Japanese history explodes across the screen in the life story of Hitokiri Nakamura Hanjiro, one of the great heroes of the Meiji Restoration. From his earliest beginnings as a country samurai raising sweet potatoes whose exceptional sword skills impressed Saigo...
Title | Hanjiro |
Year | 2010 |
Genre | Action, Drama, Adventure |
Country | Japan |
Studio | P's international Co.,ltd. |
Cast | Takaaki Enoki, Miho Shiraishi, Ginjirou, Akira, Kanji Tsuda, Shinobu Sakagami |
Crew | Shō Igarashi (Director), Toshiharu Maruuchi (Screenplay), Naoko Nishida (Screenplay), Yoshitaka Sakamoto (Director of Photography), Akimasa Kawashima (Editor), Noriyoshi Ikeya (Art Direction) |
Keyword | |
Release | Oct 09, 2010 |
Runtime | 121 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 7.00 / 10 by 1 users |
Popularity | 2 |
Budget | 0 |
Revenue | 0 |
Language | 日本語 |