예어 Hairstylist
숀더쉽 2015
평화롭게 목장 생활을 즐기던 ‘숀’과 친구들에게 대.박.사.건이 터졌다? 집 나간 아빠를 찾기 위해 빅시티행 버스에 탑승해버린 녀석들! 달랑 아빠 사진 한 장 들고 위험천만한 빅시티에 도착! 마치 사.람.인.양 도시를 활보하는 무모한 양떼들의 특급 미션이 시작되는데... 계획 NO! 대책 NO! 가이드 NO! 시작은 창피(?)하였으나 그 끝은 창대(!)한 양떼들의 예측불가 시티어택이 펼쳐진다! 올 여름, 통제불능 양떼들이 몰려온다!
어바웃 마이 파더 2023
우리동네 이발소에 무슨일이 3 2016
뷰티 샵 2005
빅 티즈 1999
스코틀랜드의 미용사 크로포드 맥켄지. 그는 자신의 스코틀랜드 최고의 미용사라고 자부한다. 그러던 어느날 그에게 미국에서 벌어지는 국제 미용사 대회에 참가해달라는 초청장이 온다. 자신의 실력을 전세계에 알릴 절호의 기회라고 생각한 크로포드는 자신의 활약을 찍을 다큐멘터리 스탭까지 이끌고 미국 로스엔젤레스에 도착한다. 그러나 그가 단지 참관인 자격으로 초청된 것임을 알게된 크로포드. 미용사협회는 그의 오해를 바로잡아주기 대회장 맨 앞좌석 자리까지 내주며 그를 달래보지만 크로포드의 고집은 완강하다. 자신은 이곳에 빗질과 헤어컷과 드라이를 하기 위해서 온 것이지 단지 구경하기 위해 온 것이 아니라고 하면서. 이제 그는 그의 가장 강력한 적인 헤어드레서 스티그 루드빅슨과 겨루면서 협회까지 설득시켜야만 하는데...
Freedom Hair 2024
Hair Show 2004
Crazy Over His Fingers: Just the Two of Us in a Salon After Closing 2020
Fumi works as an assistant at a popular salon in the city and is aiming to become a hairdresser. She receives strict guidance from Sousuke, the salon's charismatic hairdresser and manager. Every time he touches Fumi, she becomes agitated. One day after the salon closed, Fumi stands in as Sousuke's practice partner at the shampoo station. As he touches her and sprinkles her with water, she becomes angry again! Or so the thought...could she actually be attracted to him? Sousuke flashes an evil smile as he senses Fumi's heart, and his fingertips start to stroke every corner of her body...Fumi cannot refuse his fingers anymore.
The Third Charm 2018
The twelve-year love story of two individuals with completely opposite personalities who unexpectedly met on a group blind date.
The Last Cinderella 2013
Sakura is a single 39-year-old woman who works as the assistant manager at a beauty salon. She spends her days making her customers look beautiful but doesn’t pay much attention to her own appearance. All of that changes when she goes to a party and meets Hiroto, a much younger man who is a biker. Will Sakura revel in the attention of the handsome but dangerous Hiroto or notice the constant interest of her hard-talking and hard-drinking salon manager, Rintaro?
Momo Salon 2014
An aspiring hair designer named Hye Ni and an unemployed candidate named Chang Gyoon have a chance meeting at the newly opened "Momo Salon!"
Snip 1976
Snip was a 1976 comedy starring David Brenner about a hairdresser living in Cape Cod, Massachusetts who has his ex-wife, daughter and former aunt living with him in his apartment. He and his ex-wife are both in the same hairdressing business under their boss and friend who's an openly gay man. It was a take-off of the movie Shampoo and was created by James Komack, the creator of Chico and the Man and Welcome Back Kotter. The series was to premiere September 30, 1976 on NBC, but was cancelled at the last minute and never made it to air in the U.S. The cancellation was so abrupt even TV Guide was caught off guard, and listed the show in its "Fall Preview" issue for that year. Five episodes had already been produced and were aired in Australia.