Michele Dotrice A Month in the Country La pelle di Satana Creatura del diavolo Emma's Time Captain Jack Il mostro della strada di campagna Not Now, Comrade Follow The Yellow Brick Road The Importance of Being Earnest on Stage Level Seven Cause of Death Starfish The Three Sisters La grande fuga del nonno Un imprevisto per Natale Jane Eyre nel castello dei Rochester Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em Sport Relief Special Henry IV Part 1 On the Eve of Publication Henry IV Part 2 The Winslow Boy Mia moglie è un fantasma Night Duty The 12 Days of Christine L'ispettore Barnaby Jason King Un giustiziere a New York Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes ITV Play of the Week Menace The Old Curiosity Shop Katy The BBC Television Shakespeare Les Misérables The Sextet BBC Play of the Month Inside No. 9 Miss Marple The Cockfields Vanity Fair A Very English Scandal Delitti in Paradiso McDonald & Dodds Big School