Kelly Wagner Love Wrecked The Power of Few Stay Cool Hostel: Part II Rise: Blood Hunter Pagieža 2 Trikampis The Messengers Adrenalinas 2 The Burrowers 30 tamsos dienų: Tamsos dienos The Double John Dies at the End Šėtonas Manyje Spin Psych:9 The Midnight Meat Train 1 Out of 7 Pagieža Praleistas skambutis Pathology Nakvynės namai: Trečia dalis Hurt Grybai Lemtingas posūkis 2: Kelio pabaiga Creature Alien Abduction Flight 7500 Beneath The Power of Few Žmogžudystės pagal abėcėlę Love Wrecked Open Water 2: Adrift Stiklo namai 2: Geroji Motina Haeckel's Tale Kanibalai Insanitarium Quarantine 2: Terminal Mirties motelis 2: Pirmasis kirtis Pet Nakvynės namai The Exorcism of Emily Rose Vilkolakis Border Run Grace Jenifer Angel Camouflaged The End of Love Aftershock Shark Night 3D National Lampoon's The Legend of Awesomest Maximus Melvin Smarty The Power of Few Age of the Dragons