შურისმაძიებლები: თამაშის დასასრული

შურისმაძიებლები: თამაშის დასასრული 2019


შურისმაძიებლების დამანგრეველი მოვლენების „უსასრულობის ომის“ შემდეგ, სამყარო ნანგრევებშია, რომელიც გაბრაზებული თანოსის დამანგრეველმა ძალამ გამოიწვია. დარჩენილი მოკავშირეების დახმარებით, შურისმაძიებლები კიდევ ერთხელ უნდა შეიკრიბონ იმისათვის, რომ გამოასწორონ თანოსის მიერ ჩადენილი ქმედებები და აღადგინონ წესრიგი სამყაროში ერთხელ და სამუდამოდ.


მამაკაცები შავებში 3

მამაკაცები შავებში 3 2012


აგენტი ჯ იმოგზაურებს 60-იანებში, MIB-ის ადრეულ წლებში, რათა შეაჩეროს უცხოპლანეტელი რომელიც მისი მეგობრის, აგენტი კ-ს მოკვლას ცდილობს და შეცვალოს ისტორია.


პროექტი ალმანახი

პროექტი ალმანახი 2015


ერთხელ, მისი დაბადების დღის ძველი ფილმის ყურების შემდეგ, უკვე ზრდასრულმა დაბადების დღეზე მყოფმა ბიჭმა საკუთარი თავი "ნამდვილი" შენიშნა ვიდეოზე ანარეკლში. ცნობისმოყვარეობით მოხმარებულმა მეგობრებმა იპოვეს იდუმალი მოწყობილობის გეგმა, რომელიც დროის მანქანას ჰგავს. გადაწყვიტეს დასრულებულიყო და გამოეცადათ, რათა დრო უკან დაბრუნებულიყვნენ და შეცდომები გამოესწორებინათ. მაგრამ რა მოხდება, თუ ბოროტი მოზარდების ჯგუფი შემთხვევით ხელში ჩაიგდებს დროის მანქანას? რა თქმა უნდა, სიამოვნება იქნება მანამ, სანამ ვინმე წესებს არ დაარღვევს, მხიარული ხუმრობა კი კოშმარად არ გადაიზარდოს.



2067 2020



ივან ვასილის-ძე პროფესიას იცვლის

ივან ვასილის-ძე პროფესიას იცვლის 1973


ინჟინერ-გამომგონებელმა ტიმოფეევმა დააპროექტა დროის მანქანა, რომელიც აკავშირებდა მის ბინას შორეულ მეთექვსმეტე საუკუნესთან - უფრო სწორედ, სუვერენული ივანე საშინელის პალატებთან. სწორედ იქ ვარდებიან მეფის სახელი, სოციალური პენსიონერი ივან ვასილიევიჩ ბუნშა და ბინის ქურდი ჟორჟ მილოსლავსკი. მათ ადგილას მეოცე საუკუნეში "მოძრაობს" დიდი სუვერენი. მანქანის ავარია იწვევს ბევრ მოულოდნელ და სასაცილო მოვლენას..


Doctor Who

Doctor Who 2005


The Doctor is a Time Lord: a 900 year old alien with 2 hearts, part of a gifted civilization who mastered time travel. The Doctor saves planets for a living—more of a hobby actually, and the Doctor's very, very good at it.



Dark 2017


A missing child causes four families to help each other for answers. What they could not imagine is that this mystery would be connected to innumerable other secrets of the small town.



Voyagers! 1982


A member of a league of time travelers and a boy travel through time repairing errors in world history.


Doctor Who

Doctor Who 2024


The Doctor and his companion travel across time and space encountering incredible friends and foes.



Timeless 2016


A mysterious criminal steals a secret state-of-the-art time machine, intent on destroying America as we know it by changing the past. Our only hope is an unexpected team: a scientist, a soldier and a history professor, who must use the machine's prototype to travel back in time to critical events. While they must make every effort not to affect the past themselves, they must also stay one step ahead of this dangerous fugitive. But can this handpicked team uncover the mystery behind it all and end his destruction before it's too late?



Ghostbusters 1986


Jake Kong Jr. and Eddie Spencer Jr. are sons of the original Ghost Busters, and they work alongside Tracy the Gorilla (who also worked with their fathers). Together, they are dedicated to ridding the world of the evil ghost wizard Prime Evil and his cast of henchmen.


Seven Days

Seven Days 1998


"Ever wish you could live your last week all over again? Well, my name's Frank B. Parker, and I do it all the time. I work for a secret government project experimenting in time travel. When things really get screwed up, I'm the guinea pig they send back to take care of it. The catch is, I can only go back 7 days."


The Peripheral

The Peripheral 2022


Stuck in a small Appalachian town, a young woman’s only escape from the daily grind is playing advanced video games. She is such a good player that a company sends her a new video game system to test…but it has a surprise in store. It unlocks all of her dreams of finding a purpose, romance, and glamour in what seems like a game…but it also puts her and her family in real danger.


Steins;Gate 0

Steins;Gate 0 2018


The dark untold story of Steins;Gate that leads with the eccentric mad scientist Okabe, struggling to recover from a failed attempt at rescuing Kurisu. He decides to give up and abandons his lively scientist alter ego, in pursuit to forget the past. When all seems to be normal, he is seemingly pulled back into the past by meeting an acquaintance of Kurisu, who tells him that they have begun testing a device that stores the memory of a human and creates a simulation of them with their characteristics and personalities. Okabe begins testing and finds out that the simulation of Kurisu has brought back anguish and some new unexpected tragedies. Zero is a side story that explores events from the Beta Attractor Field's future that contribute in making the end of the original story possible.


Time Bokan

Time Bokan 1975


While experimenting with his time-travel machine, Dr. Kieta becomes lost in an unknown era. So his assistant and his daughter set out in space in a time machine to search for the missing doctor. But they must also try to defeat an evil group trying to steal the precious Dinamond jewel, which possesses the only clue to the doctor's location.



Steins;Gate 2011


A group of friends have customized their microwave so that it can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN who has been doing their own research on time travel tracks them down and now the characters have to find a way to avoid being captured by them.


The Girl from Tomorrow

The Girl from Tomorrow 1992


Alana, a girl from the year 3000, is kidnapped by Silverthorn, a criminal from the year 2500, and brought back in time to the year 1992. While in the past, Alana befriends Jenny, who helps her adapt to life in a time unfamiliar to her, and to find a way back to her own time.



Frequency 2016


Detective Raimy Sullivan is stunned when a voice suddenly crackles through her father’s old, long-broken ham radio – it’s Frank Sullivan, somehow transmitting over the airwaves and through the decades from 1996. Separated by twenty years, father and daughter have reunited on a frequency only they can hear, but can they rewrite the story of their lives without risking everyone they love?


Mirai Sentai Timeranger

Mirai Sentai Timeranger 2000


It's the 30th century and time travel is illegal. To help monitor and police time crimes, the Time Protection Department is founded. But when Don Dolnero and his nefarious gang manage to trick four new TPD cadets into allowing them travel to the 20th century, the four cadets are forced to pursue them for the sake of history. There, in a time foreign to them, the cadets enlist Tatsuya Asami, a young martial artist, to aid their mission. Together, these five youngsters become the Timerangers. And though they try to live as ordinary 20th-century citizens, the Timerangers dedicate their lives to stopping Dolnero and others that may follow in his footsteps, attempting to forever alter the proper timeline!


Legacy from the Future - Fantastic Adventures of Family Mézga

Legacy from the Future - Fantastic Adventures of Family Mézga 1970


Geza Mezga, Paula, teenager Kriszta their daughter and the restless little child, Aladar. So they are the Mezga family. Maybe Maris neighbour should also be counted here. They are always embroiled in extremely strange adventures, thanks to their "distant" relative, MZ/X discovered by Aladar. With the help of Aladar's own radio transceiver, they get in touch with their thirtieth-century relative. Incredible things happen suddenly in an otherwise ordinary family.


Macy Murdoch

Macy Murdoch 2023


When a mysterious rival uses a time machine to frame famous Edwardian-era Detective William Murdoch of a murder he didn’t commit, Macy and her friends travel back to 1910 to determine the real perpetrator of the crime. But if you thought solving a regular murder mystery was difficult, imagine doing so undercover, in a time that isn’t your own, and without the aid of modern technology. To make matters worse, if Macy doesn’t succeed in exonerating Detective Murdoch, she faces a terrible fate — being erased from the future!


Run toward Tomorrow

Run toward Tomorrow 2015


In 2005, Kang Moon-Jae (Lee Hyun-Woo) is a high-school student and a trouble maker. Since his mother remarried, Kang Moon-Jae has lived with his father, Kang Ka-Deuk (Ahn Nae-Sang), but he can't get along with him. One day, Kang Moon-Jae runs away on his motorcycle and gets into an accident. He then finds himself in 2015 and learns that his father is in a comatose state. Ka-Deuk got into an accident trying to find his son. Kang Moon-Jae decides to go back to 2005 to change the future.