À la recherche de la jeunesse perdue 2022
What if science could reverse the aging process? Follow the researchers as they decipher these mechanisms, with the promise of finding the elixir of youth so you can live longer, healthier lives!
What if science could reverse the aging process? Follow the researchers as they decipher these mechanisms, with the promise of finding the elixir of youth so you can live longer, healthier lives!
Introduction to DNA by Frank Baxter and Bell Labs.
What's the point of music? You might be tempted to answer that it's an enjoyable pastime or an art form, but nothing really essential. For the first time, a documentary shows the opposite. Music is a biological necessity for human beings: it helps build our brains. In recent years, the discoveries of international neuroscience researchers have revolutionized our understanding of the impact of music on our brains. This film is a behavioral and neurological investigation whose ambition is to unveil the mystery of music's powers in our lives.
An awesome 3D CGI action adventure movie that integrates learning with the thrill of fast-paced animation. In a captivating battle between good and evil inside the body of Jack Decayd, the film introduces you to our heroes - the Body Mechanics - Soolynn, Gluke, Sara Bellum, and the Knowledge Master Neuro. The Body Mechanics are locked in combat with their arch nemesis - A.G. (Awesome Guy the Fat Cell) and his Coalition of Harm and Disease (CHD) - Kortizol, Beetez II, Col Esterol and the Free Radicalz. Travel through the body in the microscopic 'HealthProbe' to visit the Health Quarters (home of the Body Mechanics), the Kortex Kave, Movement Control and of course, the decaying Obeez City!