Raktažodis Congo
The Dinosaur Project 2012
Patikimas Piemuo 2006
CŽV agentas Edvardas Vilsonas (akt. Mattas Damonas) žino visus misijos Kiaulių įlankoje niuansus ir turi priėjimą prie slaptos informacijos. CŽV direktoriaus pareigas užimantis senatorius Filipas Alenas (akt. Williamas Hurtas) gavo užduotį išsiaiškinti numalšinto užpuolimo priežastis ir privalo paruošti detalią ataskaitą JAV prezidentui, todėl reikalauja konkrečių atsakymų iš Edvardo Vilsono. Būtent jo pečius užgula atsakomybė išsiaiškinti išdaviko asmenybę. Kadangi kruopščiai suplanuotas sąmokslas buvo akylai saugomas nuo pašalinių akių, tai beveik niekam abejonių nekelia šiurpinantis faktas, kad Kubos vadovybę įspėti galėjo tik labai aukštas pareigas užimantis žmogus. Jaunasis pareigūnas revizuoja žvalgybos surinktus ir nežinomo liudininko pateiktus svarbius duomenis, nagrinėja nekokybišką nuotrauką, klausosi prasto garso įrašo kasetėje ir tikisi nustatyti įslaptintą informaciją nutekinusį tautietį.
Kongas 1995
Vienas godus maniakas išsiunčia savo sūnų kartu su grupe ekspedicijos dalyvių į Afriką ieškoti deimantų. Tačiau, tik jiems išvykus, nutrūksta ir kontaktas su jais. Tuomet jis išsiunčia savo buvusią marčią, kad ši surastų buvusį vyrą - jo sūnų. Visi filmo herojai patiria neįtikėtinų nuotykių ir galų gale supranta, kad godumas – didžiausias blogis, o labiausiai trokštami dalykai tampa laimę naikinančia jėga.
Vienuolės istorija 1959
Gabrielė van der Mal, įžymaus Belgijos gydytojo dukra, svajoja išvykti į Kongą, kad gydytų vietinius gyventojus. Priėmusi vienuolės įžadus ir gavusi naują vardą - sesuo Luka - ji atvyksta į Kongą dirbti ligoninėje.
Gorillas in the Mist 1988
The African Queen 1952
Heart of Darkness 1993
Dark of the Sun 1968
Lumumba 2000
Congo Maisie 1940
Kongo 1932
La vie est belle 1987
White Cargo 1942
Empire of Dust 2011
Exterminate All the Brutes 2021
Hybrid docuseries offering an expansive exploration of the exploitative and genocidal aspects of European colonialism, from America to Africa, and its impact on society today.
The Widow 2019
A woman's search to uncover the mystery of the disappearance of her husband leads her to the Congo, where she's forced to seek the truth about what happened to the man she loved.
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace 2011
We have been colonised by the machines we have built. Although we don't realise it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes of the computers.
Diamant 1997
In this filmed version of Flemish author Jef Gheeraerts' novel, Robert 'Robbe' Parain, an arrogant Antwerp police detective who operates at the limits of illegality and is in personal debt, tenaciously traces but also gets personally entangled in the dark, ruthless, criminal sides of the publicly so glamorous trade in diamonds, notably in his native Antwerp, Hong Kong, Brussels and Congo.
Children of the Colony 2018
A look into the Belgian colonisation of Congo through interviews of both colonials as Congolese people that lived it.
Kongo 1997
Guy Moeyaert is a well-meaning colonial official in a jungle district of the Belgian Congo in the last years of white colonial rule, after the Second World War, a paternalistic system where the state, unable to be properly present all over the vast, sparsely populated country, collaborates systematically with the Roman Catholic missions -in his post, father Alexis- and private enterprise, in case mainly the mining company -locally represented by engineer Lenaers- which also helps out with money and labor for such public tasks as road building. Even his grip on the natives is weak, as they live under hereditary tribal leaders, which must take from its people what they are legally obliged to deliver to the state in taxes and labor; coercion is done by force, including whipping on the bare buttocks, which Guy hates. Guy also starts a love affair with Hélène Vermarcke, who gets estranged from her husband Luk (the three were already friends in Belgium) as he devotes all his efforts the their plantation, leaving her alone with the native staff and their son, or is it Guy's? The adultery makes his position in the white community far weaker then is compatible with his position of theoretical authority without sufficient independent means. He also depends heavily on his educated black clerk Gabriel Ndazaru and ambitious white deputy Arthur. It all gets worse for everybody as the call for 'dipenda', black independence as in Ghana, gets stronger, in time even accepted 'in principle' by the Belgian government which plans a gradual transition which the idealist Guy supports but all other whites oppose, while the natives have neither patience nor insight and start attacking every symbol of the old regime, regardless of its objective value, and soon white people and 'collaborators' too- it gets physically dangerous, but Guy won't budge or flee...