Raktažodis Rock Band
Mes chères études 2010
Bohemijos rapsodija 2018
„Bohemijos Rapsodija“ – legendinės britų roko grupės „Queen“, jų muzikos ir išskirtinio vokalisto Fredžio Merkurio, ne tik nugalėjusio stereotipus, bet ir tapusio vienu populiariausių muzikantų visoje planetoje, šventė! Fenomenalus ir meteorinis grupės išsiveržimas... Jų ikoniškos dainos ir revoliucinis skambesys! Grupę skaldantys užkulisiai ir Fredžio nekontroliuojamas gyvenimo būdas... Ir vieną įsimintiniausių pasirodymų „Live Aid“ koncerte, kurio metu visi 72 tūkstančiai stadione susirinkę žiūrovai kartu su grupe plojo, lingavo ir šokinėjo – tai iki šiol laikomu geriausiu visų laikų gyvojo roko pasirodymu istorijoje.
Dženiferės kūnas 2009
Vieną vakarą draugės nutaria apsilankyti roko grupės koncerte. Garažuose grojantys vaikinai desperatiškai siekia išgarsėti, o, kaip žinia, tikslas pateisina priemones. Sužinoję apie tam tikrą ritualą, jie nutaria išbandyti šią galimybę. Dainininkus dievinanti Dženiferė "išrenkama" savanore ir vaikinai ją paaukoja nelabajam už kontraktą su muzikos įrašų firma. Po ritualo Dženiferė netrukus pajunta keistą – kitokį nei anksčiau – potraukį vaikinams. Dabar jie ją traukia ne kaip kandidatai pasimatymams ar linksmam laiko praleidimui, o kaip... maistas. Negalėdama kontroliuoti savęs, Dženiferė ima vieną po kito žudyti ja besižavinčius bendraamžius. Apie tai sužinojusi Nydė pasiryžta gelbėjimo misijai – tiek vaikinų, tiek savo geriausios draugės, kurią siekia išvaduoti nuo merginą apsėdusio apsirijimo demono.
Roko mokykla 2003
Atleistas iš roko grupės ir atsidūręs ties bankroto riba muzikantas Devejus Finas įsidarbina mokytoju vidurinėje mokykloje. Iš pradžių muzikos enciklopedija pravardžiuojamas vyrukas neįsivaizduoja, kaip užimti vaikus. Bet pastebėjęs, kad dauguma iš jų yra gabus muzikai ir turi gerą klausą, buvęs rokeris nusprendžia įkurti grupę, kuri vėliau dalyvautų dainų konkurse. Devejus Finas iškelia tik vieną sąlygą vaikams, kad apie jų veiklą pamokų metu neturi žinoti nei kiti moksleiviai, nei jų tėvai, nei mokyklos direktorė.
劇場総集編ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!Re: 2024
Jawbreaker 1999
Myliu tave, žmogau 2009
Nekilnojamojo turto agentas džiaugiasi sėkmingai pasibaigusiomis piršlybomis, bet negali sau atleisti, kad vis dar neturi geriausio draugo, kurį ramia sąžine galėtų skirti pabroliu. Iki šventinės vedybų ceremonijos likusį laiką jis leidžia vaikščiodamas į romantiškus, keistus ir nepatogius pasimatymus su vyrais, o bendraudamas su potencialiais kandidatais atranda savo antrąjį "aš" ir prisirišimas prie sužadėtinės silpnėja. Kai susitinka mergaitėms patinkantis vaikinas ir berniukus labiau dievinantis vaikinas, šventvagiškos komplikacijos tiesiog neišvengiamos. O kai į porą susieina žodžio kišenėje neieškantys seksualinio humoro šalininkai Paulas Ruddas ir Jasonas Segelis, tai jau niekas nebegalės normaliai sukontroliuoti tik suaugusiems skirtų absurdiškų situacijų.
Tai - Spinal Tap 1984
Airheads 1994
Her Smell 2019
American Satan 2017
Rudderless 2014
Can't Hardly Wait 1998
Stop Making Sense 1984
The Rose 1979
Hospital Playlist 2020
Every day is extraordinary for five doctors and their patients inside a hospital, where birth, death and everything in between coexist.
NANA 2006
Nana Osaki is a guarded and ambitious young woman with a strong will and a rough past. She is the vocalist for a punk band called Black Stones and she desires fame and recognition more than anything else. Nana Komatsu is an outgoing and flighty young woman with a weak will and a stable past. Her life revolves around her desire to find love and marriage. The two meet for the first time while traveling to Tokyo - in pursuit of their respective dreams - and they later decide to be roommates. Although drastically different people, the two become very close and together they find out if their biggest dreams have room for their best friend.
The Monkees 1966
Micky, Mike, Peter, and Davy are four young men in mid-1960s LA, members of a struggling country-folk-rock band looking for their big break amid madcap encounters with a variety of people straight out of TV and movie central casting, with full knowledge that their existence is part of a weekly television series
BanG Dream! 2017
Since she was very young, Kasumi Toyama has always been searching for the "Star Beat", a sparkling and exciting sound she heard while looking up at the night sky. Just after getting into high school, Kasumi comes across a "star-shaped guitar" in the storage area of an old pawn shop. Feeling a rush and excitement she has never felt before, Kasumi teams up with four other girls and embarks on a journey to seek out the shiny place. We promise to perform a live here!
Hitori Gotoh, a shy, awkward, and lonely high school student dreams of being in a band despite her doubts and worries, but when she is recruited to be the guitarist of a group looking to make it big, she realises her dream may be able to be fulfilled and come true.
I'm in the Band 2009
Tripp Campbell is the new lead guitarist for Iron Weasel, a band that once ruled the world of 80s pop metal. Can he push the washed-up rockers out of his parents' guest room and back in the limelight?
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off 2023
Scott Pilgrim meets the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers, only to find out her seven evil exes stand in the way of their love.
School of Rock 2016
A group of rule-abiding prep school students – Zack, Lawrence, Freddy, Summer and Tomika – learn to take risks and reach new heights thanks to substitute teacher Dewey Finn, a down-on-his-luck musician who uses the language of rock ‘n’ roll to inspire his class to form a secret band. Throughout the school year, these middle-school classmates find themselves navigating relationships, discovering their unknown talents and learning lessons on loyalty and friendships.
LoliRock 2014
Iris’s earthling life is turned upside down when she learns that she’s actually an alien princess! When girl band LoliRock holds an audition for a third member, Iris tries out… and is suddenly surrounded by a dazzling light. Talia and Auriana have found their fellow princess, heir to the throne of Ephedia. Years ago, when this distant crystal planet fell under the spell of the evil Gramorr, the infant Iris was sent to earth for safekeeping. But now, the people of Ephedia need freeing. It’s a quest for which Iris is needed, and one that is done under the guise of being a pop band! It’s a battle against alien agents and crystal monsters… while appealing to crowds of adoring fans! In the powerful second series, they are joined by two new princesses, Carissa and Lyna in their mission.
Whisper Me a Love Song 2024
Bubbly, energetic first-year high school student Himari falls head over heels for her senpai, Yori, after hearing her band perform on the first day of school. Himari tells Yori she just loves her, and, to Himari's surprise, Yori says she loves Himari back! But when Himari realizes that she and her senpai are feeling two different kinds of love, she begins to ask herself what "love" really means.
Modern Farmer 2014
Excellent Souls was once really successful. Seven years later, one of its members, Min Ki struggles in life.
Visual Prison 2021
Beautiful immortals have gathered in Harajuku to compete for a grand prize: Immense power! For years now the artists behind worldly culture and music have secretly been vampires, including those who produce Visual Kei. Now, they perform their most beautiful songs in the hallowed grounds of the Prison under the Scarlet Moon.
Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad 2004
Koyuki Tanaka's boring life is changed after meeting Ryusuke Minami, a local musician with a bad attitude, who introduces him to foreign music.
Daisy Jones & the Six 2023
In 1977, Daisy Jones & The Six were on top of the world. Fronted by two charismatic lead singers — Daisy Jones and Billy Dunne — the band had risen from obscurity to fame. And then, after a sold-out show at Chicago's Soldier Field, they called it quits. Now, decades later, the band members finally agree to reveal the truth.
Dead Last 2001
A fledgling rock band on the verge of being discovered make a discovery of their own: a magical ancient amulet that gives them the power to see ghosts – whether they want to or not. Slightly deterred from fame by their newfound responsibility of helping an endless parade of desperate, and sometimes angry, apparitions resolve their unfinished business, the band begrudgingly intertwines their desire for rock and roll success with the lifelong gig of ushering the dead to the other side.
California Dreams 1992
California Dreams is an American teen-oriented sitcom that aired from 1992 to 1996 on Saturday mornings during NBC's Teen NBC programming block. It was created by writers Brett Dewey and Ronald B. Solomon and executive produced by Peter Engel, all known for their work on Saved by the Bell.
Kidd Video 1984
Kidd Video is a Saturday morning cartoon created by DIC Entertainment in association with Saban Entertainment. Its original run was on NBC from 1984 to 1985, but continued in reruns on the network until 1987, when CBS picked the show up. Reruns have also aired in syndication.
BREAK IT ALL: The History of Rock in Latin America 2020
Soda Stereo, Café Tacvba, Aterciopelados and others figure in this 50-year history of Latin American rock through dictatorships, disasters and dissent.
Dreams 1984
Dreams is an American television series that aired in 1984-1985 for one season on CBS. It follows the story of a fictional rock band that tries to get a recording contract.
Os Filhos do Rock 2013
A series about the phenomenon of rock and roll in Portugal during the 1980's.