Ray Quintana Saurus City Hero Mode Hero Mode The Curse of Sleeping Beauty Hero Mode Pleasure The Debt Collector It Takes Three It Takes Three It Takes Three Daddio Killing Eleanor Killing Eleanor Killing Eleanor Brutal Season Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas House of Glass Fast Charlie Fast Charlie In-Lawfully Yours In-Lawfully Yours In-Lawfully Yours What Josiah Saw Journey to Space Sister of the Groom Sister of the Groom This Land This Land This Land Midland Midland Snag Fairyland Bachelors Bachelors Beast of Burden The Debt Collector The Debt Collector Alien Code Alien Code Seoul Searching Seoul Searching Bit Avengement Avengement Bit Sky Fighter Sky Fighter Sky Fighter Cabin Fever Debt Collectors Debt Collectors Arkansas Working Man Working Man Working Man Working Man The Haunting of Sharon Tate The Haunting of Sharon Tate What If We Could Stay Another Cabin in the Woods Movie Crush Crush