Euphoria (FILM) is a gripping teen drama directed by Sam Levinson. The film follows Rue Bennett (Zendaya), a recovering teenage drug addict trying to navigate life, love, and identity in a chaotic suburban world. Through her perspective, the story delves into intense themes like addiction, mental health, sexuality, and the pressures of social media. With a cast of complex characters—including Jules (Hunter Schafer), a trans girl seeking belonging, and Nate (Jacob Elordi), a volatile jock hiding dark secrets—**Euphoria** explores the raw struggles of adolescence. Known for its striking visuals, emotional depth, and an electrifying soundtrack, it’s a haunting and visually stunning portrait of modern youth.
Title | Euphoria |
Year | 2019 |
Genre | Drama |
Country | |
Studio | |
Cast | Zendaya, Hunter Schafer, Jacob Elordi, Sydney Sweeney, Alexa Demie |
Crew | Sam Levinson (Writer), Sam Levinson (Director) |
Keyword | |
Release | Jun 16, 2019 |
Runtime | 140 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 0.00 / 10 by 0 users |
Popularity | 0 |
Budget | 50,000,000 |
Revenue | 300,000,000 |
Language |