Gerard Horan La rapina perfetta Allelujah Nel bel mezzo di un gelido inverno Amata immortale The Chatterley Affair Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde As You Like It - Come vi piace Hot Money Look Back in Anger London's Burning: The Movie Cruel Train Different for Girls Schneider's 2nd Stage The Vote This Is Personal: The Hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper Tank Malling The Grass Arena Bright Young Things Tits Palmer Nicholas Nickleby Banglatown Banquet Chicago Joe and the Showgirl La bella e la bestia Oliver Twist My Beautiful Laundrette - Lavanderia a gettone Shoot to Kill Gambit - Una truffa a regola d’arte Assassinio sull'Orient Express Marilyn Walter Sammy e Rosie vanno a letto Casa Shakespeare Life After Life The Legend of the Tamworth Two Imagine Me & You Artemis Fowl Belfast Frankenstein di Mary Shelley Molto rumore per nulla Cenerentola Tom Brown's Schooldays Break Clause The Bill Lewis Des Lovejoy Lark Rise to Candleford Kingdom Harbour Lights WPC 56 Appropriate Adult Silk Timewatch New Tricks - Nuove tracce per vecchie volpi Detectorists Dancing on the Edge Outlander Kingdom Doctor Who L'ispettore Barnaby Casualty The Royal Casualty Heartbeat Little Boy Blue The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe Wycliffe Belgravia: The Next Chapter His Dark Materials - Queste oscure materie NCS: Manhunt The Outlaws London's Burning Padre Brown Delitti in Paradiso