The complexity of love and sadness

The complexity of love and sadness 1970


Lolo, a 23-year-old boy, is devastated when his girlfriend Clara leaves him. Impsed in sadness, he takes refuge in writing, facing his deepest fears and emotions. An unexpected turn in the end will lead us to discover who Lolo really is.


The Green Creature Within

The Green Creature Within 1970


This film tells the story of an adolescent psychotherapy group that met at an outpatient clinic for two hours a week over a period of two years. Art and drama were the major therapeutic tools, along with music, movement, poetry, and filmmaking. The varied expressive modalities are demonstrated in this film, as well as the different roles the therapists played in facilitating the group process. In addition to telling the story of the group, this film also includes detailed case studies of two of the members. It is a rare example of multimodality group therapy unfolding over time.


One of Those People that Live in the World

One of Those People that Live in the World 1974


Writer/director Paul Maunder's second drama after his award-winning Going Up North for a While is a portrait of a woman's mental health crisis. In part one Julie (Denise Maunder) is haunted by her birth mother's breakdown. Her inner monologue narrates events; Julie hopes marriage and a job will "cure" her, and falls pregnant. After a traumatic delivery, she suffers an acute episode and is admitted into care. Part two takes place in a psychiatric hospital where drugs, electroconvulsive therapy and art therapy were standard treatments at the time. Maunder undertook research at Auckland's Kingseat psychiatric hospital.