더 와이프

더 와이프 2018


작가 남편의 성공을 위해 평생을 바친 아내 ‘조안’, 마침내 노벨문학상 수상 소식이 전해지고 ‘킹메이커’로서 모든 걸 이뤘다고 생각한 순간, 두 사람의 충격적인 비밀이 밝혀지는데…


더 히어로

더 히어로 2017


전성기는 40년 전, 대표작은 단 하나뿐인 왕년의 웨스턴 무비스타 ‘리 헤이든’에게 어느 날 서부극 보존 협회의 평생 공로상이 주어진다. 시상식에서 전한 즉흥적이고 솔직했던 수상소감으로 뜻밖에도 많은 이들에게 깊은 인상을 남긴 ‘리’. 단 하루의 기적으로 그토록 원하던 배우로서의 길을 다시 걷게 되는데…


위험한 선택

위험한 선택 1991


선천적으로 앞을 못보는 마틴(Martin: 휴고 위빙 분)은 병약한 홀어머니 밑에서 성장하는데 자신이 장애아이기 때문에 어머니가 자신을 미워하고 미워하기 때문에 자기에게 진실을 말해주지 않고 모든 걸 속인다고 오해한다. 이처럼 심각한 피해 의식은 젊은 나이에 요절한 어머니의 죽음마저도 자기를 버리고 떠나기 위해서 조작된 거짓말이라고 믿게 만든다. 세상의 모든 걸 불신하는 마틴은 주위 사람들이 자신을 속이지 못하게 보이지는 않지만 육감으로 느끼는 주변의 풍경들을 사진으로 찍어서 증거로 남겨둔다. 그리고 이 증거품인 사진을 솔직하게 말해 줄만한 정직한 사람을 찾던 중 식당의 주방에서 일하는 앤디(Andy: 러셀 크로우 분)라는 착한 청년을 만나게 된다. 마틴은 자신이 찍은 사진과 자기에게 충실한 개 그리고 자기가 찍은 사진을 정직하게 설명해주는 앤디만을 믿고 의지하며 산다. 마틴을 사랑하기 때문에 마틴의 집에서 3년 반 동안 가정부로 일해 온 실리아(Celia: 제네비에브 피콧 분)는 자신보다 앤디를 더 믿는 것에 심한 질투를 느껴서 앤디를 모함하기 위한 계략으로 앤디를 유혹하는데...



목격자 2017


사건부 기자 치(장개훈)는 유명 정치인과 연예인의 불륜 스캔들을 잡아 사회부 편집부장으로 승진을 하게 되지만, 얼마 뒤 정치인과 연예인이 실제 부부 관계로 드러나면서 해고를 당한다. 그러던 중 자신이 타고 다니던 차량의 사고를 조사하던 중 이상한 점을 발견하는 치는 그것이 자신이 목격한 사건과 관련이 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 그러면서 당시 사건을 재 조사하게 되는 치. 그리고 사라진 그때의 피해자(가가연). 과연 그날에는 무슨 일이 일어났던 것이며, 치가 목격한 것은 무엇이란 말인가?



장강도 2016


2016년 베를린국제영화제 은곰상 (예술공헌상) 수상작 양쯔강 상류 부근에 접근하며 만났던 여인들이 한 명처럼 보인다는 것을 깨달은 화물선의 선장은 여인을 찾아 나서지만 그녀는 홀연히 종적을 감춰버린다. 그녀를 찾기 위해서는 강이 시작되는 지점으로 돌아가 그녀와 강에 숨겨진 비밀을 풀어야만 한다! (2016년 제20회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)


KBS Drama Awards

KBS Drama Awards 1987


The KBS Drama Awards is an awards ceremony presented by the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) for outstanding achievements in Korean dramas aired on its network. It is held annually on 31 December. The highest honor of the ceremony is the "Grand Prize", awarded to the best actor or actress of the year.


KBS Song Festival

KBS Song Festival 2006


An annual end-of-the-year music program broadcast by Korean Broadcasting System, replacing the KBS Music Awards.


KBS Entertainment Awards

KBS Entertainment Awards 2002


It's the year-end festival for comedians and TV personalities to celebrate the year: we say proper goodbyes to the concluded shows, praise the fresh new programs, and continue to love the long-lasting ones. Let's find out who will win the prestigious grand prize!


MBC Drama Awards

MBC Drama Awards 1974


To celebrate the end of the year, the hottest actors, producers, and writers gather at the MBC Drama Awards. In 2018, there were many dramas that captured the heart of the viewers. What will be the show that has been loved the most by viewers? Who will be the best actor of 2018?


MBC Entertainment Awards

MBC Entertainment Awards 2001


A yearly Korean awards ceremony sponsored by MBC with awards given to the best entertainers in the television broadcast industry.


SBS Entertainment Awards

SBS Entertainment Awards 2007


To celebrate the end of the year, many variety stars, producers and writers have gathered at SBS Entertainment Awards. In many variety programs from SBS received much love and attention from viewers. Starting from the Rookie Award to the Grand Award, join the event to see who will end up receiving the glorious awards of this year.


CMA Awards

CMA Awards 1967


An annual awards show honoring country music artists and broadcasters recognizing outstanding achievement in the country music industry.


Mnet Asian Music Awards

Mnet Asian Music Awards 2009


Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) is a major South Korean music awards ceremony presented annually by entertainment company CJ.


SBS Drama Awards

SBS Drama Awards 1992


The hottest actors, producers, and writers gather together to celebrate the end of the year at the 2017 SBS Drama Awards. In 2017, there were many dramas that captured the heart of the viewers. What will be the show that has been loved the most by viewers? And who will be the best actor of 2017?


Blue Dragon Series Awards

Blue Dragon Series Awards 2022


The Blue Dragon Series Awards (BSA) is a new annual awards ceremony for original streaming content in South Korea.


Melon Music Awards

Melon Music Awards 2009


One of the premier music awards events held annually in South Korea, governed by LOEN Entertainment through their online music service, Melon, and known for simply counting the number of digital sales and voting online.


Teen Choice Awards

Teen Choice Awards 1999


The Teen Choice Awards is a teen awards show presented annually by Fox. The first awards were held in 1999. The program honors the year's biggest achievements in music, movies, sports, television, fashion and more, as voted on by teens aged 13–19. The program features a number of celebrities and also musical performers. The winners are awarded with authentic mini size (182 cm) surfboards designed with a summertime theme. The ceremony has created spin-off teen awards on YouTube.


MBC Plus X Genie Music Awards

MBC Plus X Genie Music Awards 1970


The MBC Plus X Genie Music Awards is a major music awards show that is held annually in South Korea and organized by MBC Plus and Genie


Miss World America

Miss World America 1970


"Miss World America" is the official national pageant that selects the contestant from the United States to Miss World. The United States has continuously sent a representative to Miss World since its inception in 1951. During the mid 1950s the 1st-runner up of Miss USA went to compete at Miss World (1953–57). Alfred Patricelli of Bridgeport, Connecticut, was the Executive Director of the Miss World USA during its existence from 1958 to 1977. From 1958 to 1961, the winner of Miss United States competed at Miss World. Then from 1962 to 1966 Alfred Patricelli organized the Miss USA World pageant annually. In 1967, the pageant was renamed Miss World USA and was held every year until 1977. During this time, Miss World USA 1969 Gail Renshaw was the first person to resign from the title of "Miss World USA" after competing in Miss World 1969 in order to get married. Also in 1973, Marjorie Wallace won the Miss World title and became the first American woman to win the Miss World title.[2] Between 1978 through 1980, BBS Productions, Inc., based in New York City, was given the franchise for the Miss World pageant where Griff O'Neil was the organizer, during this time the pageant was named "Miss World America". From 1981 to 1991, the Miss Universe organization were the license holders, and the American representative to Miss World ended up being the 1st Runner-up of the Miss USA pageant. The Miss World Organization however wanted a public announcement during the finals of the Miss USA pageant that the 1st Runner-up would be going to Miss World, but they refused to do so. Therefore, after 1991 the Miss World Organization did not accept any more Miss USA 1st Runner-ups.