Roman Kroitor 21-87 Le direct avant la lettre The Reality Trip Hail Columbia! City of Gold Universe The Baymen Paul Tomkowicz: Street Railway Switchman Little White Crimes Nose and Tina Country Threshing The End of the Line In the Labyrinth The Back-breaking Leaf Nobody Waved Goodbye The Days Before Christmas The Days Before Christmas The Cars in Your Life Blood and Fire Festival in Puerto Rico Lonely Boy Emergency Ward Festival in Puerto Rico A Foreign Language Festival in Puerto Rico Police Pilgrimage Glenn Gould: Off the Record Glenn Gould: Off the Record Lonely Boy Glenn Gould: On the Record Glenn Gould: On the Record Stravinsky Stravinsky Paul Tomkowicz: Street Railway Switchman Paul Tomkowicz: Street Railway Switchman Paul Tomkowicz: Street Railway Switchman Universe Age of the Beaver Age of the Beaver Tiger Child The Living Machine Hold the Ketchup Toronto Jazz The Red Dress The Days of Whisky Gap Twice Upon a Time Man Belongs to the Earth CyberWorld North of Superior Margaret Laurence, First Lady of Manawaka Memory of Summer So Long To Run Challenger: An Industrial Romance Hold the Ketchup It's a Crime We Are Born of Stars The Hutterites We Are Born of Stars Rescue Party Flora: Scenes from a Leadership Convention Bravery in the Field Bravery in the Field First Winter