Atgal į ateitį

Atgal į ateitį 1985


Paprastas paauglys Martis iš 80-ųjų atsitiktinai perkeliamas į 1955 metus plutonijumi varoma DeLorean laiko mašina, išrasta kiek pakvaišusio mokslininko. Marčio užduotis prieš grįžtant į savo laikmetį - "priversti" įsimylėti savo būsimuosius tėvus, kad neįvyktų ateities pakitimų.


Iš vabalų gyvenimo

Iš vabalų gyvenimo 1998


Animacinis filmas, sukurtas „Žaislų istorijos” režisieriaus Johno Lasseterio. Saloje gyvenanti skruzdėlių kolonija kasmet turi atiduoti duoklę – dalį maisto atsargų banditams – laumžirgių gaujai. Tačiau kartą dėl išradėjo Fliko kaltės duoklė buvo sunaikinta. Banditai įsiutę, o iš salos ištremtas Flikas vyksta ieškoti galingų sąjungininkų, tačiau sutinka skraidanti cirką. Ar ekscentriški menininkai nugalės nusikaltėlius?



Viesulas 1996


Bilis vyksta pas Džo, kad ši pasirašytų skyrybų dokumentus ir jis galėtų vesti savo naująją draugę Melisą. Tačiau Džo aptinka rekordinių tornadų telkinį, tad Bilis pradeda dirbti su žmona. Prasideda galingas viesulas: namai byra į gabalus, ore skraido karvės ir traktoriai... Bilas jau nebenori skirtis su Džo. Jis nori padėti jai sukurti naują technologiją, kuri padėtų žmonėms kovoti su vienu smarkiausių gamtos gaivalų - tornadais. Jiedu siekia sukurti sistemą, kuri geriau įspėtų apie gresiantį pavojų.


Kaip Diena ir Naktis

Kaip Diena ir Naktis 2010


Paprasta mergina Džiunė oro uoste prasilenkdama užkliudo nepažįstamą vaikiną. Atsiprašydama ji net nenutuokia, kaip smarkiai tas vaikinas pakeis jos gyvenimą. Ir visai ne romantiška prasme, kaip galbūt Džiunei, vykstančiai į jaunesnės sesers vestuves, norėtųsi. Jos gyvenimas pasuks tokia vaga, apie kokią mergina ne tik kad niekad nesvajojo... Maža to, ji net neįsivaizduoja, kad taip gali būti apskritai. Vaikinas, vardu Milneris , prisistato besąs specialusis agentas.


Modernūs laikai

Modernūs laikai 1936


Mažasis Valkata atleistas iš darbo, nes jo vieton pastatyta mechaninė mašina. Dabar, kai pasaulį purto didžioji depresija, jis prisijungia prie milijoninės bedarbių minios.


Pramuštgalviai Paryžiuje

Pramuštgalviai Paryžiuje 2000


Pramuštgalviai kartu su šeima išvyksta atostogauti į Paryžių. Kelionę apkartina pasirodžiusi itin valdinga, vaikų nekenčianti verslininkė, su kuria tėvas Stju ketina susituokti! Kaip pramuštgalviams seksis atgrasyti Stju nuo vedybų?



Kronos 1993


Paslaptingas alchemiko sukurtas prietaisas, suteikiantis jo naudotojui amžinąjį gyvenimą, prabėgus keturiems šimtmečiams, netikėtai atsiranda, atnešdamas tik pragaištį.



Beiskrepšis 1998


Du draugeliai – tikri slunkiai, staiga sukuria naują žaidimą. Jie žaidžia nepaprastą krepšinį – vienam metant kamuolį, kitas gali visaip maivytis, tyčiotis iš priešininko ir kitaip jam trukdyti. Naujoji sporto šaka netrukus taip išpopuliarėja, kad visa Amerika dėl jo kraustosi iš proto. Du draugeliai tampa ne tik turtuoliais, bet ir profesionaliais sportininkais. Jų komandai nėra lygių. Deja, visas kortas sumaišo godus klubo savininkas...


Modern Marvels

Modern Marvels 1993


HISTORY’s longest-running series moves to H2. Modern Marvels celebrates the ingenuity, invention and imagination found in the world around us. From commonplace items like ink and coffee to architectural masterpieces and engineering disasters, the hit series goes beyond the basics to provide insight and history into things we wonder about and that impact our lives. This series tells fascinating stories of the doers, the dreamers and sometime-schemers that create everyday items, technological breakthroughs and manmade wonders. The hit series goes deep to explore the leading edge of human inspiration and ambition.


Shark Tank

Shark Tank 2009


Aspiring entrepreneurs pitch various business ideas to "The Sharks" -- tough, self-made, multi-millionaire and billionaire tycoons -- in hopes of landing an investment.


How Clumsy you are, Miss Ueno.

How Clumsy you are, Miss Ueno. 2019


Ueno may be the president of the science club at her junior high and a genius inventor, but she still can’t figure out how to confess to her crush, Tanaka! Can she find a way to give her heart what it truly yearns for?


Kardeş Payı

Kardeş Payı 2014


The show is about two brothers and a sister. The two brothers have a plumbing company and they are trying to invent something that would make the world a better place.


Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum

Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum 1994


Nino is a 300-year-old boy who lives with his uncle, Dr. Victor, a sorcerer and scientist, and his great-aunt Morgana, a 6,000-year-old witch. The three of them live in a castle in the middle of the city of São Paulo. Apprentice sorcerer, Nino has never attended a school, because of the unusual age of 300 years. His parents left him living with Victor and Morgan, because they needed to travel on an expedition into outer space, taking their two younger brothers. In spite of having animal and supernatural friends in the Castle, Nino, feeling lack of friends like him, decides to do a spell he learned with his Uncle Victor, and ended up bringing to the Castle, three children who had just left school. Free of loneliness, Nino receives the visit of the three daily.



Lucy 2022


Senya, the creator of the Lucy smart column, experiments with algorithms, discussing personal topics, family, and people around with Lucy, and tries to make her as human as possible. Lucy quickly becomes something much more than just a column - she turns out to be the only one to whom Senya can entrust her experiences, problems and reflections. Only she knows about all the problems that Senya's daughters faced at school, and only with her does he share his feelings about his relationship with his wife. A smart column helps a man to survive public humiliation in front of the whole family, find the son of the deputy who arranged this humiliation, and cope with the consequences of the irreparable act that Senya committed.


Japan's Top Inventions

Japan's Top Inventions 2018


Japanese inventions are used and loved around the world. Through interviews and reenactments, go behind the scenes and discover how Japanese craftsmanship brought these top inventions into being.


Wallace & Gromit's World of Invention

Wallace & Gromit's World of Invention 2010


In the series, "Wallace will take a light hearted and humorous look at the real-life inventors, contraptions, gadgets and inventions, with the silent help of Gromit. The series aims to inspire a whole new generation of innovative minds by showing them real, but mind-boggling, machines and inventions from around the world that have influenced his illustrious inventing career" (the BBC press statement). Peter Sallis reprised his role as the voice of Wallace. The filmed inserts are mostly narrated by Ashley Jensen, with one in each episode presented in-vision by Jem Stansfield. John Sparkes also voices a portion in the unseen character of archivist Goronwy.


The Secret Life of Machines

The Secret Life of Machines 1988


The Secret Life of Machines is an educational television series presented by Tim Hunkin and Rex Garrod, in which the two explain the inner workings and history of common household and office machinery. According to Hunkin, the show's creator, the programme was developed from his comic strip The Rudiments of Wisdom, which he researched and drew for the Observer newspaper over a period of 14 years. Three separate groupings of the broadcast were produced and originally shown between 1988 and 1993 on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom, with the production subsequently airing on The Learning Channel and the Discovery Channel.


The Great List of Everything

The Great List of Everything 2020


Based on a French-language comic book, the web series features artists Cathon and Iris—two curious, quirky, and imaginative young women.


Shop Class

Shop Class 2020


Youthful ingenuity is on display in this new competition series that features teams of inventive students tasked with designing, building, and testing new contraptions to vie for the title of Shop Class Champs. In each episode, they’ll present their work to a panel of experts who will rate their projects based on engineering, design, and the final test of the build.


White Rabbit Project

White Rabbit Project 2016


Kari Byron, Tory Belleci and Grant Imahara rank history's greatest inventions, heists and more.


James May's 20th Century

James May's 20th Century 2007


James May takes a look at some of the greatest developments of the 20th century.


Buy It Now

Buy It Now 2024


JB Smoove hosts a business competition where entrepreneurs get 90 seconds to pitch their product to an audience of potential customers: The 100. If The 100 like the product and price, then the entrepreneurs go to a panel of Amazon executives and celebrity entrepreneurs. The panel selects which products join Amazon’s exclusive Buy It Now Store and award one entrepreneur $20,000 each episode.


The Genius of Invention

The Genius of Invention 2013


Every time we switch on a light or boil a kettle we rely on power - but most people don't stop to think about the inventions and discoveries that allow us to live the way we do. In an exciting new four-part series for BBC Two, The Genius of Invention reveals the fascinating chain of events behind inventions that make everyday life possible.


Dragons' Den: On Tour

Dragons' Den: On Tour 2009


The Dragons tour the UK to find out what happened next to their investments


Britain's Next Big Thing

Britain's Next Big Thing 2011


A series in which the buying teams of three high street giants ask members of the public to supply them with the next bestselling product.