
Švytejimas 1980


Novelistas Jackas Torrance`as tampa Overlook viešbučio prižiūrėtoju aukštai vienišuose Kolorado kalnuose. Būdamas šeimos žmogumi, jis kartu su savimi pasiima ir žmoną bei sūnų. Pradeda dėtis keisti dalykai, kai sūnus Danny`s pamato baisius paveisklus varomus jėga, vadinama "švytėjimu". Tai labai paveikia Jack`o psichiką. Praradęs kūrybinį įkvėpimą ir medžiojamas viešbučio demonų, jis patiria psichologinį lūžį. Įvykiai pakrypsta į dar blogesnę pusę.


Absoliutus liūdesys

Absoliutus liūdesys 1998


Perfect Blue - vienas pirmųjų Japonų "šyzovos" animacijos meistro Satoši Kon režisuotų filmų. Istorija pasakoja apie jauną perspektyvios pop grupės dainininkę Kirigoe Mima, kuri nusprendė mesti daininikės karjerą ir išmėginti jėgas aktorystės srityje. Mimos gyvenimas apsiverčia, kai jai tenka žudynių apsuptos, išprievartautos merginos vaidmuo mistiniame televizijos detektyve. Realybė mimos gyvenime persipina su haliucinacijomis ir ji palaipsniui ima netekti sveiko proto. Istorija kuriama gan greitu tempu Satoši Kon būdingu stiliumi, kur sunku suprasti, kas yra tikra, o kas - ne. Realumas ir haliucinacijos virsta į bauginantį pasaulį, kur nekaltybė yra prarandama ir sapnai pavirsta į košmarą.



Pi 1998


Maksas - matematikos genijus, daugelį metų besistengiantis rasti ir iššifruoti skaitmeninį kodą, pagal kurį kinta visų biržų akcijų kursai. Artėjant prie šio tikslo, pasaulis aplink Maksą pamažu virsta košmaru - jį persekioja galingi Wall Street'o biržų analitikai bei slaptos Hasidiko kabalistinės religinės sektos fanatikai, pasiryžę nužudyti, kad rastų visatos sukūrimo ir savo senoviškų religinių tekstų kodus.Ant išprotėjimo ribos atsidūręs Maksas turi spręsti, ar sugebės jis suvaldyti galingąsias jėgas, kurias pažadino jo genialusis protas.



Kemonozume 2006


Creatures known as Shokujinki have been secretly living alongside humans for hundreds of years. Though they may look like humans, Shokujinki are able to transform into uncontrollable beasts with gigantic claws and consume humans to survive. The equally secretive Kifuuken dojo specializes in killing Shokujinki by cutting off their arms, and is the only force preventing unchecked Shokujinki domination. Toshihiko Momota, the son of the leader of the Kifuuken, is instantly charmed by a mysterious woman named Yuka Kamitsuki. Their relationship is complicated, however, because unbeknownst to them both, Yuka is a Shokujinki and Toshihiko is sworn to kill her. Meanwhile, the Kifuuken is having a crisis of confidence as Toshihiko's brother Kazuma pushes against tradition and tries to modernize the Kifuuken. As emotions are strained and the secrets of both the past and present are revealed, who will live, and who will be eaten?


Paranoia Agent

Paranoia Agent 2004


Musashino, Tokyo. An elementary schooler repeatedly attacks people in the streets. Known only to the public as "Lil Slugger", none of the victims can recall the young boy's face and only three distinct details are left in their memories: golden inline skates, a baseball cap, and the weapon: a bent golden baseball bat. Detectives Ikari and Maniwa set out to track down the perpetrator and put an end to his crimes.


Boogiepop and Others

Boogiepop and Others 2019


There is an urban legend that tells of a shinigami that can release people from the pain they are suffering. This "Angel of Death" has a name—Boogiepop. And the legends are true. Boogiepop is real. When a rash of disappearances involving female students breaks out at Shinyo Academy, the police and faculty assume they just have a bunch of runaways on their hands. Yet some students know better. Something mysterious and foul is afoot. Is it Boogiepop or something even more sinister...?


Yurikuma Arashi

Yurikuma Arashi 2015


Humans have created a Wall of Severance to separate themselves from the bears, who grew violent and attacked humans after a far-off planet known as Kumalia exploded many years ago, turning into a meteor shower that fell upon earth. Two bears, Ginko Yurishiro and Lulu Yurigasaki, sneak through the Wall of Severance and disguise themselves as humans, enrolling in Arashigaoka Academy and taking an interest in Kureha Tsubaki, a human girl who despises bears.



Kaiba 2008


In a world where memories can be stored like computer data, a young man named Kaiba searches for his lost memories and discovers a connection with a mysterious girl.



Uzumaki 2024


Kirie tries to escape from her town Kurouzu-cho, where the residents get obsessed with spirals due to an unexplained curse.


Out 1

Out 1 1971


Following the May 1968 civil unrest in France, a deaf-mute and a con artist simultaneously stumble upon the remnants of a secret society.