Antes de que las flores marchiten

Antes de que las flores marchiten 2023


Sandy and Alejandra are two young women who live together with Lexa, an artist with a multiple personality who is preparing her new exhibition. however, the romance between these two personalities will be in danger, not only because of their inability to have physical contact but also because of the problems it generates for Lexa and the body they inhabit. therefore, Sandy and Alejandra must decide before it is too late.


Your Voice Among Voices

Your Voice Among Voices 2020


Juno encounters different characters in his dreams as he seeks to make sense of his past with Clarissa. Confusing and distorted memories haunt him and prevent him from moving forward in the writing of his novel. Juno asks his best friend Dyno for help to solve the enigma that haunts him so much and that dwells in the deepest part of his being. Dyno will perform a ritual in order to clarify to Juno all his thoughts and the final meaning that is inside him, in his innermost, darkest depths.