Set in Hokkaido, revolving around an ex-convict named Shima Yusaku (Abe) who has just been released from prison. Along with two young strangers that he meets, he sets out on a journey back to where his wife is, uncertain of what awaits him. Horikita Maki (22) and Hamada Gaku (23) will play the two strangers (originally played by Momoi Kaori and Takeda Tetsuya), while Natsukawa Yui will play the wife (originally Baisho Chieko).
Title | The Yellow Handkerchief |
Year | 2011 |
Genre | TV Movie, Drama |
Country | Japan |
Studio | |
Cast | Hiroshi Abe, Maki Horikita, Gaku Hamada, Yui Natsukawa, Ken'ichi Endô |
Crew | Yoji Yamada (Writer), Pete Hamill (Short Story), Junichi Sasaki (Producer) |
Keyword | |
Release | Oct 10, 2011 |
Runtime | 112 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 7.30 / 10 by 3 users |
Popularity | 1 |
Budget | 0 |
Revenue | 0 |
Language | 日本語 |