Lūšnyno milijonierius

Lūšnyno milijonierius 2008


Aštuoniolikmetis Džamalis Malikas dalyvauja indiškoje „Kas nori tapti milijonieriumi?“ žaidimo versijoje. Nuo didžiojo prizo jį skiria tik vienas klausimas, į kurį jis privalo atsakyti teisingai. Sulaikiusi kvapą žaidimą stebi visa Indija. Tačiau kai kuriems žiūrovams (ir ne tik jiems) kyla klausimas, kaip Džamaliui, kuris pats prisipažino, jog nėra proto bokštas, o be to užaugo Mumbajaus lūšnynuose, kur išsilavinimas yra tokia retenybė kaip lietus Sacharoj, pavyko tiek daug pasiekti. Juk atsakinėdami į klausimus suklupo ne vienas kur kas labiau išsilavinęs ir protingesnis dalyvis. Ar Džamalis sukčiauja? O gal jam tiesiog pasisekė, kad žaidimo vedantieji užduoda klausimus, kurių atsakymus jis žino? Džamalis sukelia nemažai įtarimų ir jis galiausiai atsiduria už grotų. Vaikinas norėdamas įrodyti, jog yra nekaltas, ima pasakoti savo gyvenimo istoriją. Neįtikėtiną ir nepaprastą istoriją, kuri atvedė jį į televizijos žaidimą, o vėliau ir į apklausų kambarį.



Viktorina 1994


Jaunas advokatas, Ričardas Gudvinas, tiria galimai suklastotą viktoriną. Laidos laimėtojas, Čarlis Van Dorenas, atsiduria Gudvino tyrimo centre.


Alioša Popovičius ir Slibinas Tugorius

Alioša Popovičius ir Slibinas Tugorius 2004


Piktadariai tugoriai pagrobia Rostovo gyventojų surinktą duoklę, tad karžygiui Aliošai Popovičiui tenka keliauti ieškoti atimto aukso, atsikovoti savo gerą vardą bei išginti iš rusų žemės slibiną Tugorių.Šią nelengvą užduotį atlikti jam padeda žirgas Julijus Cezaris, be galo plepus ir šiek tiek bailokas, gražuolė Liubava, tėvukas ir bobulė bei asilėlis Moisejus. Keliaujant Aliošai su draugais reikia įveikti daugybę kliūčių.


All Against All

All Against All 2019


Filip Hammar and Fredrik Wikingsson put the general knowledge of popular celebrities to the test - with a brand new twist.



Jeopardy! 1984


America's favorite quiz show where contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the form of answers, and must phrase their responses in question form.


The Finish Line

The Finish Line 2023


The more you know, the further you go. Knowledge equals speed as contestants battle it out to reach the finish line first. Action-packed quiz fun with Roman Kemp and Sarah Greene.


University Challenge

University Challenge 1962


Academic quiz show where teams of students from UK universities answer questions on all manner of subjects.



Mastermind 1972


Mastermind is a British quiz show, well known for its challenging questions, intimidating setting and air of seriousness. Devised by Bill Wright, the basic format of Mastermind has never changed — four and in later contests five contestants face two rounds, one on a specialised subject of the contestant's choice, the other a general knowledge round. Wright drew inspiration from his experiences of being interrogated by the Gestapo during World War II. The atmosphere is helped by Mastermind's famously ominous theme music, "Approaching Menace" by the British composer Neil Richardson. The quiz programme originated and was recorded in Manchester at studios such as New Broadcasting House and Granada Studios, before permanently moving to MediaCityUK in 2011.


The Floor

The Floor 2024


A spectacular battle of the brains quiz show in which 81 contestants stand on 81 squares on a massive game show floor, competing for a whopping $250,000 prize.


Have I Got News for You

Have I Got News for You 1990


Hilarious, totally-irreverent, near-slanderous political quiz show, based mainly on news stories from the last week or so, that leaves no party, personality or action unscathed in pursuit of laughs.



QI 2003


Comedy quiz show full of quirky facts, in which contestants are rewarded more if their answers are 'quite interesting'.


You Quiz On The Block

You Quiz On The Block 2018


Yoo Jae-suk and Jo Se-ho who enter ordinary people's everyday lives, chat with them, and give them surprise quizzes! The talk and quiz show program will spotlight these people's lives and aims to gift them a refreshing, different kind of day. Recently they're also inviting celebrities & professionals to the show.


The Chase

The Chase 2009


The Chase isn’t just a quiz… it’s a race, where the players must ensure they stay one step ahead of ‘The Chaser’, a ruthless quiz genius determined to stop them winning at all costs.


Pop Culture Jeopardy!

Pop Culture Jeopardy! 2024


Eighty-one teams of three compete in the first ever Pop Culture Jeopardy! tournament for the grand prize of $300,000 and ultimate bragging rights.


Pointless Celebrities

Pointless Celebrities 2011


Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman present a celebrity version of the general knowledge quiz in which contestants try to come up with the answers that nobody else could think of.


Celebrity Jeopardy!

Celebrity Jeopardy! 2022


Celebrity contestants compete for a chance to win money for a charity of their choice.


The Match Game

The Match Game 1962


In this panel game show, contestants try to match answers given by six celebrities to humorous and often risque fill-in-the-blank questions.


Big Fat Quiz

Big Fat Quiz 2004


Presenter Jimmy Carr oversees a panel of top-name celebrities in this year end quiz show where they compete to see who can answer the most questions correctly.


A League of Their Own

A League of Their Own 2010


Two teams comprised of comedians, celebrities and sports stars compete against each other in a test of their sporting knowledge, taking place over three rounds.


Saber y Ganar

Saber y Ganar 1997


Saber y ganar, the cultural quiz show of "La 2" hosted by Jordi Hurtado, has celebrated sixteen years on the air, thus becoming the daily program with a longer running time in the history of Spanish television. During the show's thirty-minute duration three contestants compete in different tests where they have to answer trivia-like questions, putting their mental, reasoning and memory abilities to the test. Most of the questions have a moderate level of difficulty and are spread over six different games: "Cada sabio con su tema", where each contestant answer questions about a given topic of their choice; "La pregunta caliente", where contestants must answer random questions; "El duelo", where two contestants answer questions about a topic that changes daily; "La parte por el todo", where the contestants must figure out what an image, piece of text or piece of music belong to; "La calculadora humana", where the contestant with the second highest score must answer fifteen basic arithmetic operations in 50 seconds in order to keep his/her earnings for the day; and finally "El reto", where the contestant with the least score has to figure out seven words from their root and definition in order to remain in the game. If the contestant loses the "El Reto", a new individual will be chosen to replace him/her the next episode.


Na lovu

Na lovu 2021


Na Lovu is a Czech game-show, based on the license of the popular global format The Chase. A heart-racing quiz show where four competitors must pit their wits and face off against Lovec (the Chaser), a ruthless quiz genius determined to stop them from winning cash prizes.