Gustaf Norin The Grasshopper Bride of the Gorilla The Naked Street The Steel Trap One Girl's Confession The Killer Is Loose Back from Eternity No Minor Vices シラノ・ド・ベルジュラック Let's Live Again Three Husbands Thunder Alley Duel at Diablo Force of Evil He Ran All the Way The Mad Magician Body and Soul 怒りの葡萄 Tomorrow Is Forever 海底二万哩 Don't Worry, We'll Think of a Title War Party A Bullet Is Waiting Tarzan and the Slave Girl The Men Four Faces West 真昼の決闘 情婦 Caught Pieces of Dreams Belle of the Yukon Champion Tarzan and the Trappers The Private Affairs of Bel Ami Black Tuesday Vice Squad ウイラード Convict Stage Actors and Sin Wholly Moses メル・ブルックス/珍説世界史PART I While the City Sleeps The Scarf Along Came Jones Telethon Home of the Brave Petulia