るろうに剣心 最終章 The Beginning 2021
「剣心にとって最も大事なエピソード。これをやらずに、るろうに剣心は終われない」と覚悟を決めた製作陣が挑んだファン待望の最終章! 剣心に復讐するため、東京を総攻撃するシリーズ最恐の敵・縁。 これまでのるろ剣オールスターが集結し、剣心のため、新時代のため、最後の戦いへ挑む究極のクライマックス「The Final」。 さらに、戦いの理由は幕末へと遡り、剣心の頬に刻まれた〈十字傷の謎〉に迫る「The Beginning」へと続いていく。「The Final」で明かされる、剣心が斬殺した妻・巴の存在。 剣心はなぜ〈不殺の誓い〉を立てたのか?そして剣心はなぜ妻を斬殺しなければならなかったのか?
慶応四年一月。鳥羽・伏見の戦いの大勢は決し、幕軍は潰走を始めていた。そんな中、大坂の盛岡藩蔵屋敷に満身創痍の侍が紛れ込む。かつて盛岡藩を脱藩し、新選組の隊士となった吉村貫一郎であった。保護を求める吉村に対し、蔵屋敷差配役であり吉村の旧友であった大野次郎右衛門は冷酷にも彼に切腹を命じる。 時は流れ、大正4年。北海道出身の記者が、吉村を知る人々から聞き取り調査を行っていた。
幕末の庄内地方。海坂藩の御蔵役を務める井口清兵衛は、夕方に仕事を終えると同僚の酒の誘いも断り真っ直ぐ自宅に帰り、家事と内職にいそしんでいた。認知症を抱える老母と幼い2人の娘の世話、そして労咳で死んだ妻の薬代や葬儀などで嵩んだ借金を返済するためだ。日々の暮らしに追われ、次第に身なりが薄汚れていく清兵衛。同僚の中には、そんな彼を陰で「たそがれ清兵衛」と呼んで小馬鹿にする者もいた。 春、清兵衛は親友の飯沼倫之丞と再会する。倫之丞は妹の朋江が酒乱の夫・甲田豊太郎に度々暴力を振るわれるため、離縁させたことを清兵衛にうちあける。
幕末の1860年冬、時の幕府の大老・井伊が暗殺される<桜田門外の変>が発生。長らく続いた江戸の幕藩体制が大きく揺らぐことになったこの歴史的事件に参加したひとりの浪人には、実はなんとも意外で皮肉な過去が隠されていた……。過去に何度も映画化されていた郡司次郎正の人気大衆小説「侍ニッポン」を、名脚本家の橋本忍が脚色し、岡本監督が重厚なタッチで再映画化。戦後の日本映画界を代表する大スター、三船敏郎が訳ありの主人公を貫録たっぷりに演じるほか、新珠三千代、伊藤雄之助ら、共演陣も豪華多彩。 万延元年2月17日、星野監物を首領とする水戸の脱藩浪士たちは、時の幕府の大老・井伊直弼を亡き者にしようと暗殺を計画し、桜田門外で彼の登城を待ち受けるが、井伊はその日姿を見せず、計画はいったん中止。誰かが計画を外に漏らしたのでは、と裏切り者の詮索が始まる中、彼らの仲間に加わった尾州浪人の鶴千代と上州浪人の栗原に疑いがかかる。やがて栗原の容疑が濃厚になり、星野は鶴千代に栗原を斬れと命じるのだが……。
Ten years have passed since the end of Bakumatsu, an era of war that saw the uprising of citizens against the Tokugawa shogunate. The revolutionaries wanted to create a time of peace, and a thriving country free from oppression. The new age of Meiji has come, but peace has not yet been achieved. Swords are banned but people are still murdered in the streets. Orphans of war veterans are left with nowhere to go, while the government seems content to just line their pockets with money.
The year is 1863, with the story being based in Kyoto. We follow a youth named Nio who is an honest and kind soul who's considerate of his family, yet he also has a hidden burning passion for seeking justice. From the time he came across Toshizou Hijikata and Souji Okita, members from a group of hated ronin known as the Miburo, his life then takes a turn to a bluer, and clearer path. Nio, alongside the other men whose hearts burn bravely and true, step forth towards an honest path with their blue wills adorned on their hearts!
The Meiji Era was one of great renewal for Japan, where swords and killing were outlawed. However, many survivors from the time of Revolution still live, lurking in the shadows and waiting for a chance to use their killing blades again. Only Kenshin Himura, formerly one of the most brutal of killers, hopes to keep his swordsman's honor and still live in the new era.
After awakening in the Edo era, a neurosurgeon uses his medical knowledge to help those around him while searching for a way back to the present day.
Yukimura Chizuru is the daughter of a doctor who works in Edo; her father leaves Edo to work as a volunteer doctor and moves to Kyoto without his daughter. As time passes by, Chizuru starts worrying about losing contact with her father, so she decides to go to Kyoto in search of him. On the way, Chizuru is attacked by few criminals and witnesses a fight between an oni and the Shinsengumi. Taking her into custody and saving her, the Shinsengumi debate on what to do with Chizuru when they discover that she is the daughter of the doctor they are also looking for. So they decide to become Chizuru's protectors and help her look for her father (the doctor). Lots of events happen while she stays with the Shinsengumi, as they discover mysterious secrets and also fight against the Bakumatsu group.
Manji is a crass, violent samurai with a special ability: he cannot die. Cursed with immortality by the nun Yobikuni as punishment for his ruthless deeds, he has grown weary of his ageless life. The only way to lift the curse is to slay 1,000 evil men. So Manji wanders Japan, shedding the blood of the wicked on his quest to finally die.
In an era when samurai ruled Japan, the Zomen no Oni wiped out all but one member of the Shinsengumi. A top-secret replacement operation is executed to protect the security of Kyoto—seven criminals are chosen as doubles to replace the Shinsengumi while being led by Ichibanboshi, whose parents were also killed by the Zomen no Oni. Now’s their time to shine the brightest!
Ryōmaden is the 49th NHK Taiga drama. It was shown on NHK from January 3 to November 28, 2010 spanning 48 episodes. The story centers on the life of 19th-century Japanese historical figures Iwasaki Yatarō and Sakamoto Ryōma. It has been announced that the series will be aired in several other countries, for example Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.
Yae no Sakura is a 2013 Japanese television series. It is the 52nd NHK taiga drama. The story focuses on Niijima Yae, who is portrayed by Haruka Ayase.
Historical drama about the life of Saigō Takamori and his involvement with the Meiji Restoration.
Fumi becomes Genzui Kusaka’s wife. During the turbulent times of the closing days for the Tokugawa shogunate, she lives positively and tries to keep up Shoin Yoshida's will. Shoin Yoshida is her older brother and intellectual.
The Shogunate is in its final years, and war is fast approaching. When Yojiro Akizuki, a dark and mysterious mercenary, nears something supernatural with some kind of importance to him, the ornament on the end of his sword hilt waves in its direction, his eyes glow mysteriously, and he is driven to go after it. He comes across a traveling theater group who is out for revenge for the killing of the parents of the group's leader, and whose mysterious playwright likes to secretly help along events of history. Yojiro joins them to lend them his skill against their enemies, while dark conspiracy continues to follow behind him.
Saigo Takamori, the hero of the Meiji Restoration, was born to a poor, low-ranking samurai family in the Satsuma domain (present day Kagoshima Prefecture). His simple honesty caught the attention of its charismatic feudal lord of Satsuma, Shimazu Nariakira. Nariakira’s assertion that the love of people is what will enrich and strengthen the nation captivated Saigo who took on Nariakira’s secret mission and eventually became a key person for Satsuma. Not a portrait of him survives today and much of his life is a mystery. He is a man who was twice exiled and thrice married. He overthrew the Tokugawa Shogunate with exceptional bravery and action. Although he accomplished the restoration, he lost his life in a fight with the new Meiji government.
The 47th NHK Taiga Drama is a life story of Princess Atsu, who was born in Kagoshima Prefecture, then called Satsuma, and became the wife of Tokugawa Iesada, the 13th shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate. She accedes to the highest rank in Ooku, the inner palace of the Edo castle where women related to the reigning shogun resided. Iesada dies soon after their marriage and Atsuhime assumes the name Tenshoin at the age of 23. She exerts herself for the Tokugawa clan and for the nation during the upheaval in the Meiji Restoration, headed by those from Satsuma.
The Story is about three daughters of a "Hatamoto" during the end of the Edo period and the Meiji Restoration.
A story set in the mid-1800's about a young doctor who has been trained in Western-style medicine and a young samurai who is trying to live up to the old traditions of his class and culture. The story is actually based upon real people - the doctor, Ryo-an, was Tezuka's great grandfather. The manga series was adapted to anime by Madhouse Studios and premiered in Japan on NTV on April 4, 2000.
Kyoto, Japan. The heroine meets a man who gives her a pocket watch somehow leading to a Torii in a shrine, and suddenly it warps her into the Bakumatsu period. In the world of where there is such a difference in importance of value, she tries to find a way to go back. When she meets a man who has crossed time and says, "I will live for you," a love story between the two blossoms.
Ryouma Sakamoto wants everyone to know about his passion for rock 'n' roll, so he roams around town with his electric guitar willing to show anyone he encounters that he's just as skilled as the famous Shinsengumi stars they admire. Unfortunately, Japan doesn't allow anything other than that group's Heaven's Songs, for writing or performing different types of music is forbidden and can lead to harsh consequences. Agitated by these strict rules and brainwashing, Ryouma does everything he can to show people that the music he loves will bring them the freedom they deserve. Along with his bandmates Shinsaku Takasugi and Kogoru Katsura, Ryouma works hard to find places for his rock 'n' roll group to perform. Refusing to back down until their music is accepted in Japan, the trio begin to realize that there's more to their passion than they had thought.
Set during the Bakumatsu (final years of the Edo period). Sakai Banshiro is a lower-class samurai. Leaving his family behind, he works at the lord’s castle. He consoles and solves worries of the people by making food from recipes sent from his wife.
It depicts how the winner, the Satsuma Clan, and the loser, the Aizu Clan, survive through the Edo period and the Meiji Restoration in their respective ways of life.