Ann Roth Barbė Midnight Men - A John Schlesinger & Michael Childers Story Women He's Undressed Deconstructing 'The Village' Ma Rainey's Black Bottom: A Legacy Brought to Screen Still Working 9 to 5 Anglas ligonis Talentingasis misteris Riplis Klute The Hours Šaltasis kalnas Kol esame jauni The Owl and the Pussycat Working Girl Paslaptis Iš praeities Skaitovas Silkwood Stepfordo moterys Gabalėlis dangaus Freedomland Heartburn Margot at the Wedding Only When I Laugh The Goodbye Girl The World According to Garp The Nance Enemies The People Next Door Postcards from the Edge Patikimas Piemuo Pažinti Foresterį Ženklai They Might Be Giants Kaimas Profas Last Night A Stranger Among Us The Seagull The Island Sweet Dreams Triušio urvas Harvey California Suite The Snoop Sisters Lullaby Iš kokios tu planetos? Primary Colors The Out-of-Towners Everybody Wins Ten ir atgal Maratonininkas Baltasis triukšmas Consenting Adults The Mambo Kings Įtikinamas Motyvas School Ties Someone Like You... Crazy Joe Wit Vilkas Sabrina Denis – grėsmė visuomenei Mirtina žmogžudystė The Slugger's Wife Biloksio bliuzas Her Alibi Closer Q & A Funny Farm Shadow of the Blair Witch Burnt Offerings Dressed to Kill Pretty Poison The Yellow Birds Drum Mandingo Apgultis Abejonė Ar tu čia, Dieve? Tai aš, Margaret Vidurnakčio kaubojus Pabandom iš Naujo Law and Disorder Kol laukiau tavęs Places in the Heart The World of Henry Orient Up the Down Staircase Neįveikiamieji Regarding Henry Sweet November Valstybės paslaptis Coming Home The Pursuit of Happiness Mergina traukiny What Just Happened Honky Tonk Freeway Tesės asmens sargybinis Nine to Five Maxie Julie ir Julia The Resident Pono Poperio pingvinai Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Pacific Heights The Valachi Papers Family Business Roko karalienė Ma Rainey's Black Bottom The Bonfire of the Vanities Skiriamoji Juosta Hair The Day of the Locust Mirtini santykiai The Humans The Morning After Before and After Jenny A Fine Madness The House of Blue Leaves Stars & Bars Second-Hand Hearts The Happy Hooker Rollover Adaptacija Mamma Mia! Narvelis All the Way Home They're Playing Our Song Ella McCay The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars