당신에게 일어날 수 있는 일

당신에게 일어날 수 있는 일 1994


찰리 랭이 인생에서 원하는 것은 좋은 경찰과 도움을 주는 이웃이 되는 것과는 달리 아내는 모든 일이 돈으로 필요한 것 뿐이다. 미용사인 그녀는 가난한 퀸스 동네를 벗어나 맨하탄에 진출하고 싶어한다. 그리고 또 한 명, 작은 커피숍의 마음씨 착한 웨이트리스 이본느 비아시는 헤어진 남편 때문에 방금 파산 선고를 받고 말았다. 그녀가 법원으로부터 파산 선고를 받던 날 찰리는 단지 점심을 먹으려고 그 커피샵에 들어오게 된다. 천성은 못속인다고, 찰리는 이본느의 그늘진 얼굴을 지나치지 못하고 기분을 풀어주려 마음을 쓴다. 점심값외의 팁이 모자란 찰리는 아내를 위해 샀던 복권을 생각해 내고, 이본느에게 복권에 당첨되면 상금의 반을 나누고, 떨어지면 팁의 2배를 주겠다고 약속한다. 놀랍게도 찰리는 4백만달러 복권에 당첨된다. 더군다나 그는 이본느에 한 약속을 지켰다는 사실이다. 돈독이 오른 아내는 화를 냈지만 뉴욕 신문들은 백마탄 기사같은 경찰과 신데렐라같은 웨이트리스 얘기에 스포트라이트를 비춘다. 찰리, 이본느, 머리얼에게 주어진 갑작스런 부와 명성은 그들이 예상치 못한 경험을 하게 한다.


제리 & 마지 고 라지

제리 & 마지 고 라지 2022


은퇴한 제리 셀비가 매사추세츠 복권의 수학적 허점을 발견하고 그의 아내 마지의 도움으로 2700만 달러에 당첨되어 그 돈을 그들의 작은 미시간 마을을 되살리는 데 사용하는 놀라운 실화



육사오(6/45) 2022


우연히 1등 당첨 로또를 주운 말년 병장 천우. 심장이 터질듯한 설렘도 잠시, 순간의 실수로 바람을 타고 군사분계선을 넘어간 로또. 바사삭 부서진 멘탈을 부여잡고 기필코 다시 찾아야 한다! 우연히 남쪽에서 넘어온 1등 당첨 로또를 주운 북한 병사 용호. 이거이 남조선 인민의 고혈을 쥐어 짜내는 육사오라는 종이쪼가리란 말인가? 근데 무려 당첨금이 57억이라고?! 당첨금을 눈앞에서 놓칠 위기에 처한 천우와 북에선 한낱 종이쪼가리일 뿐일 로또를 당첨금으로 바꿔야 하는 용호. 여기에 예상치 못한 멤버들까지 합류하고 57억을 사수하기 위한 3:3팀이 결성되는데…



억남 2018


카즈오는 형의 빚보증으로 인해 3천만엔의 빚을 갚기 위해 낮밤을 가리지 않고 일하며 가족과 떨어져 지내고 있다. 어느 날, 복권당첨으로 3억엔이라는 거액을 손에 넣게 된다. 카즈오는 그 돈을 어떻게 사용해야 할까 고민하다가 사업 성공으로 막대한 부를 얻은 대학 시절 친구인 츠쿠모에게 의논하지만 츠쿠모는 3억엔과 함께 자취를 감춘다.


점례는 나의 빛

점례는 나의 빛 1970


한때는 빛? 이제는 빚! 자식들에게 쉰밥 취급당하던 80대 할머니, 복권 1등에 당첨되다! 그런데 그 돈을 혼자서만 다 쓰겠다고? 당첨금을 바라는 불효자식들과 늙은 엄마의 기막힌 대결!



Porkpie 1995


Porkpie was a British sitcom on Channel 4 television starring Ram John Holder as Augustus "Porkpie" Grant. It was a spinoff from Desmond's. Porkpie kept several key characters from Desmond's and in the first episode Grant was seen standing outside the barbershop Desmond used to run, saying: "Desmond, since you died it hasn't stopped raining. I know how much you used to say it can rain in England, and it's true. Must be one of two things: either a thousand angels weeping for you, or you having a good drink up in heaven and you spilling it all over the place."



Chances 1991


Chances was an Australian evening soap opera, produced from 1991 to 1992. It told the story of the average middle-class Taylor family whose lives are transformed by winning $3 million in the lottery. The series was broadcast by the Nine Network, initially as two one-hour episodes each week. Principal cast members included John Sheerin and Brenda Addie as Dan and Barbara Taylor, Jeremy Sims as their mischievous son Alex, Deborah Kennedy as Dan's sister Connie Reynolds, Tim Robertson as Dan's brother Jack, Anne Grigg as his wife Sarah, and Michael Caton as neighbourhood friend Bill Anderson. Originally, creator Lynn Bayonas pitched the show as a family-oriented drama; however to help ensure the program's success, Channel Nine asked for nude scenes and risqué elements to also be included in the series. Initial publicity for the show focused on the sex angle, and it was for this that Chances was chiefly known.


My Lottery Dream Home

My Lottery Dream Home 2015


David Bromstad takes recent lottery winners on over-the-top house hunts for their new dream homes. Whether they win hundreds of thousands or hundreds of millions, lucky lottery winners everywhere are jumping headfirst into the real estate market. Will they spend all their winnings on an extravagant mansion or settle for a humble sound investment? Find out what happens when average Americans set out to find their Lottery Dream Homes.



Windfall 2006


Windfall is a serial drama television series about a group of people in an unnamed small city who win almost $400,000,000 in a lottery.


Agent Z and the Penguin from Mars

Agent Z and the Penguin from Mars 1996


Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars was a 1996 Children's BBC sitcom, based on the book of the same name by Mark Haddon. The six episode series followed the exploits of Ben Simpson, played by Duncan Barton, and his friends Barney, played by Andrew McKay, and Jenks, played by Reggie Yates, who together formed the "Crane Grove Gang", named after the street where they lived. This was a society dedicated to playing ingenious practical jokes in an initiative called "Agent Z".


Here Come The Habibs

Here Come The Habibs 2016


After winning the lottery, the Habib family move into Sydney's richest suburb to live the Australian dream, but their poshy next door neighbours are not all to happy about it.


The Syndicate

The Syndicate 2012


A drama exploring how winning the lottery transforms the lives of ordinary people.



Lottery! 1983


Lottery! is an American drama series that premiered on ABC on September 9, 1983. The series aired for one season of 17 episodes and starred Ben Murphy as Patrick Sean Flaherty, and Marshall Colt as Eric Rush. Lottery! centered around ordinary people who have won the lottery--all of a sudden becoming millionaires--and how it changes their lives.


Les Lavigueur, la vraie histoire

Les Lavigueur, la vraie histoire 2008


On April 1st, 1986, Jean-Guy Lavigueur, an unemployed blue-collar worker and his family won 7.6 million dollars. At the time, it was the largest amount ever won at Loto-Quebec's 6/49 weekly draws. What should have been the beginning of a fairytale for the family turned rapidly into a nightmare...


Lucky 7

Lucky 7 2013


What would you do if you won the lottery? How would it change your life? Follow a group of seven gas station employees in Queens, New York, who have been chipping into a lottery pool for years, never thinking they'd actually win. They need to be careful what they wish for, because while the money could solve problems for each of them, it will forever change the close-knit bonds these friends have formed.