Raktažodis Policewoman
Sexual Predator 2001
Žandaras ir žandariukės 1982
Į žandarmeriją atsiunčia stažuotojus – keturias jaunutes merginas. Žandarai džiaugiasi. Tačiau jų žmonos sunerimsta, nes visos merginos gražios it saldainėliai. Tačiau įvykiai pasisuka visai nepageidaujama linkme: nežinomi piktadariai pavagia jaunąsias pareigūnes. Munduro garbė pakibo ant plauko.
Keršto kelias 2018
Veiksmo filme „Keršto kelias“ Nicole Kidman įkūnija palūžusią ir alkoholio liūne skendinčią detektyvę Erinę Bel. Po abejingumo kauke besislepianti moteris atrodo esanti žiauri, o jos vidus – toks tamsus, jog žiūrovą ilgainiui ima kamuoti dilema – palaikyti ją ar smerkti? Būdama jauna, nusikalstamoje grupuotėje po priedanga dirbančia pareigūne, Bel vykdė užduotį, kuri ne tik baigėsi tragiškai, tačiau ir galutinai palaužė ją. Sykį viskas pasikeičia – detektyvė sužino, kad Silas (akt. Toby Kebbell) – žiaurus grupuotės lyderis, kurioje ji dirbo – grįžo ir vėl ėmėsi nuskalstamos veiklos. Siekdama atkeršyti už sugriautą gyvenimą, Erinė pradeda Silo paieškas – niekas nebėra saugus, kuomet stipri ir nepriklausoma, tačiau sugniuždyta moteris siekia keršto ir atgimimo...
夕陽天使 2002
Blue Steel 1990
XX 美しき獲物 1996
最佳拍檔 1982
Impulse 1990
Soni 2019
皇家女將 1990
女歡 1999
Cassandra 2020
Raw Nerve 1999
Conundrum 1996
Karateci Kız 1973
Angels of Mission 2004
The Police Counter-Terrorism Unit (CTU) gathers intelligence to fight against terrorist attacks. Three beautiful female officers, Sam, Fa, and Bowie, who have different personalities, are outstanding members of this unit. Sam is a Chief Inspector in CTU. She is decisive and never mixes personal matters with work. Fa is good at martial arts and enthusiastic in her job. However, she can be very short-tempered. Bowie is a fresh graduate from the cadet school. She is very accurate at shooting, but she has no ambition at work. These three angels are friends and partners. In "Angels of Mission", they unite to fight terrorism.
The Good Thieves 2017
There are thieves who come from different backgrounds and situations, but were not born as thieves. For the most part, they lived by the rules even while growing up poor and worked hard to better their lives. They are actually generous people. But the cruel realities of society have pushed them to the edge. And to ensure that their past problems do not hamper their own children, they fight to exact revenge from those in power, search for their long-lost family members and commit one last heist to mete out justice. This TV show will entertain viewers with a story revolving around thieves from the low rungs of society who burglarize the home of powerful men in order to unmask them. They do this to put an end to those who stand above the law and get away with thievery scot-free.
Voice 2017
It's 3 minutes for hearers, but a life for the callers. A crime thriller chasing even the slightest sounds to rescue people's lives calling for urgent help.
Southland 2009
A raw and authentic look into the Los Angeles crime scene, going far inside the lives of cops, criminals, victims and their families. The show centers on four main characters: Officer John Cooper, a seasoned cop who will have to prove himself again after recovering from surgery; Officer Ben Sherman, who still has much to learn after recently completing his training rotation; Detective Lydia Adams, whose unending caseload hits closer to home; and Sammy Bryant, a former detective who decided to go back to being a uniform cop after the traumatic death of his partner.
Get Christie Love! 1974
Adventures of sexy & sassy black undercover cop Christie Love.
Sergeant Tabloid 2013
Emergency Unit senior female sergeant Lui Fei-hap is over 30 and had her ups and downs in love. When she meets the perfect man, she actively began her 'hunt and capture' operation, but unexpectedly discovers that her boyfriend's true identity is, in fact, a drug lord. Her entire relationship with this drug lord was captured and placed on the headlines by tabloid reporter Lam Yat-yat. Fei-hap's and Yat-yat's paths continue to cross when pursuing duties and stories, sometimes co-operating and sometimes as enemies, sometimes saving the other and at other times the target of each other's practical jokes. Before long Fei-hap finds herself falling in love with new recruit Wong Tze-tsuen, only for Yat-yat to stand in her way again. Pushed to her limits both at work and in love, Fei-hap has no choice but to fight back in the name of love.
Decoy 1957
New York City policewoman Casey Jones' assignment to fight crime often entails her going undercover in some of the seediest and most dangerous parts of the city. Decoy is a groundbreaking American crime drama television series created for syndication and initially broadcast from October 14, 1957, to July 7, 1958, with thirty-nine 30-minute black-and-white episodes. It was the first American police series with a female protagonist. Many Decoy episodes are in the public domain.
Hinterland 2013
Tom Mathias comes to Aberystwyth having abandoned his life in London. He's a brilliant but troubled man. Despite his faults he is an excellent detective, who knows that the key to solving the crime lies not in where you look for truth, but how you look.
You Are the Miracle 2019
A story that follows a cop who goes undercover to complete a mission and his girlfriend who tries to uncover the truth. Lin Ze is a straight arrow who vows to be a decent cop. He meets his match in Chen Meng, an aspiring cop who prefers to speak with her fists. Chen Meng is devastated after hearing the news of Lin Ze's death. However, she starts to dig for the truth when an expert negotiator by the name of Qiao Ying Zi who shares the same face as Lin Ze arrives in the country.
Makarov and The Girls 2021
The head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Butovo region, Makarov, is completely replaced by the personnel as a result of a conflict with the leadership. Instead of experienced male cops, four young students are singled out.
Caught in the Heartbeat 2018
Tang Yixiu pursues his dream of becoming a police officer and crosses paths with Shi Gujing, who comes from a family of officers but lost her memory after a mysterious accident overseas. As they join the force and fight for justice, they work together to uncover the truth behind her past.
Live 2018
The police officers at South Korea's busiest patrol division toil day and night as keepers of law and peace — but the reality is far from orderly.
The Game: Towards Zero 2020
Tae Pyeong is a prophet. When he looks into someone's eye, he can see the moment right before they die. Tae Pyeong is smart, rich and handsome. Despite his special ability, he is a bright person. A mysterious serial murder case draws Tae Pyeong's attention. He partners with Detective Joon Young to solve the string of murders.
消散的痕迹 2022
First Love 2016
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Zuo Zaijun, Zheng Lei, and Ning Xiaomeng were good friends in college. In fact, both Zaijun and Lei were in love with Xiaomeng. But Xiaomeng left for the United States to further her studies, and Zaijun and Lei lost touch with her for eight years. During that time, the men raised Xiaomeng’s daughter, Miaomiao, whom Xiaomeng left behind. But when Xiaomeng suddenly returns after eight years and wants her daughter back, will her reappearance reignite the emotional rivalry between Zaijun and Lei?
Madam Cutie On Duty 2015
As a child, Fa Ping was teased for her ugliness. After an accident that required her to have plastic surgery, she firmly believes that beauty can change lives. Even after she enters the police force, she still cares about beauty more than anything. When a prostitution case reveals that a loan-shark company is operating inside a public housing community, Fa Ping and fellow CID officer Law Dai-Shu are sent to act like a couple in order to obtain information from the housewives. They meet the "Housewives Trio" of Hung Dan-Dan, So Fung-Nei, and Lau Lin-Heung. To investigate the case, Fa Ping is forced to give up her fancy wardrobe and cater to the housewives.
Happiness Will Come Knocking Again 2020
Huang Zili, a determined doctor, and Fang Yan, a dedicated policewoman, chase their dreams in the city. Despite frequent clashes, their paths intertwine, leading to personal growth and an unexpected romance.
Minor Crimes 2023
Two detectives solve minor crimes happening in the city.