에반게리온: 파

에반게리온: 파 2009


세컨드 임팩트의 충격으로 인류의 절반이 사라진 이 곳에 정체불명의 사도들이 다시 공격해 오기 시작한다. 특무기관 네르프 소속의 14세 파일럿들은 각자의 에반게리온을 타고 사도의 위협에 맞서 싸운다. 자신이 왜 타야 하는지도 모른 체 에반게리온을 타는 신지와 자신의 임무를 묵묵히 수행하는 레이. 그리고 에반게리온을 통해 자신의 능력을 표출하고 싶은 아스카까지! 같은 운명을 타고난 그들은 조금씩 마음을 열고 연대하기 시작한다. 그리고 사도들 시시각각 새로운 모습으로 그들에게 공격을 가해오는데...


마터스: 천국을 보는 눈

마터스: 천국을 보는 눈 2008


알 수 없는 학대를 가하는 정체불명의 사람들로부터 극적으로 탈출한 소녀 루시. 목숨은 겨우 건졌지만 자신이 겪은 일을 말하지 못한 채 매일 악몽을 꾸며 괴로워하는 루시는 또래인 안나의 따뜻한 우정과 사랑으로 점차 회복되어 간다. 그리고 15년 뒤…… 외딴 집의 평범한 가족의 행복한 아침시간. 누군가 벨을 울리고 문을 여는 순간, 이 가족에게 참혹한 총격이 시작되는데…… 잊을 수 없는 기억, 절대 멈출 수 없는 복수. 하지만 이것은 이제 겨우 시작에 불과했다.


네 마음에 새겨진 이름

네 마음에 새겨진 이름 2020


오랜 계엄령이 해제된 직후 1980년대의 대만. 오늘날과는 달리 보수적인 사회 분위기에 LGBTQ 커뮤니티가 소외당하던 시절, 남자 기숙학교에 다니는 두 남고생이 우정과 사랑의 경계에서 서로에게 강렬하게 이끌린다. 하지만 학교가 남녀 공학으로 바뀌고 한 여학생이 등장하면서 급격히 흔들리는 두 사람. 이들은 과연 서로를 지킬 수 있을까.


버니 게임

버니 게임 2011


섹스와 마약 고문. 매춘으로 번 돈으로 마약을 사고, 다시 매춘을 하고 사는 마르티. 그녀는 트럭기사에게 몸을 팔기위해 트럭에 올라타지만 그것이 그녀에게 지독한 고통이 될 줄은 몰랐다.



머니보이스 2021


페이는 애인 샤오레이와 함께 살면서, 성매매로 돈을 벌어 시골에 사는 가족들의 생계를 책임지고 있다. 어느 날 페이가 고객에게 심한 성폭행을 당하자 샤오레이는 그를 찾아가 폭력을 행사한다. 하지만 그 부하들이 보복을 위해 샤오레이를 찾아오고, 페이는 샤오레이를 뒤로 하고 도망친다. 5년 뒤, 페이는 다른 도시로 이주하여 잘나가는 접대부로 살고 있다. 고향에서 무작정 도시로 상경한 어린 시절의 친구 롱과 페이의 관계는, 이전의 페이와 샤오레이의 관계와 어딘지 닮아있다. (제26회 부산국제영화제)


먀오 먀오

먀오 먀오 2008


별다른 목적의식 없이 그저 하루하루를 지내고 있는 대만의 여고생 션아이웬의 일상에 일본에서 온 교환학생 먀오먀오이 들어온다. 먀오먀오가 션아이웬의 제빵을 도와주면서 두 소녀는 급속도로 가까워진다. 어느 날 먀오먀오는 우연히 젊은 남자가 운영하는 CD 가게에 들리게 되고, 암울한 분위기를 풍기는 젊은 남자에게 매혹된다. 션아이웬은 그 남자에게 급속도로 빠져드는 먀오먀오의 모습에 질투를 느끼지만, 그녀가 그에게 다가설 수 있도록 돕기 시작한다. 하지만 이 남자는 과거의 상처로 인해 마음의 문을 열지 않고, 이제 이들의 관계는 미묘한 긴장 관계에 빠지기 시작한다.


더블 민츠

더블 민츠 2017


고교 시절, 새로운 학급에 같은 이치카와 미츠오라고 불리는 이름을 가진 이치카와 미츠오(다나카 슌스케)와 이츠카와 미츠오(후치카미 야스시)가 만나게 된다. 위압적인 미츠오(다나카 슌스케)를 접하는 되면서 그에게 거역할 수 없는 주종 관계에 되어버린 미츠오(후치카미 야스시). 그로부터 몇 년 후, 그의 휴대전화에 깡패가 된 미츠오(다나카 슌스케)에게 여자를 죽였다는 연락이 받게된다. 미츠오(다나카 슌스케)와 재회 한 미츠오(후치카미 야스시)는 고교시절의 기억을 부활시키면서 그와 행동을 같이한다. 이윽고 두 사람의 관계는 고교시절과는 다른 형태로 바뀌어 가는데...



불가항력 2016


Shu Nian이 10살이 되었을 때, 그는 고아원에서 Xie Yan에게 입양되었다. Shu Nian은 Sie Yan보다 두 살 위인데, 그는 Xie Yan이 유학을 가기 전까지 그를 위해 페이지보이(주인의 자녀들과 함께 공부하고 노는 일종의 하인)로 일했다. 20년 후, Xie Yan은 해외에서 6년을 보낸 후 런던에서 집으로 돌아와 Shu Nian과 재회한다. Lan Lin의 소설 원작.


불가항력2 : 해피엔딩

불가항력2 : 해피엔딩 2016


불가항력2는 2부작 영화 시리즈의 두번째 작품이다. 어린 고아였던 Shu Nian은 Xie Yan의 친구이자 하인 역할을 하기 위해 Xie Yan의 가족에 의해 입양되었다. 세월이 흐르면서 두 사람은 그들의 가까운 관계가 더 이상 플라토닉한 장소에서 오는 것이 아니라 자연에서 더 낭만적이라는 것을 알게 되었다. 이 영화는 새드 엔딩과 해피엔딩, 두가지 결말이 있다.





High schooler Fou4Mod is often invited by gel nail boy Chian to get their nails done in Siam Square, making Fou4Mod fall for him. However, he later realises he's being kept it reserve when he discovers that Chian has also been inviting half-Thai TikToker Bua to get their nails done together too. To make Chian jealous, Fou4Mod decides to use his close friend Babin to do the same.


Secret Relationships

Secret Relationships 2025


Daon, a smart and handsome salary man, often clashes with his colleague Sunghyeon. Their relationship becomes more and more ambiguous as time progresses, while other figures like Jaemin, a former tutor, and heir to the company Suhyeon make their way into his life. What shape will this love square end up turning into?


Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-

Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- 2016


Natsuki Subaru, an ordinary high school student, is on his way home from the convenience store when he finds himself transported to another world. As he's lost and confused in a new world where he doesn't even know left from right, the only person to reach out to him was a beautiful girl with silver hair. Determined to repay her somehow for saving him from his own despair, Subaru agrees to help the girl find something she's looking for.



Naruto 2002


Naruto Uzumaki, a mischievous adolescent ninja, struggles as he searches for recognition and dreams of becoming the Hokage, the village's leader and strongest ninja.


Black Butler

Black Butler 2008


In Victorian London, 12-year-old business magnate Ciel Phantomhive thwarts dangers to the queen as he's watched over by his demon butler, Sebastian.


Akame ga Kill!

Akame ga Kill! 2014


Young Tatsumi travels to the capital of the Empire in order to earn money for his starving people and encounters a world of unimaginable depravity, dominated by the ruthless Prime Minister who controls the child Emperor. Tatsumi is recruited by Night Raid, a group of assassins dedicated to eliminating corruption by mercilessly killing officials and privileged nobles.





Satoru Fujinuma is a struggling manga artist who has the ability to turn back time and prevent deaths. When his mother is killed he turns back time to solve the mystery, but ends up back in elementary school, just before the disappearance of his classmate Kayo.



Steins;Gate 2011


A group of friends have customized their microwave so that it can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN who has been doing their own research on time travel tracks them down and now the characters have to find a way to avoid being captured by them.



Another 2012


When Kouichi arrives at his new school, he immediately senses something frightening in the atmosphere of his new class, something that no student wants to talk about and that seems to be related to a mysterious and silent girl.


High School of the Dead

High School of the Dead 2010


One morning, the high school student Takashi Komuro enjoys the silence at school when he's suddenly interrupted by strange noises and a shaky-legged person who tries to enter the school grounds. Subsequently, several teachers come to the school gate to shoo the person away. All of a sudden, a teacher is bitten by the person and within seconds the school campus becomes a place of violence, blood, death and undead zombies. Takashi, shocked by the scenery, runs for his life to save his schoolmates and childhood love, Rei Miyamoto. The struggle for survival has just begun…


AnoHana: The Flower We Saw That Day

AnoHana: The Flower We Saw That Day 2011


When Yadomi Jinta was a child, he was a central piece in a group of close friends. In time, however, these childhood friends drifted apart, and when they became high school students, they had long ceased to think of each other as friends. One of the friends from that group, Honma Meiko, now has a wish she asks Jinta to fulfil. The problem is, she can't remember what her wish is anymore.



Blood+ 2005


Unable to remember the past, high school senior Saya Otonashi must rediscover her destiny in order to defeat the chiropteran vampires that threaten her loved ones' existence.



Mushi-Shi 2005


Ginko, a Mushi master, travels from place to place researching the Mushi and helping people who are suffering because of it.


Ergo Proxy

Ergo Proxy 2006


In a futuristic world almost barren of life, mankind is confined to mechanized domed cities where A.I.’s control all aspects of life. In this world, humans are no longer born, they are manufactured in a production line; and alongside them live androids known as autoreivs. Within one of these domed sanctuaries named Romdeau lives Re-l Mayer, one of a few citizens who aren’t entirely prevented from thinking. Her grandfather's prominent position and the affection of the scientist Daedalus have left her more free will than is normally allowed, but Re-l has started to question the sanctity of the city and the citizens' perfect way of life. With mysterious beings known as proxies causing havoc and a man named Vincent causing great influence on her life, Re-l must travel outside of the city to find the answers she seeks and discover the mystery behind "the awakening".


KinnPorsche: The Series

KinnPorsche: The Series 2022


Kinn, the second son of a prominent mafia head, is ambushed by an enemy and meets Porsche, a college student who comes to his rescue, thus beginning their reluctant relationship as boss and bodyguard, which soon turns into something more.


The Ancient Magus' Bride

The Ancient Magus' Bride 2017


Hatori Chise has lived a life full of neglect and abuse, devoid of anything resembling love. Far from the warmth of family, she has had her share of troubles and pitfalls. Just when all hope seems lost, a fateful encounter awaits her. When a man with the head of a beast, wielding strange powers, obtains her through a slave auction, Chise's life will never be the same again. The man is a "magus,"a sorcerer of great power, who decides to free Chise from the bonds of captivity. The magus then makes a bold statement: Chise will become his apprentice--and his bride!


Haibane Renmei

Haibane Renmei 2002


A dream of falling from the sky...and then birth. Rakka is born from a large cocoon into the Old Home, greeted by a group of females with small wings on their backs and shining halos above their heads. Soon Rakka’s own wings grow, a halo is placed on her head and she is told that she must work in the nearby town of Grie. She soon realizes that the town and the entire world they live in are confined behind the Wall, a tall, impenetrable wall that none except the mysterious Toga are allowed to exit.


Serial Experiments Lain

Serial Experiments Lain 1998


Lain—driven by the abrupt suicide of a classmate—logs on to the Wired and promptly loses herself in a twisted mass of hallucinations, memories, and interconnected-psyches.


The Promised Neverland

The Promised Neverland 2019


Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their "Mama," Isabella. Although they are required to take tests daily, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually playing outside, as long as they do not venture too far from the orphanage — a rule they are expected to follow no matter what. However, all good times must come to an end, as every few months, a child is adopted and sent to live with their new family... never to be heard from again. However, the three oldest siblings have their suspicions about what is actually happening at the orphanage, and they are about to discover the cruel fate that awaits the children living at Grace Field, including the twisted nature of their beloved Mama.



Psycho-Pass 2012


Psycho-Pass is set in a futuristic era in Japan where the Sibyl System, a powerful network of psychometric scanners, actively measures the biometrics of its citizens' minds. The resulting assessment is called a Psycho-Pass. When the calculated likelihood of an individual committing a crime, measured by the Crime Coefficient index, exceeds an accepted threshold, he or she is pursued, apprehended, and either arrested or decomposed by the field officers of the Crime Investigation Department of the Public Safety Bureau.