임신한 당신이 알아야 할 모든것

임신한 당신이 알아야 할 모든것 2012


난임 부부가 간절히 바라던 임신도, 젊은 남녀에게 느닷없이 찾아온 임신도, 이것 하나는 똑같다. 상상 이상으로 힘들다는 것! 임신과 출산의 현실을 유쾌하면서도 실감 나게 담아낸 올스타 캐스팅 로맨틱 코미디



럴러바이 2022


이제 막 엄마가 된 아마이아는 파트너가 잠시 자리를 비운 동안 바스크 지방 해안에 있는 부모님 집으로 돌아가 도움을 받기로 결심한다.



밴디트 2022


1985년, 미시간 교도소에서 탈옥해 캐나다로 건너간 한 남자. 노숙자에게 22달러에 신분증을 구매해 ‘로버트 화이트만’으로 새로운 삶을 시작하고, 돈을 마련하기 위해 은행 강도에 나선다. 변장과 은행털이에 남다른 재능을 발견한 그는 비행기를 타고 캐나다 전역을 누비며 무려 59번의 강도 행각을 벌이는데…


Jang Ok Jung, Living in Love

Jang Ok Jung, Living in Love 2013


Haute couture meets the high court in this drama based on Lady Jang Hui Bin, or Jang Ok Jung, one of the most celebrated royal concubines of the Joseon Dynasty. Lady Jang establishes herself as a coveted fashion designer who quickly finds herself sought after not only by fashionable noblewomen, but by the king himself. Political drama and the catwalk collide in this tale of fashioning dreams into reality!


Mother To Be

Mother To Be 2020


Three women at different stages of life grapple with questions of marriage and raising children.


Birthcare Center

Birthcare Center 2020


Oh Hyun-jin is the youngest executive at her company. She gives birth to a baby and stays at a postnatal care center. She is the oldest guest at the center for mothers and their newborn babies. While staying there, she meets other women, including Jo Eun-jeong, and they grow together as adults.


De Wereld van Eva

De Wereld van Eva 2022


In 2018, Eva Jinek became a mother: the most beautiful and important role in her live. But we don't talk enough about how motherhood affects all of us, physically and mentally. It's high time to get rid of the taboos around motherhood. If only because it's a lot easier when you know you're not alone!