
Brutalistas 2024


Holokaustą išgyvenęs vizionierius architektas Laszlo Tothas bėga iš karo nusiaubtos Europos, tikėdamasis sukurti naują gyvenimą Amerikoje. Po virtinės išbandymų gyvenimas pagaliau ima gerėti – iš Europos atvyksta jo išsiilgta žmona Erzsebet, o paslaptingas ir turtingas klientas Harisonas Van Burenas užsako iš Laszlo suprojektuoti didingą modernistinį monumentą. Šis ambicingiausias architekto karjeros projektas ne tik pakylės juodu su žmona į svaiginančias aukštumas, bet ir privers suabejoti amerikietiškos svajonės pažadu.


Jau baigėm?

Jau baigėm? 2007


Jaunavedžiai Nikas ir Siuzan nusprendžia persikelti į jaukų priemiestį, bandydami sukurti kuo geresnį gyvenimą savo vaikams. Tačiau paaiškėja, kad įgyvendinti svajonių namų idėją nebus taip paprasta – kvaištelėjęs statybų rangovas net neketina skubintis. Ar šeimynėlė išlaikys naujakurių egzaminą?


Įsimylėjėliai kaime

Įsimylėjėliai kaime 2019


Kai miesto mergina Gabriela spontaniškai nusprendžia dalyvauti konkurse ir laimi valstietiško stiliaus užeigą Naujojoje Zelandijoje, ji susiburia į komandą su geraširdžiu rangovu Džeiku Teiloru, kad ją sutvarkytų.


Juodasis drugelis

Juodasis drugelis 2017


Juosta pasakojanti apie alkoholiką rašytoją (A. Banderas), kuris gyvena atsiskyrėlišką, apatišką ir apsileidusį gyvenimą. Netikėtai, konflikto metu bare, jis susipažįsta su Jacku (J. R. Meyers), kuris išgelbsti rašytojo kailį. Kaip atsidėkodamas, šis pasiūlo klajokliui Jackui apsistoti nakčiai pas jį ir tada prasideda…


The Block

The Block 2003


Couples compete against each other to renovate houses and sell them at auction for the highest price.


Rock the Block

Rock the Block 2019


HGTV renovation stars face off against one another - they have just weeks and a limited budget to renovate four identical blank-slate homes on the same block with their signature styles. The designers who add the most property value netting the highest appraisal get bragging rights and the street named in their honor.


Bar Rescue

Bar Rescue 2011


Jon Taffer is the Gordon Ramsay of the bar and nightclub business. In each episode, Taffer helps transform a struggling bar into a vibrant, profitable business, utilizing his expertise as a nightlife consultant


Hotel Impossible

Hotel Impossible 2012


Hotel Impossible is a reality television program from Travel Channel in which struggling hotels receive an extensive makeover by veteran hotel operator Anthony Melchiorri and his team. The show premiered on April 9, 2012.


Zombie House Flipping

Zombie House Flipping 2016


Exploring the recent trend of house flippers scooping up foreclosed and often abandoned "zombie houses" and renovating them to return neighborhoods to their former glory.


Canada's Worst Handyman

Canada's Worst Handyman 2006


They're armed, dangerous and pose an imminent threat to person and property - and you might even be one! Discovery Channel has tracked down five shockingly shoddy renovators and offers the critical tools to help them improve.


Sarah Beeny's Renovate Don't Relocate

Sarah Beeny's Renovate Don't Relocate 2019


Sarah Beeny visits twenty households to experience their problem spaces for herself before installing cameras to monitor exactly how they use their homes. Having collated the data, she generates life-size floor plans that bring all her design, layout and decor ideas to life. She follows each build over the following months and revisits each household's amazing completed project to prove that if you re-think and re- design the space you already have, it is better to renovate not relocate.


Tous pour un chalet

Tous pour un chalet 2016


Six pairs of ordinary people are ready to do anything to win. Every week, these amateur renovators face elimination, and try to win challenges to get privileges. Cool nights, mosquitoes, lack of personal space: the candidates have to live in rough conditions during the adventure. At the end, a single team will win the cottage, fully renovated and furnished.


Battle on the Beach

Battle on the Beach 2021


Three skilled teams hit the beach to renovate identical beachfront properties. With some help from Ty Pennington, Alison Victoria and Taniya Nayak, they'll compete to wow the judges with their home remodels and walk away with a $50,000 cash prize!


House Doctor

House Doctor 1998


House Doctor is a television programme, originally broadcast on Channel 5 in the UK. Each week, the House Doctor - Californian real-estate stylist, Ann Maurice - helps UK home-owners sell their houses with her industry know-how and style tips. The popularity of the show has lent the word "house doctoring" to the British English lexicon, which is similar to the American term home staging. This program is now shown in many countries around the globe, which is broadening the use and familiarity of this term.


Pamela's Garden of Eden

Pamela's Garden of Eden 2022


Follow iconic screen star Pamela Anderson as she leaves her Hollywood life behind, returns to her roots on the coast of Vancouver Island, and embarks on a massive restoration of her grandmother’s legacy property. Joining Pamela’s journey is a talented team of designers, architects and contractors who work with her through the stresses and struggles of this extraordinary renovation.


The Block NZ

The Block NZ 2012


The New Zealand version of the international hit renovation-reality series in which four couples compete to renovate four dilapidated houses in a very upmarket suburb – room by room, week by week, challenge by challenge – and sell them at auction for the highest price.


Shifting Gears with Aaron Kaufman

Shifting Gears with Aaron Kaufman 2018


Aaron Kaufman is back, and this time, he’s the boss. Redefining the custom car building space, he’s pushing his design abilities to the limits and focusing on vehicle builds driven by passion. Taking on concepts and builds he’s always dreamed of.


The Renovators

The Renovators 2011


The Renovators is an Australian competitive reality renovation game show that premiered on Network Ten on 24 July 2011. The basic premise consists of 26 contestants who initially compete to become the head renovator of six run-down houses in the suburbs of Sydney, with challenges and eliminations taking place whilst the renovations are in progress. The last remaining contestant responsible for the property that has made the most profit when sold at auction wins the series. Network Ten announced in August 2011 that it had commissioned a second season of the series, but indicated that it would modify the program's format in order to address poor ratings, but to date no second season has been produced.


House Rules

House Rules 2013


The Australia-wide competition following six state-based couples who renovate each others homes to receive the highest scores with the winner having their mortgage paid off.


School Pride

School Pride 2010


School Pride is an American reality television series which airs on NBC, from executive producers Cheryl Hines and Denise Cramsey. The 7-episode series follows the renovation of a different public school each week. The aired from October 15, 2010 to November 26, 2010. The premiere episode earned 2.90 million viewers.


Ondertussen aan de Hofvijver

Ondertussen aan de Hofvijver 2022


The Binnenhof (Dutch Houses of Parliament) is being renovated. It will be closed off from the outside world for five years. During the years of renovation, Splinter Chabot closely follows developments.