Watchers 7: Physical Evidence

Watchers 7: Physical Evidence 2013


SOMETHING IS HAPPENING UFOs are being reported all over the world in greater numbers than ever before. Has something changed? Who are these beings, where do they come from, why do they work in the shadows and what is their agenda? Has the U.S. been sharing tech from these visitors since the 50s? Well take actual samples from a sphere that crashed to earth in Mexico and analyze them under an Electron Microscope, (SEM). Well examine a piece of drywall from a home that was visited. Are the fingerprints human, or alien? WATCHERS 7 looks at the science behind UFOs and their origin in ancient Biblical texts. A UK poll indicates more people believe in ETs than God. Whats next??


Watchers 1: UFOs are Real, Burgeoning, and Not Going Away

Watchers 1: UFOs are Real, Burgeoning, and Not Going Away 2010


LA Marzulli examines the leading questions about UFOs, entities, and related unexplained mysteries in this video documentary, with special guest Dr. Roger Leir, the surgeon who has removed implants from 16 patients.


Watchers 5: Let Me In

Watchers 5: Let Me In 2012


The Watchers series has reached new, extraordinary heights, presenting one thrilling segment after another. LA Marzulli and Richard Shaw's ongoing adventures continue with the story of black-eyed children who appear at hotels and car windows, even on boats at sea! They appear with a singular purpose—they want to be invited in! Demons? Alien hybrids? Urban legends? Speaking of legends, our host interviews the leading expert on The Spear of Destiny, the weapon that pierced the side of Christ and supposedly gives its owner the power to rule the world. What significance does the word OBAMA have in the Bible codes, referencing the Gog and Magog war? And what secrets does the North Pole hold? Were Admiral Byrd and Adolf Hitler's suspicions right? Is the Hollow Earth theory credible? There's even more—the latest news from Israel—an interview with David Brennan, author of the Israel Omen—Russian UFOs and new, laboratory revelations from alien implant physician, Dr. Leir.


Watchers 8: Cloak of Secrecy

Watchers 8: Cloak of Secrecy 2014


IS THERE A CONNECTION? Are we seeing a connection between our ancient past and what is happening today? Were huge stones simply levitated into position, and do we have any modern evidence that such a thing may have been possible? WATCHERS 8 explores how today's UFO phenomena and the ancient evidence in Peru may be connected. We'll also continue with our story in WATCHERS 7 with Bill's implant.