Mark Sandrich Top Hat Shall We Dance The Gay Divorcee Follow the Fleet Holiday Inn Holiday Inn Carefree Here Come the Waves Here Come the Waves Buck Benny Rides Again Buck Benny Rides Again Melody Cruise Cockeyed Cavaliers Skylark Skylark A Woman Rebels Hips, Hips, Hooray! So Proudly We Hail The Iceman's Ball A Lady Lion Love Thy Neighbor Love Thy Neighbor Hello Sailor The Gay Nighties Scratch-As-Catch-Can A Slip at the Switch So This Is Harris! Aggie Appleby, Maker of Men Man About Town I Love a Soldier The Talk of Hollywood The Iceman's Ball Moonlight and Monkey Business Moonlight and Monkey Business Hold 'Em Jail Melody Cruise The Druggist's Dilemma General Ginsberg General Ginsberg So This Is Harris! Sightseeing in New York Sightseeing in New York The Movie Hound Sword Points Jerry the Giant Monty of the Mounted So Proudly We Hail The Gay Nighties False Roomers Jitters the Butler Napoleon, Jr. A Midsummer Night's Steam Runaway Girls