Salman Rushdie The Rutles 2: Can't Buy Me Lunch როდესაც მან მიპოვა עמוס עוז –ישר אל תוך השמש הקיצית The Beatles Revolution River of Fundament Mylène Farmer : sur les pas d'une icône In the Footsteps of Bruce Chatwin The Hitch On Palestinian Identity: A Conversation with Salman Rushdie Salman Rushdie: Through a Glass Darkly Knife Einübung ins Paradies - Nachdenken über 1989 365 Day Project Midnight's Children Concerning the Bodyguard El Bosco: el jardín de los sueños The Satanic Verses Affair La Traversée du désir ბრიჯიტ ჯონსის დღიური Angela Carter: Of Wolves & Women Salman Rushdie : la mort aux trousses Der Unbequeme - Der Dichter Günter Grass Dirty Pictures Midnight's Children Midnight's Children Midnight's Children Knife Prisoners of Gravity The One Show Markus Lanz ZDF-Mittagsmagazin Sabine Christiansen შეზღუდეთ თქვენი ენთუზიაზმი Ruby W1A Shrink Rap The Culture Show ყოველდღიური შოუ ტრევორ ნოასთან ერთად The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Real Time with Bill Maher Lo + plus DAS! 3 nach 9 Beckmann Kulturzeit Morgenmagazin Wintertijd Wintertijd