Timothy Leary Silicon Valley Story 치치와 총의 나이스 드림 Rude Awakening How To Operate Your Brain Cityscrapes: Los Angeles 로드사이드 Larry Flynt for President At Folsom Prison with Dr. Timothy Leary Hofmann's Potion: The Pioneers of LSD Conceiving Ada Stupor Mundi: Livre 2, Les Hommes qui mangèrent la montagne Manson: Music From an Unsound Mind The Source Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Fried Shoes Cooked Diamonds Be-In Hippies Fix: The Ministry Movie 다잉 투 노우: 램 다스 & 티모시 리어리 Fatal Skies Stuff The Psychedelic Experience Cyberpunk Surviving You, Always HyperNormalisation Breathing Together: Revolution of the Electric Family How To Go Out of Your Mind: The LSD Crisis Tim Leary: The Art of Dying The Transcendental Object at the End of Time Expanding Visions: An Introduction to the New Age Movement We're All Devo LSD: Trip to Where? 영혼의 목걸이 You’re Nobody Till Somebody Loves You Night Visions Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out Return Engagement Mission Mind Control John & Yoko's Year of Peace NBC television special: The Pursuit of Pleasure Bill's Hat Tom Snyder's Electric Kool-Aid Talk Show Medium Rare Energy!!! The Movie Growing Up in America 비틀스는 어떻게 세상을 바꿨나 Peyote to LSD: A Psychedelic Odyssey 월든 (일기, 노트, 스케치) Beyond Life: Timothy Leary Lives 마이 사이키델릭 러브 스토리 Nema aviona za Zagreb Ted & Venus Anarchy TV Bed Peace John & Yoko Bed-In John Lilly and the Earth Coincidence Control Office How To Operate Your Brain Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. Prisoners of Gravity 블루문 특급 Space Ghost Coast to Coast 프레이저 The Merv Griffin Show Blossom Helter Skelter: An American Myth 히스토리 101 Super Force