
Sensacija 2006


Magija, žmogžudystė, paslaptis ir meilė. Šie keturi ingridientai bet kokį gandą gali paversti sensacinga istorija. Viešėdama pas Londone gyvenančius tėvus žurnalistikos studentė nepraleidžia progos pamatyti pasaulinio garso fokusininko Sido Watermano pasirodymą, kurio metu jai pačiai tenka užlipti ant scenos ir sudalyvauti viename numeryje. Kaip tik tą akimirką suveikia magiški burtai ir Sondra prieš save pamato žiauriai nužudyto žurnalisto vaiduoklį, kuris jai suteikia ypač intriguojančios informacijos, kad mieste siautėjantis serijinis žudikas ir visuomenėje pripažintas turtingasis aristokratas Peteris Lymanas galbūt yra tas pats asmuo. Jeigu gandais paremti faktai pasitvirtintų, tai būtų sensacingiausia istorija visame pasaulyje. Mergina ryžtasi viską išsiaiškinti ir kartu su Sidu Watermanu pradeda detektyvinį tyrimą. Pasinaudodama savo seksualumu ir moteriškais kerais ji sugeba suvilioti simpatingą vyrą, nors puikiai supranta, kad dažni susitikimai gali būti labai pavojingi.


Prosecuting Evil with Kelly Siegler

Prosecuting Evil with Kelly Siegler 2023


A true-crime series examining the most shocking murder investigations and toughest trials in Texas history - all told with Kelly's unique insight and unparalleled access. As Chief of Special Crimes in the busiest courthouse in the Lone Star state, Kelly Siegler battled to get killers into courtrooms to face their formidable defense attorneys. With her own firsthand accounts, alongside investigators and victims' families, Kelly reveals what really happened beyond the newspaper headlines to bring Texas-style justice.


Blood & Money

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From television's most prolific crime storyteller Dick Wolf, comes a new series where each episode chronicles notorious, ripped-from-the-headlines murder cases and trials motivated by greed.


Pamela Smart: An American Murder Mystery

Pamela Smart: An American Murder Mystery 2018


Sex, lies and a tale too twisted to be real surround the murder of Gregg Smart. Who Killed Him? And why? On May 1, 1990, 22-year-old teacher Pamela Smart finds her husband Gregg dead on the floor of their southern New Hampshire condo, leaving the town of Derry stunned. Scouring the region for clues, police shift their attention to Gregg's grieving widow, Pamela Smart, who has been making curious television appearances publicizing her plight. When investigators discover Pamela has been having a sordid affair with high school student, Billy Flynn, a complicated web of lies and deceit unravel, revealing one of the most scandalous crimes of the century. Now, leading true crime network Investigation Discovery (ID) delves into the case in Pamela Smart: An American Murder Mystery. From the tawdry affair, to teenage assassins, to the explosive nationally televised trial, this case transfixed the entire nation as Pamela Smart emerged as the original Black Widow.