The Silver Streak

The Silver Streak 1945


A Terrytoons cartoon released 20 July 1945. Mice live in an abandoned shack and have a friend in a Goofy-like dog named Rover, who protects them from the cats. The Country Cats hatch a plan to bump the dog off and gain access to the Mice Morsels. The cats trick Rover and seal him in a box and drop it onto a railroad track. The Silver Streak bears down on the crate as Mighty Mouse flies to the rescue! Mighty makes quick work of the cats.


Foofle's Train Ride

Foofle's Train Ride 1959


In this Terrytoon,Foofle goes on a tour-train guided-excursion. But, par for his usual course, he screws everything up from the schedule to the baggage.


The Lion and the Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse 1943


This is actually a "Super Mouse" cartoon. The character was not known as "Mighty Mouse" until The Wreck of the Hesperus. In the altered-for-TV version, however, he is "Mighty Mouse."


Wolf! Wolf!

Wolf! Wolf! 1944


Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep, and that leaves one of them vulnerable to a pack of hillbilly wolves. It's Mighty Mouse to the rescue!


One Note Tony

One Note Tony 1947


A Terrytoons cartoon released 22 October 1947.


Traffic Trouble

Traffic Trouble 1967


In this one, the spy hound is trying to prevent a traffic jam of various remote-controlled cars.


The Juggler of Our Lady

The Juggler of Our Lady 1957


Medieval times. A juggler has little success making a living; he puts on a hair shirt and becomes an ascetic, but attracts only other ascetics. Finally, in desperation, he becomes a monk. He visits the other monks, who all glorify the Lady with their skills: cooking, painting, sculpture, etc. He tries helping them, but botches it. A festival is held for the Lady, and each of the monks offers his gift, but the juggler has nothing. Frustrated, he juggles for her, all night, alone.


Wide Open Spaces

Wide Open Spaces 1950


A duck becomes sheriff in a Western town ruled by Dead Eye Dick. Dead Eye warns: "This town ain't big enough few two of us and I ain't leaving!"


Mighty Mouse Meets Deadeye Dick

Mighty Mouse Meets Deadeye Dick 1947


Classic satire on the Western genre, with the sheriff fighting the bad guy. Then a mysterious stranger enters. It's Mighty Mouse!


The Hitch Hikers

The Hitch Hikers 1947


The boys are trying to hitch a ride with no luck. They see a car parked in front of a bank with the door open. They jump in against the driver's will, and a bank tobber runs out and jumps into his escape car, too. The boys get more of a ride than they wanted.


The Green Line

The Green Line 1944


In the town of Nowhere, the main street is divided by a broad green line. The mice live on one side. The cats live on the other, and never cross over the line, until an evil spirit convinces one of the cats to cross the line. Chaos ensues until Mighty Mouse arrives to defeat the evil spirit cat in a battle in the sky. The evil spirit cat crashes to the ground and burns up in a flaming pile!


Who's Who in the Jungle

Who's Who in the Jungle 1945


A Terrytoons cartoon released 19 October 1945. Gandy Goose and Sourpuss are flown in to hunt big game. The two have something else in mind. They can't get out of there fast enough!


Their Last Bean

Their Last Bean 1939


A fox family is starving, the father with a bandaged foot and crutch. Hunters and dogs roar through and start hunting down one of the fox boys, but he not only outwits them he steals a turkey dinner from the men.


The Cuckoo Bird

The Cuckoo Bird 1939


A hungry cat swallows a bird from a cuckoo clock. He is rushed to a veterinary hospital, where every effort is made to remove it.


The Hay Ride

The Hay Ride 1937


A Terrytoons cartoon released 2 April 1937.


Camp Clobber

Camp Clobber 1958


The apartment house superintendent, Clint Clobber, a turkey if there ever was one, is constantly pestered by an old retired Army general, who keeps the tenants in a dither and uproar with his hard-nosed and disciplined military habits. Clint finally finds a way to rid the house of the undesirable tenant.


Clint Clobber's Cat

Clint Clobber's Cat 1957


Clint Clobber, the superintendent/janitor at an exclusive apartment house kicks out a dog. The dog disguises himself as a cat to fool a kind-hearted, near-sighted old maid tenant, who becomes attached to it and tells off Clint when he wants to toss the dog out again.