
Nasrai 1975


Legendinis Stiveno Spilbergo filmas. Mažos salelės gyventojams, kuriems iki šiol ramiai ir nerūpestingai bėgo dienos, dabar čia gyventi nesaugu. Kiekvieno lengvabūdžio tyko milžiniškas baltasis ryklys. Miestelio šerifas reikalauja tuoj pat uždaryti visus paplūdymius ir nieko neleisti į vandenį, tačiau artėja Amerikos nepriklausomybės diena, liepos ketvirtoji, ir meras tikrai neketina prarasti milžiniško pelno. Taigi šerifas, mokslininkas ir senas žvejys patys išsirengia į vandenyną medžioti pabaisos…


Mano gyvenimo zuvis

Mano gyvenimo zuvis 2003


„Didelė žuvis“ pasakoja istoriją tarp mirštančio tėvo Edvardo Bloomo (Albertas Finney) ir jo sūnaus Willo (Ewanas McGregoras), kuris bando sužinoti daugiau apie savo tėvą, rinkdamas įvairias istorijas, kurias jam papasakojo. Taigi Will atkuria savo gyvenimą legendų ir mitų serijoje, įkvėptoje kelių jam žinomų faktų. Bet iš savo motinos Sandy noro vėl suvienyti tėvą su sūnumi jis pradeda suprasti tėvo nesantaiką. Jo pasakojimuose yra kelionių aplink pasaulį ir kliedesių, apimančių milžinus, tornadas ir raganas.


Kurčiųjų tėvų vaikas

Kurčiųjų tėvų vaikas 2021


Kaip Coda (kurčiųjų suaugusiųjų vaikas) Rubė yra vienintė šeimoje girdinti. Kai šeimos žvejybos verslui kyla grėsmė, Rubei reikia pasirinkti tarp meilės muzikai ir baimės palikti tėvus.


Piratavimas jūroje

Piratavimas jūroje 2021


Šio dokumentinio filmo kūrėjas aiškinasi, kokią įtaką žmonijos veiksmai daro vandenynų gyvūnijai ir augalijai, o akis atveriančioje kelionėje pamato, kokia korumpuota yra komercinė žuvininkystė.


Turėti ir neturėti

Turėti ir neturėti 1945


Bogarto herojus turi nedidelę valtį, kuria plukdina atvykstančius turistus. Jis neturi šeimos, jo nedomina politika ir vykstantis karas, o vienintelis turimas draugas – vietinis alkoholikas. Tik pažintis su žavia mergina (vaid. Lauren Bacall), vagiančią pinigines iš baro lankytojų, priverčia jį ryžtis tokiems dalykams, apie kuriuos jis anksčiau net nesusimąstydavo.



Šalis 2021


Edee, po skaudaus įvykio, negalėdama susitaikyti su tikrove pasitraukia į nuostabias, bet pavojingus kalnynus. Vietiniam medžiotojui išgelbėjus ją iš mirties slenksčio, ji vėl turi rasti jėgų naujam gyvenimui.


Seni bambekliai 2

Seni bambekliai 2 1995


Vasara viename Minesotos miestelyje „atšildė“ ir dviejų, amžinai besivaidijančių, senukų santykius. Džonas laimingai gyvena santuokoje su Ariele, o Maksas toliau vienišauja. Bet ramybė trunka neilgai. Į miestelį atvyksta nuostabi moteris Marija Rageti. Ji pasiryžusi legendinę žvejų užeigą paversti itališku restoranu. Džonas ir Maksas nori sutrukdyti Marijos planams. Jie skleidžia išgalvotas apkalbas, taip tikėdamiesi sužlugdyti restoraną. Tačiau senukai nesitikėjo, kad Marija bus nemažiau atkakli. Moteris pasiruošusi ne tik laimėti karą, bet užkariauti Makso širdį.


Deadliest Catch

Deadliest Catch 2005


Forty-foot waves, 700 pound crab pots, freezing temperatures and your mortality staring you in the face…it's all in a day's work for these modern day prospectors. During each episode we will watch crews race to meet their quota and make it home safely.


River Monsters

River Monsters 2009


Extreme angler Jeremy Wade is on the hunt for fish with a taste for human flesh. This rip-roaring ride mixes action and adventure with mysteries, edge-of-the-seat chase and a battle of wills between man and nature.


Wicked Tuna

Wicked Tuna 2012


Fishing is a hard life, and harder with bluefin stocks depleted. In Gloucester, Massachusetts, there's a special breed of fishermen. For generations they've used rod and reel to catch the elusive bluefin tuna. They depend on these fish for their livelihood, and the competition is brutal. Over the next 10 weeks, the most skilled fishermen will set out in the frigid waters of the North Atlantic in hopes of catching the valuable bluefin tuna. When one bluefin can bring in as much as $20,000—they'll do whatever it takes to hook up.


Fishing with John

Fishing with John 1991


Musician John Lurie knows nothing about fishing, but that doesn't stop him from embarking on fishing in exotic locations with friends.


Pororo the Little Penguin

Pororo the Little Penguin 2003


Fun adventures await in the forest named Porong Porong Village where Pororo and friends live. New friends show up in the village and many exciting things happen in the forest. Our playful little gentoo penguin Pororo, naughty spinosaurus Crong, sweet and lovely American beaver Loopy, cheerful and sporty Adélie penguin girl Petty, clever fennec fox Eddy, strong minikaniko Rody, trustworthy polar bear Poby, happy-go-lucky hummingbird Harry, magical dragon wizard Tong-Tong, and a red sedan car Tu-Tu live in this snow-covered wonderland.


Negative Positive Angler

Negative Positive Angler 2024


Tsunehiro’s life isn’t easy. After a doctor gives him two years to live and debt collectors come knocking, he falls from a bridge. In the knick of time, Hana and her crew spot Tsunehiro and pull him to safety. Before returning, they anchor offshore to fish and Tsunehiro catches a huge sea bass in a bout of beginner’s luck. As his apartment building crumbles, Tsunehiro’s new life begins to unfold!


Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater

Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater 2020


Hina Tsurugi and her family have just moved to a quaint seaside town. Hoping to savor the sight of the peaceful ocean, Hina stumbles upon a girl named Yuuki Kuroiwa—an upperclassman at her new school—who invites Hina to join her in fishing. Hina reels in an octopus, which falls onto her; being afraid of bugs and big creatures, she panics and begs Yuuki to remove it from her. Yuuki sees this as an opportunity to force Hina to join the school's Breakwater Club—a club where members gather, catch, and eat various types of marine life as their main activity. Although her attempts to refuse to join fail, Hina slowly begins to discover the hidden joy in fishing. Her view on the sport changes, now looking forward to all the delightful experiences she can take part in alongside her fellow club members.


Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing

Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 2018


Comedians and lifelong friends Bob Mortimer and Paul Whitehouse share their personal and hilarious life experiences while travelling around the UK fishing for elusive species.


Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks

Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks 2014


The long, cold winter has just hit New England, and while the bluefin tuna season has come to an end in Gloucester, Mass., it’s just getting started in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. After a disappointing season, several of Gloucester’s top fishermen head south to try to salvage their finances by fishing for the elusive bluefin tuna in unfamiliar Carolina waters before the experienced locals beat them to the catch. It’s a whole new battlefield and the Northern captains must conquer new styles of fishing, treacherous waters and the wrath of the Outer Banks’ top fishermen. They’re gambling on what could be a massive payday … or a huge financial loss.


Slow Loop

Slow Loop 2022


Nervous to meet her new stepdad, Hiyori heads to the place she always feels at home—the ocean. When a curious girl named Koharu shows up, Hiyori decides to teach her how to fish, just like her father did before he died. But after Koharu reveals she’s also meeting her new family that night, the girls come to a startling realization. Their friendship is about to reach a whole new level!


Kentucky Afield

Kentucky Afield 1952


Our host goes in search of outdoor adventure and showcases the best fishing, hunting, and wildlife-related recreation Kentucky has to offer. Produced by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, Kentucky Afield is the longest continuously running outdoor television show in the nation.



Battlefish 2018


Over the course of a fishing season, tough men and women pursue lucrative albacore tuna in the competitive waters off the Oregon coast.


Deadliest Catch: On Deck

Deadliest Catch: On Deck 2013


Forty-foot waves, 700 pound crab pots, freezing temperatures and your mortality staring you in the face…it's all in a day's work for these modern day prospectors. Each episode shows a little added footage and overlay-ed social media pop-ups from the series "Deadliest Catch".



Tsuritama 2012


Yuki Sanada has always felt like a fish out of water. Socially awkward and anxious, he struggles to fit in with his surroundings and moves from town to town with his grandma. As he and his grandma settle into the charming seaside town of Enoshima, Yuki hopes for a fresh start. However, his reputation at school is jeopardized by the arrival of fellow transfer student Haru. The eccentric Haru immediately makes a splash, wildly claiming to be an alien and declaring that Yuki is his friend. Pairing the reluctant Yuki with their classmate and fishing talent, Natsuki Usami, he tasks both of them with the absurd mission of saving the world from a mysterious threat in the ocean. Mischief and hijinks ensue, as these three embark on a whimsical adventure filled with laughs, heart, and self-discovery!


Buccaneers & Bones

Buccaneers & Bones 2010


The famed saltwater flats of the Bahamas and Belize give a beautiful setting for the fishing adventure and conservation initiative undertaken in "Buccaneers and Bones." Journalist Tom Brokaw -- who also narrates the series -- leads an expedition in search of the island's legendary bonefish. Joining Brokaw are an eclectic group of celebrities, authors and business titans to fly-fish and swap stories about the wonders of the sport, and the modern-day buccaneers also discuss the importance of ensuring healthy populations of marine species for generations to come. The series reveals research funded by Bonefish and Tarpon Trust and other organizations -- information to help anglers catch more fish and preserve fragile coastal habitats. Other seasons of the series take place off the island of Ambergris Caye in Belize. Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard, actors Liam Neeson and Michael Keaton, TV host Jimmy Kimmel, and musician Huey Lewis are among Brokaw's guests. Supports Bonefish & Tarpon Trust (BTT)


Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns

Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns 2022


Sig Hansen lures his family back to their Norwegian homeland hoping to build a new king crab fishing empire. As co-captain Mandy begins her own family, starting over in the land of their ancestors becomes an unexpected journey to rediscover a lost legacy.


A Mug's Game

A Mug's Game 1996


Four-part series that studies the personal lives of folk in a remote Scottish fishing village that is coming to terms with rationalisation, and globalisation of its fishing industry.