a historical drama series. It’s rather about human nature that makes both of the war and peace. It is a Korean version of “War and Peace” in 21st century. No hero has ever been sent by heaven. He has emerged as one ultimately after undergoing a lifelong process. Drama Yi Sun-shin is designed to shed a new light upon him as a human being.