더 웨이

더 웨이 2010


여행중 사망한 아들의 유해를 안고 아버지는 산티아고의 길(El camino de Santiago) 순례에 오른다.


엘 카미노

엘 카미노 2023


방송인 손미나가 산티아고 순례길 <엘 카미노>를 걸으며 찾은 희망과 위로의 메시지를 전한다.


나의 산티아고

나의 산티아고 2015


최고의 전성기를 누리며 부와 명예를 거머쥔 인기 코미디언 하페가 과로로 쓰러지면서 큰 수술을 받게 된다. 수술 후 갖게 된 긴 휴가가 낯설기만 한 그는 곧 무력감에 시달리게 되고 돌연 산티아고 순례길에 오르기로 결심한다. 첫 날부터 폭우와 허름한 숙소, 불면의 밤까지. 하페는 고통이 동행하는 여정을 시작하는데…


This Is America, Charlie Brown

This Is America, Charlie Brown 1988


From the voyage of the Mayflower to the bold exploration of outer space, join the Peanuts gang as they take you on a timeless journey through American history! Groove along with Charlie Brown and Snoopy as they discover the beginnings of jazz and ragtime music, accompanied by Lucy's speech about American heroes. So all aboard with Peanuts because This Is America, Charlie Brown!


Monasteries of Europe

Monasteries of Europe 2018


What is happening today in European monasteries? Why do young people leave the “normal” world to devote their lives to spirituality? Let's embark on a journey to discover the sources of Europe and share the life of monastic communities from Ireland to Russia and from Greece to Germany.


Dear America

Dear America 1999


Based on the best-selling Scholastic books; Dear America features the rich and spirited stories of young women at various turning points in history.


Die Pilgerin

Die Pilgerin 2014


In the 14th century, a young merchant's daughter from southern Germany sets off on the adventurous Way of St. James to faraway Santiago de Compostela to fulfill her father's last wishes and bring his heart there. Disguised as a man, the pilgrim is hunted by pursuers set on her by her conniving brother.