
猩球崛起 2011


 《猩球崛起》以深入浅出的故事探讨人类文明与科技进化之间的冲突。    故事的背景设在现代的旧金山,基因科学家威尔-罗德曼(詹姆斯·弗兰克饰)为了治疗人类神经萎缩类疾病研发了一种药品,可以治疗老年痴呆一类的病症,新药在黑猩猩身上做实验时,发 电影海报(17张)现可以大幅度提高其智力,症状眼睛变为绿色,智力达到人类水平,这只试验成功的黑猩猩生下小猩猩后,为了保护其子母性爆发,袭击了工作人员而被射杀。其后研究所被迫对剩下所有黑猩猩进行了安乐死。为了救新生的小猩猩,威尔收养了他并起名凯撒(安迪·瑟金斯饰),在喂养凯撒过程中,因治疗猩猩的伤,威尔-罗德曼遇上了动物学家凯洛琳(芙蕾达·托饰)并相恋。   凯撒因为遗传其母的基因,从小就有很高的智慧,同威尔一家人一直幸福的生活着,直到在一次误伤人类之后,凯撒被迫与威尔分离,并被送进了看护所。在那里他受到了无情的对待,继而开始对人类产生敌意。有着高智慧的凯撒不但顺利逃离了看护所,且救走了同被囚禁的人猿。而此时已经证明这个药品对人类是不可医治的病毒,但是对猩猩无害而且能大幅提高其智慧,病毒已经开始传播,形势在逆转,一场不得不与人类对立的战争即将开始,浩劫的最后的胜负,将决定全世界生存的未来!



Ape 1976



Planet of the Apes

Planet of the Apes 1974


Two astronauts and a sympathetic chimp friend are fugitives in a future Earth dominated by a civilization of humanoid apes. Based on the 1968 Planet of the Apes film and its sequels, which were inspired by the novel of the same name by Pierre Boulle.



Telecat 1983


Created by French surrealist artist Roland Topor and director Henri Xhonneux, Telecat is a news show parody hosted by a tomcat named Groucha (who always had his arm in plaster) and an ostrich named Lola. It featured a variety of sentient objects and revolved around the idea that the real-life elementary particles known as gluons were “the souls of objects”.


Monkey Life

Monkey Life 2007


Monkey Life was created in 2006 and has continuously documented the work of Dr. Alison Cronin, MBE and her team at Monkey World; Ape Rescue Centre. Filmed at Monkey World in Dorset, Monkey Life follows the rescue and rehabilitation of abused and neglected primates. Many have mental as well as physical problems so the Primate Care Staff treat their individual needs until they can be reintegrated with primates of their own kind. The primates at the park range from apes, who were taken from the wild as babies and used as photographers props on Spanish beaches to monkeys, many of which were rescued from the UK pet trade. With unparalleled access Monkey World's dedicated team are filmed dealing with medical emergencies, primate moves, births and sometimes heart-breaking decisions. We follow Dr. Alison Cronin, MBE around the globe as she continues the park's mission to rescue abused primates. Monkey Life documents the daily life and drama of the world’s largest primate rescue centre.



Primates 2020


A celebration of the animals you thought you knew. Primates is the definitive portrait of a hugely charismatic family of animals, to which we all belong.


Monkey Business

Monkey Business 1997


Monkey Business is a long-running TV series about the exploits of various primates who reside at Monkey World, a rescue centre and sanctuary for primates in Dorset, United Kingdom. The series features Jim and Dr. Alison Cronin, directors of Monkey World, as they travel around the world rescuing primates from lives of abuse, and returning them to Monkey World. Their goal is to rehabilitate the rescued primates and allow them to live in as natural a habitat as possible, being part of a group and living with friends of their own kind.


Among the Apes

Among the Apes 2009


Among The Apes gets up close and personal to four of the best known primate species. It features three apes -mountain gorillas, orang-utans and chimpanzees - and baboons, a monkey species living in the woody and grassy African habitats similar to the home of early man.


The Legend of King Kong

The Legend of King Kong 2022


You think you know Kong? Think again. Explore the wonders of Skull Island with over 30 interviews compiled by director Tom Grove. With a run time of 250 minutes, this docu-series goes into detail about every aspect of Kong’s cinematic history.