キーワード Persona
ヒットマン 2024
ニューオーリンズで2匹の猫と静かに暮らすゲイリー・ジョンソン(グレン・パウエル)は、大学で心理学と哲学を教える傍ら、地元警察に技術スタッフとして協力していた。ある日、おとり捜査で殺し屋役となるはずの警官が職務停止となり、ゲイリーが急遽代わりを務めることに。これをきっかけに、殺人の依頼者を捕まえるためにさまざまな姿や人格に変身する才能を発揮し、有罪判決を勝ち取るための証拠を引き出し、次々と逮捕へ導いていく。 ところが、支配的な夫との生活に追い詰められた女性・マディソン(アドリア・アルホナ)が、夫の殺害を依頼してきたことで、ゲイリーはモラルに反する領域に足を踏み入れてしまう。 セクシーな殺し屋ロンに扮して彼女に接触。事情を聞くうちに、逮捕するはずの相手に対し「この金で家を出て新しい人生を手に入れろ」と見逃してしまう……!恋に落ちてしまったふたりは、やがてリスクの連鎖を引き起こしていくことに――。
The Tutor 2023
劇場版 ペルソナ3 第1章 Spring of Birth 2013
劇場版 ペルソナ3 第2章 Midsummer Knight's Dream 2014
劇場版 ペルソナ3 第3章 Falling Down 2015
劇場版 ペルソナ3 第4章 Winter of Rebirth 2016
PERSONA5 the Animation - THE DAY BREAKERS - 2016
舞台は人々の欲望が渦巻く街――東京。 悪い大人たちを改心させているという「心の怪盗団」の存在が人々の間で噂されるなか、世間では物騒な事件が立て続けに発生していた。 そんなある日、「怪盗お願いチャンネル」に届いた1通の依頼をきっかけに、異世界の舞台に4人の高校生と1匹の黒猫が動き出す――。 原作ゲームともリンクする、完全オリジナルストーリー。
PERSONA4 the Animation -The Factor of Hope- 2012
テレビアニメ全25話(一部パートに新規カットあり)と、テレビ未放送話『True End Episode「No One is Alone」』を、約90分の物語に再編集した特別版。国内10か所の映画館で上映イベントとして公開された(この上映はあくまでもイベント扱いであり、劇場版では無い)。
ペルソナ4 ザ・ゴールデンアニメーション 2014
TVアニメの第2シリーズ。春。都会から離れ穏やかな時間の流れる田舎町。桜の舞い散るなか八十稲羽駅に降り立つひとりの少年・鳴上 悠。家庭の事情から叔父のいるこの町へやってきた悠は、地元の八十神高校へと転入することとなる。そしてはじまる学園生活——。放課後のショッピングモール。街で起こる連続殺人事件。深夜に流れるマヨナカテレビ…。悠と仲間たちに“今度は”一体どんな日々が待ち受けているのだろうか?
Teatro Dos Rostos 2019
舞台 VISUALIVE ペルソナ4 2012
Aeterna 2025
PERSONA5 the Animation 2018
Ren Amamiya is about to enter his second year after transferring to Shujin Academy in Tokyo. Following a particular incident, his Persona awakens, and together with his friends, they form the “Phantom Thieves of Hearts” to reform hearts of corrupt adults by stealing the source of their distorted desires. Meanwhile, bizarre and inexplicable crimes have been popping up one after another… Living an ordinary high school life in Tokyo during the day, the group maneuvers the metropolitan city as Phantom Thieves after hours. Let the curtain rise for this grand, picaresque story!
Persona 4 The Animation 2011
Persona4 the ANIMATION is a television anime series produced by AIC ASTA and directed by Seiji Kishi, based on the Persona 4 video game by Atlus. The story revolves around the protagonist, Yu Narukami, who acquires a mysterious power called "Persona" and embarks on a journey with his new friends to uncover the truth behind a bizarre series of murders involving a distorted TV World. The series aired in Japan between October 2011 and March 2012, with a compilation film released in June 2012 and an original video animation episode released in August 2012. The series was licensed in North America by Sentai Filmworks.
Persona 4 The Golden Animation 2014
In the spring when the cherry blossom petals fall, Yū Narukami moves to Yaso Inaba to live with his uncle and cousin due to his family's circumstances. He transfers to Yasogami High School, where his event-filled school life begins. However, when serial murders begin occurring in the peaceful town, Yū is awakened to the power of his heart turned to physical form: A Persona. Within these new mysteries is Marie, a resident of the alternate world, the Velvet Room, who has no memories of her past. Together with his friends, Yū must solve all the riddles set in front of him and save Yaso Inaba from further violence.
PERSONA -trinity soul- 2008
The stage is Ayanagi City, a city near the Japan Sea. It is a futuristic city that was built to carry out the recovery from the calamity caused by the "Apathy Syndrome" ten years previous. High school student Shin Kanzato with his little brother Jun, meet with their elder brother Ryou, who is the chief of the Ayanagi City Police, again after ten years. At that time, a series of strange incidents happen in Ayanagi City such as the crew of a submarine that suddenly disappears while in their submarine, or a spiritless symptom which disturbs the world after ten years, or the case of the inside out corpse where a student took on a cruel appearance. Ryou tracks down the organization behind the string of incidents, and having become involved in the incidents, Shin awakens the "Persona."