Sielų kolekcionierius

Sielų kolekcionierius 2024


Talentinga FTB naujokė Li Harker (aktorė Maika Monroe) gauna užduotį: pabandyti išnarplioti serijinio žudiko (vaidina Nicolas Cage) bylą. Visus nužudymus sieja keisti sutapimai ir dar keistesni, okultinius primenantys, simboliai, kurių iki šiol niekam nepavyko suprasti. Lyg to būtų maža, Li netrukus suvokia, kad tam tikri ženklai rodo ir jos pačios sąsają su žudiku. Aišku viena: jeigu jo nepavyks sustabdyti, yra tik laiko klausimas, kuomet žudikas smogs ir vėl.


Pagrobimas 3

Pagrobimas 3 2014


Brajanas su dviem savo mylimom moterim saugiai grįžo namo – į Los Andželą. Po patirtų išgyvenimų buvusi Brajano žmona Leonora (aktorė Famke Janssen) vėl ima jausti romantiškus jausmus. Deja, jų norams vėl suklijuoti šeimą nelemta tęstis: vieną dieną Brajanas suranda žiauriai nužudytos žmonos kūną. Beveik kartu su juo į nusikaltimo vietą atvykę policininkai Brajanui nepalieka abejonių, kad jį bandoma „pakišti“. Supratęs, kad savo nekaltumu nieko neįtikins, Brajanas nusprendžia veikti pats. Kažkada buvusį aukščiausios klasės specialiųjų pajėgų karį Brajaną Milsą ima gaudyti ne tik Los Andželo policija, bet ir FTB bei CŽA. Prasideda kvapą gniaužiančios lenktynės, kuriose Brajanas ne tik turi išvengti savo persekiotojų, bet ir surasti tuos, kurie nužudė jo žmoną bei kėsinasi nužudyti jo vienturtę dukterį.


Aš – robotas

Aš – robotas 2004


2035 metais žmonija tapo visiškai priklausoma nuo robotų. Kiekvienam robotui įdiegiama programa, verčianti nekelti prieš žmogų rankos. Tačiau po kelių keistų įvykių paaiškėja, kad programa nėra tokia patikima, kaip visi manė.



Mizantropas 2023


Baltimorė. Naujųjų Metų išvakarės. Talentingą, bet prislėgtą policijos pareigūnę nusamdo FTB vyriausiasis tyrėjas, kad ši padėtų nustatyti ir surasti sutrikusį šalį terorizuojantį individą.


Kaulų kolekcininkas

Kaulų kolekcininkas 1999


Kažkoks taksistas, puikiai nusimanantis kriminalistikoje, užduoda mįsles paraližuotam nelaimingo atsitikimo metu genijui-kriminalistui Linkolnui Raimui. Pagrobiama milijonierių santuokinių pora, nužudomas vyras, o kada jo kūną suranda neseniai dirbanti policijoje Emilija Donahi, nusikaltimo vietoje palikti įkalčiai nurodo vietą ir laiką kada bus nužudyta ir milijonieriaus žmona. Raimas, sukrėstas tuo, kaip tiksliai ir atidžiai Emilija surinko įkalčius pirmojo nužudymo vietoje, kuri, kad juos išsaugoti netgi sustabdė traukinį, įtraukia ją į komandą tiriančia šią šiurpią bylą. Kartu jie pradeda žudiko paiešką, kuris jau paruošė sekančią auką – mįslę. Emilija tampa akimis, ausimis ir rankomis prikaustyto prie lovos Raimo, bet jam ir į galvą negalėjo ateiti, kad jis ir pats yra dalis šio kruvino pamišėlio plano.


Bučiuoti merginas

Bučiuoti merginas 1997


Policijos psichologas Aleksas Krosas sužino, kad dingo jo dukterėčia. Jis atvyksta į koledžą, kur ji mokėsi. Pasirodo, ji tapo dar viena gudraus ir žiauraus maniako auka. Jis grobė ne šiaip gražuoles, o talentingas, gražias merginas ir laikė uždarytas požemyje, kur jos privalėjo laikytis nustatytų taisyklių. Nusikalusiųjų nebuvo gailimasi...


Dabar tai jau padėk man, Dievuli!

Dabar tai jau padėk man, Dievuli! 2018


Unikalus ir necenzūruotas dokumentinis filmas fiksuoja belgų teisėjos Anne Gruwez darbą, kuriam ji taiko netradicinę metodiką, stebėtiną šaltakraujiškumą ir humoro jausmą. Be viso to nebūtų įmanoma ištverti kasdieninių akistatų su įvairiausio plauko nusikaltėliais. Briuselio kabineto sienos liudija apie žmogžudystes, teroristinius aktus, šeimyninį smurtą, satanistų apeigas... Atrodo, kad Anne gyvenime streso nebūna. Ji ramiai atverčia dviejų prostitučių nužudymo bylą, klausosi vaikžudės motinos išpažinties, ekshumuoja anksčiau įvykdyto nusikaltimo auką. Net kraupiausiose situacijose ji reaguoja lyg aštrialiežuvė komikė. Tai nerealu ir neįtikėtina, linksma ir šiurpu. Nerekomenduojame filmo silpnų nervų žiūrovams ir moralės sergėtojams.



Dateline 1992


Dateline NBC, or simply Dateline, is a weekly American television newsmagazine series. It was previously the network's flagship newsmagazine, but now focuses mainly on true crime stories with only occasional editions that focus on other topics.



Columbo 1971


Columbo is a friendly, verbose, disheveled-looking police detective who is consistently underestimated by his suspects. Despite his unprepossessing appearance and apparent absentmindedness, he shrewdly solves all of his cases and secures all evidence needed for indictment. His formidable eye for detail and meticulously dedicated approach often become clear to the killer only late in the storyline.


Fatal Attraction

Fatal Attraction 2013


Each pulse-pounding hour-long episode centers around an incredible and dangerous romance. Shocking crime, kidnapping or even murder is only half of the story! In the end, the “true love” that draws these couples together isn’t the kind that celebrates silver anniversaries – instead it leads to cross-country manhunts, bizarre cover-ups and dramatic trials. Driven by powerful, real-life stories, Fatal Attraction weaves together intimate, first-person interviews, exclusive interrogation footage and rare archival material. Along the way, it gives you a glimpse into the dark heart of a dangerous romance. Listen as the key players, family of the survivors and those that investigated the horrific crimes reveal the secrets to each sordid tale. Fatal Attraction… because love doesn’t just hurt, it can kill!



Snapped 2004


The fascinating cases of every day, seemingly average moms, wives and girlfriends accused of murder. Did they really do it? And if so, why?


Dateline: Secrets Uncovered

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 2017


For more than 25 years, Dateline has brought viewers investigations into some of biggest mysteries in America. This entry in the franchise takes a second look at some of the most mysterious cases of recent history. It explores the stories through firsthand accounts told by people who are close to the crime, including investigators who dedicated their time to the cases and family members who are still trying to confront the tragedies that befell their loved ones.


Cold Case Files

Cold Case Files 2017


There are over 100,000 cold cases in America, and only about 1% are ever solved. With recent advancements in technology and the methods used to solve these cases, as well as the unwavering dedication of victims’ families, law enforcement and the public, “Cold Case Files” explores the cases that defied the odds. Each episode of the Emmy-nominated series examines the twists and turns of one murder case that remained unsolved for years, and the critical element that heated it up, leading to the evidence that finally solved it. Featuring interviews with family members, friends, detectives, and others close to the cases, the refreshed classic series examines all facets of the crime and shines a light on a range of voices and victims.


Homicide Hunter: Lt Joe Kenda

Homicide Hunter: Lt Joe Kenda 2011


A non-fiction investigative series of murder cases told through the personal experience of retired detective, Lieutenant Joe Kenda. Through re-enactments, discussions with investigation teams, and interviews with victims' families and other involved persons, the show highlights Kenda's successes with his 400 homicide case history and 92 percent solution rate.


See No Evil

See No Evil 2015


Every second of every day, millions of Americans are caught on CCTV. Living in a surveillance society means everyday actions are caught on camera, mostly of honest citizens going about their daily lives. But a few are guilty of unspeakable crimes. Video doesn't discriminate; criminals also end up on film. See no Evil is a groundbreaking series that presents dramatic stories about how real crimes are solved with the aid of surveillance cameras. Police reveal how CCTV footage has unlocked the answer to cases that otherwise might have remained unsolved- leaving dangerous killers at large. The series features real footage and dramatic reconstruction, combined with first-hand testimony from police, witnesses, and families.


Swamp Murders

Swamp Murders 2013


Swamps, bogs, marshes, bayous and riverbeds can be murky, dark, crazy places, but when a body pops up, things get downright mysterious. Through stylish recreations, Swamp Murders will bring the viewer into the the subculture that's captivating America.



Redrum 2013


When it comes to murder, no detective starts their search at the beginning of the crime. Rather, a murder investigation always begins with the body, after the deed is done. It is up to the police to piece together the story, moving backwards in time until they arrive at the root of the crime. In REDRUM, viewers follow the backwards tale of murder from false motives and mistaken witnesses to conversations taken completely out of context, until the truth finally comes out at the very end.


Prosecuting Evil with Kelly Siegler

Prosecuting Evil with Kelly Siegler 2023


A true-crime series examining the most shocking murder investigations and toughest trials in Texas history - all told with Kelly's unique insight and unparalleled access. As Chief of Special Crimes in the busiest courthouse in the Lone Star state, Kelly Siegler battled to get killers into courtrooms to face their formidable defense attorneys. With her own firsthand accounts, alongside investigators and victims' families, Kelly reveals what really happened beyond the newspaper headlines to bring Texas-style justice.


Death by Fame

Death by Fame 2023


Death by Fame goes behind the scenes to uncover the sinister side of fame and reveal the shocking true stories behind the rise, fall and murder of some of Hollywood's most promising stars.


ATL Homicide

ATL Homicide 2018


Homicide detectives David Quinn and Vince Velazquez are veterans of the Atlanta Police Department. They are sitting down to share some of the grittiest stories of their careers. Quinn and Velazquez recall these cases and talk about their personal experiences while solving the crimes. They have tackled hundreds of cold cases together, with anything from murder to everyday crime, and they try to bring these criminals to justice and give peace to the victims' families.


Cold Case Files: Murder in the Bayou

Cold Case Files: Murder in the Bayou 2024


Narrated by Keith David, “Cold Case Files: Murder In the Bayou” features stories that the swamp threatened to swallow forever, but detectives managed to drag out into the light. These investigators, family, and friends know that no matter how deep in the muck it’s buried, no sin stays secret forever.


How I Caught My Killer

How I Caught My Killer 2023


The real-life stories behind unique homicide cases with in-depth interviews, authentic archival material and cinematic recreations all packaged together into a fresh spin in the genre.


Web of Lies

Web of Lies 2014


The internet is no longer a place you log on and visit; it's where you live. The home of true crime is now online. The internet is the Wild West. And if you're not careful, you too could be caught in a Web of Lies.



Payback 2022


Whether it's a cheating ex, a double-crossing co-worker, or the best friend who stabbed you in the back, it's human instinct to want to get even. Though most people don't act on this impulse, there are those who are consumed with getting even. For them, what starts as a nagging bitterness evolves into obsession and results in murder. This true crime documentary series profiles those stories of revenge, told through gripping interviews with the family members, community members, and law enforcement who experienced the events firsthand.


Bizarre Murders

Bizarre Murders 2018


Bizarre Murders reveals a true and surprisingly strange crime story. These are not serial murderers evading the FBI, but Fargo-like capers with shocking twists and unusual characters.


Homicide Squad New Orleans

Homicide Squad New Orleans 2025


To safeguard their streets, the New Orleans Police Department boasts a dedicated team of homicide detectives, many of whom are natives of the legendary city. “Homicide Squad New Orleans” chronicles the harrowing work of this committed group of men and women united against the odds to protect their city and home. In each episode, the team will be faced with a new case and tasked with putting together the evidence to catch the perpetrator, find answers for the victims loved ones, and keep their community safe.