Rahel Kapsaski Strippers from beyond the grave Sprzedawcy Ery Cudów It Came from Dimension X Spidarlings Films Confiscated from a French Brothel My Head Hurts Trashtastic Soul Looting Awkward Meeting Baker Street Live Alice and the Last Lottery Waxhouse Rock An Evening of Troma-tainment with Lloyd Kaufman Grindsploitation 4: Meltsploitation Bundy and the Green River Killer Fibro and the New Me Robert Reborn The Moon is a Hologram Mephisto's House of Ill Repute Mephisto's House of Ill Repute Mephisto's House of Ill Repute The Red Lips of the Octopus The Red Lips of the Octopus The Red Lips of the Octopus The Red Lips of the Octopus Spidarlings Films Confiscated from a French Brothel Waxhouse Rock Scuttlers Kawaii Kawaii Kawaii The Moon is a Hologram The Moon is a Hologram Laganja's Dance School Curse of the Black Shuck Curse of the Black Shuck Curse of the Black Shuck Curse of the Black Shuck Curse of the Black Shuck