휴가 친구 2021
모범생 마커스와 에밀리는 멕시코의 리조트에 갔다가, 쾌락을 추구하는 론, 카일라와 친구가 된다. 마커스와 에밀리는 새로 사귄 ‘휴가 친구’와 함께 아무 거리낌 없이 즐겁고 방탕한 일주일을 보낸다. 광란의 휴가를 보낸 몇 달 후, 마커스와 에밀리는 자신들의 결혼식에 초대하지도 않은 론과 카일라가 나타나자 경악을 금치 못한다.
모범생 마커스와 에밀리는 멕시코의 리조트에 갔다가, 쾌락을 추구하는 론, 카일라와 친구가 된다. 마커스와 에밀리는 새로 사귄 ‘휴가 친구’와 함께 아무 거리낌 없이 즐겁고 방탕한 일주일을 보낸다. 광란의 휴가를 보낸 몇 달 후, 마커스와 에밀리는 자신들의 결혼식에 초대하지도 않은 론과 카일라가 나타나자 경악을 금치 못한다.
회계원인 로레타는 남편과 사별하고 혼자서 살고 있다. 그런 어느날 죠니를 알게 되고 그로부터 청혼을 받아들이지만 애정따위는 별로 중요하게 생각하지 않는다. 단지 평범하고 행복한 가정을 꾸리고 살아가는게 그녀의 목표.행복한 가정을 꿈꾸는 그녀는 노총각 죠니의 구혼을 받고, 죠니는 사이가 좋지 않은 동생 로니를 결혼식에 초청하라고 로레타에게 부탁한다. 그러나 로니와 만난 로레타는 그만 그에게 반해 사랑에 빠지고 만다.헤어지려 했던 로레타와 로니, 서로에 대한 미련으로 갈망하던 두 사람. 이때 뜻밖에도 이태리에 갔던 죠니가 돌아와 위독한 어미니를 살리기 위해 자신은 로레타와 결혼할 수 없다고 밝히고...
찰리(제니퍼 로페즈)는 오랫동안 이상형의 남자를 찾던 중 마침내 꿈에 그리던 남자 케빈(마이클 바턴)을 만난다. 세상 어떤 여자보다도 행복한 결혼을 하게 될 것을 믿어 의심치 않는 그녀. 하지만 행복한 시간도 잠시, 그의 엄마 바이올라(제인 폰다)를 만나게 되자 예기치 않았던 악몽의 시간이 시작된다. 당대 최고의 뉴스 앵커였던 예비 시엄마(?)는 최근에 일방적으로 방송사로부터 해고되어 심기가 심히 불편한 상태. 설상가상으로 믿고 있던 아들까지 자격미달(?) 신부감과 결혼하겠다 하니 히스테리가 극도에 달한 것! 일은 잃었어도 아들만은 잃을 수 없는 바이올라, 결국 이들의 결혼을 저지하기 위해 찰리에게 무차별 공격을 가하기 시작한다. 하지만 찰리 역시 너무도 간절히 바라던 완벽한 남자를 만난 터라 사생결단의 반격에 나선다. 한치의 앙보도 없는 그녀들… 과연 최후의 승자는 누가 될 것인가?
한때, 미치게 사랑했지만 지금은 인생의 원수가 되어버린 이혼한 부부 ‘조지아’(줄리아 로버츠)와 ‘데이빗’(조지 클루니). 대학을 졸업하고 변호사로 대형 로펌 입사를 앞둔 딸 ‘릴리’(케이틀린 디버)가 여행지 발리에서 만난 운명 같은 사랑과 결혼을 선포하자 딸이 자신들과 같은 실수를 반복하는 걸 볼 수 없는 그들은 어쩔 수 없이 동맹을 맺고 결혼을 막으려는 계획을 세우게 된다. 그러나 거듭되는 작전에도 불구하고 딸 ‘릴리’의 결혼식은 순조롭게만 진행되고 같은 목표를 향해 합심하는 이들도 서로에게 조금씩 감정의 변화가 생기게 되는데... 이혼 커플의 딸 결혼 반대 프로젝트는 성공할 수 있을까?
네 명의 여자들이 사랑을 시작한다. 뜻대로 움직이지 않는 남자들, 알 수 없는 남자들의 속내를 궁금해하던 여자들은 연애 코치 스티븐 하비의 책 ‘내 남자 사용법’의 안내에 따라 남자들을 다루기 시작한다. 남자들의 심리를 분석하고 탐색하며 밀당과 주도권 쟁탈 등 책을 이용해 남자들의 마음을 움직이려는 여자들. 그러나 결국 남자들이 그 비밀을 알게 되고, 반격을 도모한 남자들이 맞서면서 고도의 심리전이 시작되는데…
마이클(테렌스 J)과 캔디스(레지나 홀)의 결혼식을 위해 도미닉(마이클 이얼리)과 로렌(타라지 P. 헨슨), 제레미(제리 페라라)와 크리스틴(가브리엘 유니언), 지크(로머니 말코)와 마야(메간 굿), 베넷(개리 오웬)과 티시 커플이 라스베이거스에 도착하고, 베스트맨으로 선정된 세드릭(케빈 하트)은 초호화 빌라에서 그들을 맞이한다. 그런데 세드릭이 1박에 4만 달러인 빌라를 4천 달러로 착각하여 회사 카드를 사용했고, 이 사실이 회사 상관에게 발각되어 카드 결제가 취소되는 사태가 터진다. 급전이 필요해진 세드릭은 5만 달러가 걸린 아마추어 남자 스트리퍼 선발대회에 참가를 감행한다. 한편, 아무것도 모른 채 스트립 클럽에 온 여자들은 캔디스를 위해 특별한 자리를 마련해준다. 캔디스의 모습을 본 마이클은 흥분하고, 순식간에 패싸움이 벌어져 모두가 유치장에 갇히고 마는데...
결혼식장에 들어가기 직전 신랑에게 신랑이 던진 한 마디. "나 남자랑 결혼하는 거 부모님한테 아직 말 못 했단 말이야!" 과연 이 신랑 커플의 운명은?!
Eun Bang Wool falls in love with Park Woo Hyuk who received a heart transplant from her ex-boyfriend.
Lin Heping is a famous curator who runs into Qiao Man and is surprised to find that she looks exactly like a woman that he loved for years.
The X-Family is a Taiwanese drama starring Pauline Lan, Jiro Wang, Danson Tang, Sunnie Huang, Calvin Chen, and Aaron Yan. It is a sequel to 2005 series KO One and was produced by Comic International Productions. The series started filming in June 2006 and wrapped in April 2007. It was broadcast on cable TV Gala Television Variety Show/CH 28 on 8 August 2007 to 23 October 2007. The prequel KO One was broadcast on 26 November 2005 to 27 May 2006 and a threequel, K.O.3an Guo was broadcast on 28 February 2009 to 27 February 2010, on cable TV Gala Television Variety Show/CH 28.
In the Silver Dimension, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei plan to enroll in an elite academy as sworn brothers, but KO One visitors derail the plan.
A love story between a woman who was wronged by a past love and the man that helps her regain confidence.
Prim has a large family with many relatives; most of them stick around expecting a share in the family's will. She is being forced to marry Joe, one of her relatives. However, she refuses and decides to move to a university down south. There, she meets Aran, a man her family wouldn't approve of.
Doctor Xu Qingfeng of Yanxi Hospital and Captain Guan Yuqing, both on a voyage back from studying abroad, form a strong bond through their cooperation in helping patients, only to discover that their families each hold deep, unspoken struggles.
Ji Eun is the daughter of a wealthy chaebol family. She is bright, humorous, beautiful, and smart. Ji Eun meets Se Hoon, who runs a small furniture workshop. Unlike Ji Eun, Se Hoon comes from a poor family background. He was once the top student at a prestigious university, but he had to drop out due to his sick mother. Nevertheless, Ji Eun falls deeply in love with Se Hoon. She confesses her feelings to him. Se Hoon is also in love with Ji Eun, but he turns her down due to the extreme differences in their backgrounds. Eventually, Se Hoon is unable to bury his feelings any longer and they decide to marry.
Following a chance encounter overseas, a woman with much to lose and a man with little to his name meet again as employer and employee.
Lin Zhixiao's entire world is turned upside down just before graduation. Her father is hospitalized after being diagnosed with cancer which leaves her no choice but to give up an important job opportunity. She and her boyfriend also break up. In an instant, all of her hopes and dreams for the future are gone. At this time, Gu Wei, her father's attending physician, walks into Lin Zhixiao's life. Love has the tendency to creep up on you when you're not looking. Two people who have been hurt before gradually get to know each other and fall in love. They go through doubts and hit road bumps, they experience misunderstandings and trying times, but in the process of falling in love, they realize that they are made for each other.
The drama is based on urban life. It tells the story of a common family of Hua Duo (Yang Zishan)and the rich second generation of He Yan (Ryan) fight, love each other, accompanied, and finally get a happy life together.
Working as an assistant chef at the Zijing Hotel, Gu Sheng Nan was a woman well on her way to making her dreams come true. Well situated, in a job that she loved, she was free to express herself through her food, as she sharpened her skills as a chef. In addition to having a great job, she was happily settled in her secret relationship with the hotel’s head chef. Convinced they were destined to build a beautiful life together, Sheng Nan was devastated the day she caught her boyfriend cheating. As if breaking up with her boyfriend wasn’t bad enough, Sheng Nan soon learns that she may soon be out of a job, thanks to the hotel’s impending acquisition. To make matters worse, an unfortunate misunderstanding lands her on the wrong side of her soon-to-be boss, the sharp-tongued CEO, Lu Jin.
Kaew, optimistic and hard-working, continues to view life through rose-coloured glasses. She works part-time day and night to help support herself and Grandma Prai. Things take a turn for the worse when Grandma Prai dies at the hand of someone who wanted her land on the beach. What’s even more shocking is that Grandma Prai gave that land by the beach to Thian, a man she had met only a few days previously and had already signed a lease in exchange for Thian having to take care of Kaew with a promise to help her find her parents.
A speed skating girl crosses paths with the ice hockey god of their school. Despite starting off on the wrong foot, they start on a journey to chase after their dreams. During elementary school, the timid and cowardly Li Yu Bing had to endure his seatmate Tang Xue's constant bullying. Even so, they share one thing in common, a dream on the ice. When they meet again at Lin Da University, Li Yu Bing has become the school's ice god while Tang Xue's future remains hazy. Li Yu Bing pulls a few strings to turn Tang Xue into his helper with the goal of getting payback for everything that she did. The more they spend time together, the more Li Yu Bing notices Tang Xue's good qualities. He realizes that his courage on ice is inspired by Tang Xue herself. In turn, he helps Tang Xue rediscover her dream in speed skating.
Shen Zhengyi, a passionate ice skater, strives to become a professional short-track speed skater by joining the Zhu Feng Sports Club. Despite lacking formal training, she overcomes physical and mental challenges, earning her teammates' trust and becoming a standout competitor. Along the way, she uncovers past secrets involving her mother and coach Zhuang Yue, forming a strong teacher-student bond as both generations fight for their dreams.
High school students Han Tae-joo and Kang-gook have always been together for 15 years. Although they are friends, Gook is actually a bodyguard for Tae-joo, the heir of a chaebol family. But before they know it, they feel different kinds of feelings for each other. What does Gook mean to Tae-joo, and what does Tae-joo mean to Gook?
Zhang Jian Yi's dream was to become a professional basketball player. However, at age 11, he was diagnosed with genetic heart disease. This caused him to hide his passion for the sport until he one day joins the school's basketball team. Can Jian Yi stick to his dreams, break the limits and bravely pursue his basketball dream in the face of parental opposition, physical limitations, and his teammates' disdain?