Господарот на прстените: Враќањето на кралот

Господарот на прстените: Враќањето на кралот 2003


Во расплетот на епското ремек-дело на Толкин, „Господарот на прстените“, додека војските се собираат за конечната битка што ќе ја одреди судбината на светот, а моќните древни сили на Светлината и Темнината се натпреваруваат да го одредат исходот, еден член на Дружината на прстените станува благороднички наследник на тронот на Кралевите на Луѓето. Целата надеж за триумф врз злото лежи во храбриот хобит Фродо, кој придружуван само од својот верен пријател Сем и одвратниот злобен Голум, навлегува длабоко во мрачното срце на Мордор во оваа навидум невозможна мисија да го уништи Прстенот на Моќта.


Господарот на прстените: Двете кули

Господарот на прстените: Двете кули 2002


Во вториот дел на трилогијата на Толкин, Фродо Багинс и другите членови на Дружината ја продолжуваат нивната света мисија да го уништат Единствениот прстен, но по различни патишта. Нивните судбини лежат во двете кули - кулата Ортанк во Исенгард, каде што чека корумпираниот волжебник Саруман и тврдината на Саурон во Барад-дур, длабоко во мрачните земји на Мордор.


Боречки клуб

Боречки клуб 1999


Млад службеник е уморен од својата кариера и заедно со својот пријател Тајлер Дурден формира нов клуб каде што мажи се ослободуваат од своите фрустрации тепајќи се меѓусебно.



Fear 1996



Rosario + Vampire

Rosario + Vampire 2008


An ordinary high school boy fails to get into any private academy except one — which happens to be populated by supernatural creatures disguised as humans. To survive, he has to pretend that he is one of them and blend in.


Elfen Lied

Elfen Lied 2004


The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet...


Kill Me, Heal Me

Kill Me, Heal Me 2015


A business mogul's grandson, who has 7 personalities, and a female physician who becomes his secret doctor.



Sybil 1976


A young woman whose childhood was so harrowing to her that she developed at least 13 different personalities.



Jekyll 2007


Tom Jackman is learning to cope with his alter ego, the dark and mysterious Hyde, who threatens his life and family. They also have to live in the same body while on the run from a mysterious organization that is hunting them.


Jekyll and Hyde

Jekyll and Hyde 2015


Inspired by the original novella by Robert Louis Stevenson, Jekyll and Hyde is set in 1930s London and follows Robert Jekyll, the grandson of Henry Jekyll, on his quest to discover his real identity, his true family history and the nature of his ‘curse’ – which his foster father, Dr Vishal Najaran, is controlling with medication. His journey takes him into a dark and unforgiving place, as his alter ego seems capable of anything. At the same time there are shadowy forces trying to find Jekyll and the source of his powers.


Amazing Twins

Amazing Twins 2014


Amane Todoroki is a young girl who is straightforward but also unthinking. She will try her very best in everything and say, "I don't know how to answer you if you ask me whether this can be done. I just believe it can. If not, then nothing will get started!" She easily gets stuck in her thinking, but she can also get easily moved at something small and start crying.