Lewis Stone La maschera di Fu Manciu Il mondo perduto Wild Orchids La modella La regina Cristina Grand Hotel Lo stato dell'unione The Secret Six Mata Hari Il prigioniero di Zenda Il destino Carambola d'amore La segretaria privata di Andy Hardy La vita comincia per Andy Hardy Andy Hardy incontra la debuttante Andy Hardy e la febbre di primavera L'isola del tesoro L'amore trova Andy Hardy David Copperfield Madame X Carcere Lo sconosciuto Il mio amore eri tu Sui mari della Cina Bureau of Missing Persons Il corteggiamento di Andy Hardy It's a Big Country The Hoodlum Saint Lo zar folle I fratelli senza paura Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble Il fallo di Madelon Claudet Il fantasma di Parigi Romanzo Talk About a Stranger The Office Wife Red-Headed Woman Scaramouche The Bugle Sounds Plan for Destruction Cowboy dilettante Giudice Hardy e figlio Fate il vostro gioco Ritorna il sole La provinciale The Trial of Mary Dugan Aquile I ragazzi del giudice Hardy La chiave della città Corona di stelle The Prisoner of Zenda Primavera di sole Divorce In The Family L'ascesa della famiglia Hardy Sei giovane solo una volta The Wet Parade Night Court Ritorno The Mystery of Mr. X Yellow Jack I tre padrini Strictly Dishonorable La suora bianca Men Must Fight The Thirteenth Chair Stolen Heaven Vanessa: Her Love Story Wonder of Women You Can't Buy Everything Passion Flower Nomads of the North Beau Revel The Notorious Lady The Ice Follies of 1939 Shipmates Forever The Unguarded Hour The Son-Daughter My Past Don't Turn 'em Loose Sworn Enemy Bannerline Three Wise Fools L'avventura di Anna Gray The Man Who Cried Wolf New Morals for Old Unashamed La doppia vita di Andy Hardy The Private Life of Helen of Troy Checking Out: Grand Hotel Strictly Unconventional The World's Applause The Bad Man of Brimstone Holiday Greetings 1941 Grounds for Marriage Looking Forward Always Goodbye Don't Neglect Your Wife Cytherea The Girl from Missouri Just This Once Scaramouche Public Hero Number 1 Loews Christmas Greeting (The Hardy Family) Sporting Blood Confessions of a Queen Andy Hardy's Dilemma: A Lesson in Mathematics... and Other Things Solitudine Joe and Ethel Turp Call on the President Angels The Prince of Headwaiters Father's Son Lonesome Ladies Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Big Parade Hits for 1940 Midnight Lovers The River's End The Dangerous Age Outcast Why Men Leave Home The Child Thou Gavest Me Hollywood: Style Center of the World Complicated Women Hollywood Hollywood From the Ends of the Earth Twenty Years After The Stranger Hollywood on Parade No. B-1 Trifling Women The Chaser Husbands and Lovers Don Juan's 3 Nights Another Romance of Celluloid The Big Parade of Comedy Some of the Best What Fools Men The Girl from Montmartre Old Loves and New A Trip Through the World's Greatest Motion Picture Studios You Can't Fool Your Wife A Fool There Was The Rosary The White Mouse Pilgrims of the Night The Golden Snare The Northern Trail The Concert Held by the Enemy Milestones Man's Desire The Man of Bronze Inside the Lines According to the Code The Havoc Honor's Altar Freedom of the Press The Foreign Legion An Affair of the Follies The Blonde Saint Too Much Money Fine Clothes The Lady Who Lied The Talker Cheaper to Marry Inez from Hollywood The Bargain Man's Desire