Gameloading: Rise of the Indies 2015
GameLoading Rise of the Indies is a feature documentary exploring the world of indie game developers, their craft, their games, their dreams, and how they have forever changed the landscape of games culture.
GameLoading Rise of the Indies is a feature documentary exploring the world of indie game developers, their craft, their games, their dreams, and how they have forever changed the landscape of games culture.
A teenage thief tries to leave town to escape the violence that threatens him and he people he loves.
GET LAMP is a documentary about interactive fiction (also known as text adventures) filmed by computer historian Jason Scott.
"Spelkollektivet: To Build a Castle" is the story of the world's largest co-living space for game developers, and the people living there. Follow the founder James Newnorth as he navigates the many obstacles of turning an untried idea into reality. Meet the three indie devs Leene Künnap, Matej Jan and Michal Roch as they work on their respective games, "Death and Taxes", "Pixel Art Academy" and "Lords and Villeins". Find out if Spelkollektivet fosters the next indie dev star.
Several independent game creators retell their struggles, failures, and triumphs while discussing what it means to be an "indie", and what it means to be a creative.
A video essay that despite, multiple delays, finally released to document the story and cancellation of solo-dev Heavenly Den!'s game, Blessed Realities, as a way to bring closure to the game and the studio's story. The story is over.
A documentary about following your dreams, in the smallest of places and the life of an IndieDev. Join Dan as he travels the UK in search of what it takes to create and bring video game ideas to life and struggles and triumphs of being an Indie Developer in the UK.
Voters from 4chan's "/v/ - Video Games" board showcase the best and worst of video gaming for the year.