Phantasm 1979
A teenage boy and his friends face off against a mysterious grave robber, known only as the Tall Man, who employs a lethal arsenal of unearthly weapons.
A teenage boy and his friends face off against a mysterious grave robber, known only as the Tall Man, who employs a lethal arsenal of unearthly weapons.
Brothers Mike and Jody join family friend Reggie to battle the Tall Man and his evil minions from another dimension, for the final time.
An unknown girl breaks out of her daily grind by undergoing an intense audio-visual trip.
A strange sphere settles down in a California canyon, causing both the scientific and military communities to gather around to investigate.
Flatland is a two-dimensional universe occupied by living geometric figures - squares, triangles, circles, etc. A Square, Attorney At Law, finds himself in the middle of two upheavals: the rise of martial law by the circular leadership of Flatland, and the arrival of A Sphere, CEO Of Messiah, Incorporated, a creature from a hitherto-unknown third dimensional world.
Set in a world of only two dimensions inhabited by sentient geometric shapes, the story follows Arthur Square and his ever-curious granddaughter Hex. When a mysterious visitor arrives from Spaceland, Arthur and Hex must come to terms with the truth of the third dimension, risking dire consequences from the evil Circles that have ruled Flatland for a thousand years.
The computer animation Outside In explains the amazing discovery, made by Steve Smale in 1957, that a sphere can be turned inside out by means of smooth motions and self-intersections. Through a combination of dialogue and exposition accessible to anyone who has some interest in mathematics, Outside In builds up to the grand finale: Bill Thurston's "corrugations" method of turning the sphere inside out.
SET 1: Plasma, Evolve, Ghost, Divided Sky, Shade, hey stranger, Character Zero SET 2: Oblivion > Down with Disease, Beneath a Sea of Stars Part 1 -> Also Sprach Zarathustra > Light > Ether Edge > Piper, First Tube ENCORE: More > Slave to the Traffic Light
Nine chapters, two hours of maths, that take you gradually up to the fourth dimension. Mathematical vertigo guaranteed!
SET 1: Set Your Soul Free, Tube, Stash, Pillow Jets, Steam, Mountains in the Mist, Taste, 46 Days SET 2: Sigma Oasis > Fuego > Golden Age -> Twist, I Am Hydrogen > Chalk Dust Torture > Say It To Me S.A.N.T.O.S. ENCORE: A Life Beyond The Dream, Tweezer Reprise
SET 1: Free, The Moma Dance, Axilla (Part II), mercy, Bathtub Gin, Theme From the Bottom > Split Open and Melt SET 2: A Wave of Hope, What's the Use? > Ruby Waves, Lonely Trip, A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing -> Prince Caspian, You Enjoy Myself ENCORE: Wading in the Velvet Sea, Harry Hood
Concert film featuring sphere's first live Nippon Budokan performance on November 23, 2010. Sphere consists of Minako Kotobuki, Ayahi Takagaki, Aki Toyosaki, and Haruka Tomatsu.
Concert film featuring Sphere, vocal unit consisting of Minako Kotobuki, Aki Toyosaki, Ayahi Takagaki, and Haruka Tomatsu. at their performance that took place at Tokyo NHK Hall on July 25, 2010.