해럴드와 보라색 크레용

해럴드와 보라색 크레용 2024


모험심이 강한 해롤드는 책 속에서는 무엇이든 그리기만 하면 현실로 만들 수 있어요. 해롤드는 성장하여 책 속 페이지에서 벗어나 현실 세계로 나온 후 현실 생활에 대해 배울 것이 많다는 것을 알게 됩니다.



Cucumber 1974


Children's Underground Club of United Moose and Beaver for Enthusiastic Reporters or Cucumber, was a TV show produced by TVOntario in the 1970s, and repeated in the 1980s during TVOntario's daytime kids' programming. The show featured a human-sized moose and beaver often reporting from a treehouse. By sending in a story or some artwork to the show, one could become a member of the Cucumber Club. Some notable people appeared on the show: ⁕A young John Candy guest starred as a character named Weatherman ⁕A young Martin Short guest starred as a character named Smokey the Hare ⁕An interview featured a nine-year-old Jeff Healey.