
レヴェナント:蘇えりし者 2015





バットマン&ロビン/Mr.フリーズの逆襲 1997


“A FREEZE IS COMING!” すべてを氷づけにしようとする怪人Mr.フリーズがゴッサム・シティーに出現。事もあろうに、誘惑フェロモンと猛毒キスを武器にするポイズン・アイビーと手を組んだ! 対するバットマンも、ロビンとバットガールという味方を得て迎え撃つが!3代目バットマンに選ばれたジョージ・クルーニー、初登場のバットガールにアリシア・シルヴァーストーン、注目の悪役にはアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーら、豪華スターが共演。機能性がアップしたバットモービルや、より奇抜さを増したゴッサム・シティーなど、本シリーズならではの斬新なデザインも充実。


刑事ジョン・ルーサー: フォールン・サン

刑事ジョン・ルーサー: フォールン・サン 2023


残酷な連続殺人犯がロンドンを恐怖に陥れる中、不名誉にも獄中生活を送る敏腕刑事ジョン・ルーサー。捕らえ損ねた サイバーサイコパスは、自分をあざけるように野放しのまま。そんな状況に耐えられなくなった彼は脱獄し、どんな手段を使っても事件に終止符を打とうと決意する!



ぼくのお日さま 2024


吃音をもつホッケー少年・タクヤ(越山敬達)は、「月の光」に合わせフィギュアスケートを練習する少女・さくら(中⻄希亜良)の姿に、心を奪われてしまう。 ある日、さくらのコーチ荒川(池松壮亮)は、ホッケー靴のままフィギュアのステップを真似て何度も転ぶタクヤを見つける。 タクヤの恋の応援をしたくなった荒川は、スケート靴を貸してあげ、タクヤの練習をつきあうことに。しばらくして荒川の提案から、タクヤとさくらはペアでアイスダンスの練習をはじめることになり......。


Adventure Time

Adventure Time 2010


Unlikely heroes Finn and Jake are buddies who traverse the mystical Land of Ooo. The best of friends, our heroes always find themselves in the middle of escapades. Finn and Jake depend on each other through thick and thin.


The Magical Chef of Ice and Fire

The Magical Chef of Ice and Fire 2021


Nian Bing is the son of a fire mage and an ice mage. After both of his parents were killed by the Ice Lord, Nian Bing received both of his parents' magic gems. When Nian Bing was trying to escape from the Ice Lord's followers, he managed to cast both fire and ice magic at the same time. An impossible feat for a mage. He fell from the cliff, unconscious, and was saved by an oldman. After he woke up, the oldman gave him a food so delicious he never tasted before. It turned out that the oldman was a genius chef, once called a spirit chef. And he wants Nian Bing to be his disciple no matter what! Is Nian Bing able to seek vengeance while aiming to become the greatest chef?


Through the Homeland of Ice and Storms

Through the Homeland of Ice and Storms 1990


In 1989, the German polar explorer Arved Fuchs and the South Tyrolean mountaineer Reinhold Messner set out together to reach the South Pole on skis without sled dogs or motor technology and then cross the entire Antarctic. There are problems right from the start because the onward transport to the starting point by plane cannot be carried out on time. Finally, the adventurers set off from Patriot Hills Base Camp on the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf to the Pole. The completely different character traits of the two men quickly emerge. Messner is impetuous and pushes for speed. The calm Fuchs divides his strength and consistently follows his pace during all planned breaks. On New Year's Eve 1989, the two men are warmly welcomed by the crew of the US Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. But the much larger and more dangerous part of their adventurous continental crossing still lies ahead of them. The 3-part documentary shows one of the last great adventures of modern times in impressive pictures.